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Bradley to move games to Renaissance Coliseum

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  • #46
    all thru the decade Bradley's home attendance was in or near the Top 50 nationally - even as recently as 2009 (55th), 2010 (52nd), and 2011 (56th) our home attendance was VERY respectable.

    Even in the early years of the Jim Les era when we were losing more than winning - Bradley ranked 47th (LINK)
    ..and we were #41 in the late Molinari era - (LINK)
    ..and peaked up at #36 in the late Versace era - (LINK)

    But then - after 2011, it dropped precipitously into the upper 70's (74-79), but if it continues at the current pace this year...
    (at just barely over 5000) then we will probably drop out of the TOP 100!! - to go from 30's, 40's & 50's to 100 ought to open the eyes of the Board of Trustees, but they just don't seem to care and keep repeating this silly mantra that we're doing better than ever and all those extra people who would be filling the upper bowl just do not matter.


    • #47
      Moving games back to campus is taking the easy and irresponsible way out for BU. It still doesn't address the problem in the drop of attendance. At this point, it's not about Jim Les, Wayne McClain or Geno Ford. It's about constant bad decisions and no foresight from the university. How in the world do you add 2,000 seats, without adding restrooms, concession stands and elevators to the Ren-Col, not to mention parking. Maybe they'll have the same kind of vision that makes the baseball team go the civic center for indoor batting practice, due to lack of space at the new facility on campus. The deficit is not from the basketball program. Part of the decline of revenue is. Most of the athletic deficit is from the construction of the new facility on campus, that was not built to accommodate more fans. If you remember, when it was built, we were still drawing 8,000 to 10,000 per game. Once again, the problem is not where the games are played.


      • #48
        KW was just on 1470. Jist of the convo was that it is a logistic impossbility to move there.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Buesch N Chips View Post
          KW was just on 1470. Jist of the convo was that it is a logistic impossbility to move there.
          That seems likely, but then why would Bradley have engineers check out the feasibility, and float the idea through Dave to gauge fan reaction?
          Maybe to throw a scare into the Civic Center people?


          • #50
            Originally posted by Buesch N Chips View Post
            KW was just on 1470. Jist of the convo was that it is a logistic impossbility to move there.
            So now maybe KW can tell his buddy Geno to stop wishing all the games could be played in the gym on campus.
            What part of illegal don't you understand?


            • #51
              Originally posted by Buesch N Chips View Post
              KW was just on 1470. Jist of the convo was that it is a logistic impossbility to move there.
              what does he know - he's called everything for the past 4 years completely Anthony Fields (a 1 ppg transfer) a quality starting PG transfer who was a true difference maker...and guaranteed us that we were gonna be lots better (light years better) this year (and last year as well)


              • #52
                Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                It would take a ton of free sodas and bacon for that to happen.

                I feel sorry for the students and young fans these last 3+ seasons. Nothing they have experienced will likely make them want to keep returning to watch Bradley games, and least of all, donate to BU. These changes this administration is forcing on fans will lead to far fewer lifelong, loyal fans when the rest of us are gone.
                Very true DC...rough time to be a supporter of Bears and Braves...if Cubs is the most hope we've got, there is really something wrong!
                Fortunately, the Blackhawks will be flourishing likely for the next few seasons, but I'm not near as big a fan as with Cubs, Bears, Braves.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by CubbieBear View Post
                  I have already lost interest I would rather read about the best and worst restaurant thread on this site
                  I remember even 5 seasons ago when we were in the midst of a CIT season, I was looking ahead with excitement for the next game.
                  I know those were frustrating years (the last 2 of Les' era), but certainly not to the degree of frustration now...and apathy growing game by game. I really don't care about the next game and don't think about the Braves much during the week...may check out the scoreboard every 30 minutes now to see how bad we're getting pummeled on the road.
                  I think most of us are losing the connection we had with the least we have some good memories in the mid-late 80's, mid 90's, and some seasons in the 2000s.

                  Even as much as I was frustrated with Les, I feel he represented Bradley and his passion and emotion shined through always. With Ford, I feel there is a disconnect with him and what Bradley has been all about since I've know BU hoops. And I can't prove this but just my perception...when we fell short with Coach Les, he felt it as much as the die-hard fans did...with Geno, it's not as important and has a much easier time getting over it. He might talk like he's having trouble dealing with losing, but I don't buy it.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                    That seems likely, but then why would Bradley have engineers check out the feasibility, and float the idea through Dave to gauge fan reaction?
                    Maybe to throw a scare into the Civic Center people?
                    Had a question for you guys regarding this whole feasiblity study that was done. From what I read, it sounded like it was done by current Bradley students. Not trying to take away from the fact that this study was done by students but it's free labor for services after all. If Bradley's administration is serious about this, the next logical step would be an actual study by engineers in the private sector right?


                    • #55
                      I am hoping for a completely different "next step"


                      • #56
                        Bradley to Move Games....

                        A study by students on the renovation of the RC would be generally useless IMO. I am an Engineer and I can assure everyone that the only valid study would be one from an Architectural Engineering firm with a track record for these kinds of studies. This kind of study would be expensive. The cost of such a renovation would be monumental and the parking/traffic problems alone would be enough to deep-six the whole thing. A student study is probably a bargaining chip for Civic Center negotiations.

                        IMO, a few non-conf. games could be played at the RC each year but MVC games or games w/ malor opponents would have to be at Carver.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by wizard View Post
                          ... This kind of study would be expensive. ..
                          but Wiz - we're broke we got the study that was on special


                          • #58
                            Wizard is absolutely correct regarding getting an actual engineering firm. But we must realize, this kind of thinking by the administration is what has ruined all team sports at BU, with the exception of soccer. In addition to having team sports that are all at the bottom of the standings, except for soccer, now it appears the faculty is disgruntled. To even bring up moving to campus is joke. If we were drawing 8,000 to 10,000 a game, you wouldn't hear anything about.


                            • #59
                              I would be willing to bet, if they played the Eureka game on campus, the administration would be embarrassed by the low attendance. The only walk up tickets will be sold to the family of Eureka players. Most season ticket holders won't go to games on campus. At least at the civic center there may be a couple thousand season ticket holders attend. Our non conference schedule is horrible. Don't try to tell me they can't get anybody to come here and play. ISU has improved their non conference considerably and it's only 40 minutes away.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                                That seems likely, but then why would Bradley have engineers check out the feasibility, and float the idea through Dave to gauge fan reaction?
                                Maybe to throw a scare into the Civic Center people?
                                Exactly Da Coach--I am wondering if this whole thing isn't mostly about that---trying to get fans and students and the media talking about evacuating from the Civic Center now--as an attempt to scare the CC management into giving Bradley a reduced rate and or share from concessions etc in the next contract--basically all a big marketing ploy
                                Bradley football--undefeated again this year


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