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New Mascot search for University of North Dakota

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  • New Mascot search for University of North Dakota

    Similar to Bradley, UND has been subject to having to change their nickname due to the restrictions put into place with Native American imagery and symbols. They are currently undergoing a public survey to identify potential replacements.

    They just published the final list of names they are taking into consideration. Hilariously, they have also published the non-consideration list, which has made for some incredible reading. I encourage you all to go here and get a nice laugh.

    Also, it's funny to find some of the ones that apparently slipped through the screening process and are on the final consideration list. Such as:

    2's Not only does Grand Forks smell like #2, but UND takes #2's in all big game situations.
    Walk on, Walk on
    With hope in your hearts,
    and You'll Never Walk Alone

  • #2
    I wonder what they didn't like about AnalFissures?
    Larry Bird
    I've got a theory that if you give 100 percent all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.


    • #3
      I expect some nickname that starts with "A" or "B" to be selected because if anyone is asked to vote or name their preference, they would get sick & tired of looking at them all before they'd even scrolled past the A's & B's -

      they have probably killed all interest in this endeavor of choosing a new nickname by listing such a long boring list of inane options


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