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Auston Barnes

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  • #16
    Originally posted by tornado View Post
    More than a week since the Auston Barnes arrest and no further details whatsoever - the story hasn't just fallen to the back pages - it's gone silent..
    which is better than the alternative......

    Anyone who doesn't spot the difference between the way this assault & arrest is being covered compared to the last one BU had...

    Note - that THIS case, so far a week into this case, that after a couple days delay, there was one and only one small column in the PJS and silence since..

    When an extremely similar situation occurred in 2008, there were long, daily attack columns on the front page of the sports section - then after a week,
    Kirk Wessler posted his infamous "Renegade program" column and tied Ruffin's arrest together with a few other isolated issues (an underage drinking citation a full year earlier and a player dismissed for allegedly failing a drug test FOUR years earlier!)
    ...and he summed it all up with the presumption that people all over the nation were seeing Bradley as a "renegade program"...
    This coverage of Ruffin in sensationalized, daily, OJ-Simpson-like tabloid fashion with wild incredible speculation and allegations went on for weeks...

    Nice to see our coverage is a bit more fair this time around.
    It seems to me your the only one who gives a tinkers ****. There's a very popular song in a Disney film called "Let it go". You may want to try it.


    • #17
      Wily, if you really believe nobody notices a big difference or cares you are fooling yourself. I talk to people quite often who see a major difference in the way the paper covers things. Recall that many months after Ruffin left Bradley and got a pro contract in Germany, the pjs still could not write the article reporting Daniel's success without continuing to drag up his months old arrest which had been expunged from his record.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
        Wily, if you really believe nobody notices a big difference or cares you are fooling yourself. I talk to people quite often who see a major difference in the way the paper covers things. Recall that many months after Ruffin left Bradley and got a pro contract in Germany, the pjs still could not write the article reporting Daniel's success without continuing to drag up his months old arrest which had been expunged from his record.
        People really don't care DC??¦.this is the only place I see it??¦and by very few at that.

        I talk to people quite often as well and this never gets mentioned when talking Bradley basketball


        • #19
          Originally posted by lefty View Post
          People really don't care DC??¦....
          LOL - then you are not looking - but people will see what they want...
          let's talk objective proof....
          .. I see it in those 5000 empty seats and the complete lack of any enthusiasm as the season draws near...


          • #20
            Originally posted by tornado View Post
            LOL - then you are not looking - but people will see what they want...
            let's talk objective proof....
            .. I see it in those 5000 empty seats and the complete lack of any enthusiasm as the season draws near...
            You think the empty seats are because of PJS?

            There are very very few people that even think the coverage is different??¦.


            • #21
              This thread has turned pointless. Everything said in it has been said 100 times.


              • #22
                I will admit it is being handled entirely different by the PJS and other previously very vocal people. However, besides finding it extremely amusing about how how much people change depending on the circumstances, I am ready to move on to the next basketball season.

                I do not expect this to affect the attendance next year which is concerning to us 'old times'. Hopefully the team performs better and attendance picks up.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by lefty View Post
                  People really don't care DC??¦.this is the only place I see it??¦and by very few at that.

                  I talk to people quite often as well and this never gets mentioned when talking Bradley basketball
                  Might be because a lot of people aren't talking Bradley basketball as much anymore.
                  What part of illegal don't you understand?


                  • #24
                    I will agree the thread has run its course. However, I do want to respond to lefty. No I don't think the attendance is do to PJS. It has to do with our record over the last five years, an aging fan base, the younger generation's entertainment options, the economic environment, and other factors. Whew, did I leave any out? It is just very complicated.

                    I doubt if we ever consistently average what we did when Bradley was playing Cincinnati and Louisville. I just wish I had the opportunity to add to the average attendance on a regular basis.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Buesch N Chips View Post
                      ... it has been said 100 times.
                      really ? I don't think so....
                      as I said - there are some who are a bit curious about this arrest - maybe what did the police report say...
                      maybe interview the victim, a witness, maybe ask the arresting officer or police dept. spokesperson for a comment...
                      The local media does ALL these things daily when there are front page crimes....
                      It is no secret that all of this was reported within days the last such arrest (2008 ) but NONE has been reported this time around - a stark difference...
                      so if all of this has been stated 100 times, can you give a link?
                      Just asking....


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by tornado View Post
                        really ? I don't think so....
                        as I said - there are some who are a bit curious about this arrest - maybe what did the police report say...
                        maybe interview the victim, a witness, maybe ask the arresting officer or police dept. spokesperson for a comment...
                        I thought you said you were happy with the coverage of Barnes' arrest????


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by LongTimeFan View Post
                          I will agree the thread has run its course. However, I do want to respond to lefty. No I don't think the attendance is do to PJS. It has to do with our record over the last five years, an aging fan base, the younger generation's entertainment options, the economic environment, and other factors. Whew, did I leave any out? It is just very complicated.

                          I doubt if we ever consistently average what we did when Bradley was playing Cincinnati and Louisville. I just wish I had the opportunity to add to the average attendance on a regular basis.
                          I agree??¦I have been saying that as well


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Buesch N Chips View Post
                            This thread has turned pointless. Everything said in it has been said 100 times.
                            I think you are a little light in the number


                            • #29
                              So you think there has been no discernible difference in the way the 2 similar domestic battery cases by team members were reported by our local media?
                              Or do you concede there has been a big difference, but it's not worth pointing that out or discussing that and the PJ Star's motives?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                                So you think there has been no discernible difference in the way the 2 similar domestic battery cases by team members were reported by our local media?
                                Or do you concede there has been a big difference, but it's not worth pointing that out or discussing that and the PJ Star's motives?
                                What do you hope to accomplish by trying to assign motive of PJS?

                                For the record I think there are people in both camps

                                I don't see any value in it.....let's say they covered it differently.......the majority of the people don't care.....although it does make for good message board material


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