NCAA studied the Athletic Department finances at all the state schools in West Virginia - they may have studied other states - but this article only details the finances of state schools in WV
100% of the state schools WERE NOT self sufficient meaning they all received state taxpayer funding to help balance their budgets.
-West Virginia University came close to being self sufficient but still fell short a little and balanced with state funds.
-Marshall University used gobs of taxpayer money - almost 1/3 of their athletic dept. revenue came from the state coffers
-All the others were DII - Bluefield State, Concord, Fairmont, Glenville, Shepherd, WV State, and West Liberty Univ - all used a LOT of state funds and fell way short of 'self-sufficient'.
-overall (all state schools combined) within the state only 15% of all state school athletic expenses were funded by revenue from athletics!! 85% came out of the taxpayers' pockets.
- I suspect other states are about the same & obviously all the state schools enjoy a tremendous advantage over the private schools by being able to pick the pockets of the taxpayers to stay competitive
100% of the state schools WERE NOT self sufficient meaning they all received state taxpayer funding to help balance their budgets.
-West Virginia University came close to being self sufficient but still fell short a little and balanced with state funds.
-Marshall University used gobs of taxpayer money - almost 1/3 of their athletic dept. revenue came from the state coffers
-All the others were DII - Bluefield State, Concord, Fairmont, Glenville, Shepherd, WV State, and West Liberty Univ - all used a LOT of state funds and fell way short of 'self-sufficient'.
-overall (all state schools combined) within the state only 15% of all state school athletic expenses were funded by revenue from athletics!! 85% came out of the taxpayers' pockets.
- I suspect other states are about the same & obviously all the state schools enjoy a tremendous advantage over the private schools by being able to pick the pockets of the taxpayers to stay competitive