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  • Insanity

    To quote Albert Einstein....Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and yet expecting a different result. The actions of The BOT & Doug Stewart seem to fit this definition perfectly!

  • #2
    Wizard, I first started expressing these concerns last summer - that ...

    First - the Board was not watching the finances and was getting caught off guard with horrible financial numbers that were not only unexpected but were also falsified and fooled the Board members.

    Second- that they were derelict in their duties to get rid of the people that were incompetent and hurting Bradley

    Third- that they would dig in even deeper and double down to cover their own *****, and defend the sinking status-quo since they were the very people who hired all those that they'd eventually have to fire.
    Remember that letter back in November where Doug Stewart claimed Bradley was doing just GREAT, better than ever, and that nothing would be done at all until after the season because the poor coach had so many injuries and suspensions that he hadn't actually been able to field his whole team?

    then Fourth- I just knew - and greatly feared they'd rush to start rounding up new candidates and pick new people even though they are already fumbling that plan with background searches of specific candidates being slammed on the front pages, and other names being leaked almost daily.

    I have said since last summer that we need a completely NEW person to come in and take over for these people who define "insanity" just as you have done.


    • #3
      Well stated.

      Thousands of former Bradley fans have already decided to stop buying tickets, stop donating, and stop caring about Bradley basketball. And if those in charge now botch this again, thousands more will take their money elsewhere.

      Not only are donations to Bradley's Athletic Department down tremendously, donations, bequeathments, and estate gifts to the University in general have dropped significantly. A healthy athletic department always results in increased overall giving, but the opposite is also true.
      There has been massive overspending in the Athletic Department has lead to losses that total almost $20 million over the last 3 years, plus losses elsewhere which have resulted in cutbacks, budget decreases, and hiring and capital expenditure freezes worse than the University has ever seen before.

      The Board should be congratulated for getting rid of those who have done so much damage to Bradley, but now is the most critical point in time the university has ever faced.
      If they don't get it right, the rest of us will stop caring.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
        Well stated.

        Thousands of former Bradley fans have already decided to stop buying tickets, stop donating, and stop caring about Bradley basketball. And if those in charge now botch this again, thousands more will take their money elsewhere.

        Not only are donations to Bradley's Athletic Department down tremendously, donations, bequeathments, and estate gifts to the University in general have dropped significantly. A healthy athletic department always results in increased overall giving, but the opposite is also true.
        There has been massive overspending in the Athletic Department has lead to losses that total almost $20 million over the last 3 years, plus losses elsewhere which have resulted in cutbacks, budget decreases, and hiring and capital expenditure freezes worse than the University has ever seen before.

        The Board should be congratulated for getting rid of those who have done so much damage to Bradley, but now is the most critical point in time the university has ever faced.
        If they don't get it right, the rest of us will stop caring.

        Well said, you couldn't have said it better. Is being a member on the Board of Trustees an appointed position? And who appoints those people to the board? And lastly, how are people removed from the board other than from resigning?

        I have felt all along that the Board of Trustees were responsible for the problems at Bradley. Now, it appears they may be on the verge of making the same mistakes. Athletic minded people need to make athletic decisions, academic people need to make academic decisions and financial people need to make financial decisions.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Vent View Post
          Well said, you couldn't have said it better. Is being a member on the Board of Trustees an appointed position? And who appoints those people to the board? And lastly, how are people removed from the board other than from resigning? I have felt all along that the Board of Trustees were responsible for the problems at Bradley.
          +1--- I have the same questions---and how much do they get paid
          Bradley football--undefeated again this year


          • #6
            No one gets paid for being on the BOT. I think our BOT will do fine in selecting the next AD. I believe the next AD will be from the midwest and be able to relate to our fans. I cannot guarantee it, but I feel things will improve here


            • #7
              As many people, I hope you are right.


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