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Auston Barnes

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
    Pretty much everything discussed on any message board could then be called pointless.
    Why do some get so upset when anyone points out hypocrisy in the local paper?
    I loved when it was pointed out it early on, because it was so obvious and dead on balls accurate. Now? years later? Makes it sound like you don't have anything else to say.

    Everyone needs to move on. From you and T nitpicking every bu decision to try to prove to everyone that you were right, to the pj star hosting a dedicated portion of their website to publicly ripping specific BU fans. The feud is childish.


    • #47
      I think the obvious reason there is a discrepancy in amount of coverage between the to incidents is an interest level in the topic based on the timeliness of the two events. This one is pre-season and only a handful of people actually care about BU basketball in August. The first event happened during the peak of the season with post-season hopes on the line if I remember correctly. The story was simply more relevant at that time. There is no conspiracy.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Buesch N Chips View Post
        If people on the hilltop are listening to fans, we've got big problems.
        of course they are listening to fans - and there's plenty of evidence to prove it...
        contact me by PM if you want to talk more because this is getting way off topic and some just do not like hearing anything but lapdog complimentary stuff about the "people on the hilltop"


        • #49
          Rules for posting.......

          " Negative or unconstructive criticism of Bradley, the coaches, or any personnel or staff at Bradley."

          Its clear that this thread has turned into a proving ground for the fact that the PJ Star didnt support our old coach and therefore had something to do with his departure? Its also making the point that the new coach (who is currently head of Bradley basketball) gets a better or different treatment from the PJ Star. I would assume the point is that the new coach was hired by the current President so he is getting a pass when the old coach that wasn't hired by our President didn't. Is this about right? How is this not detrimental to our current coach and therefore out of bounds?

          I dont see how anything in this thread is cunstructive or puts Bradley Basketball and our current Head Coach in a positive position. If its to prove Jim should still be here, I know that cant be a positive position for our current Head Coach? Maybe I am missing the point but it seems to me that the true point of these posts are being camouflaged in an apparent concern for the PJ Star.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Buesch N Chips View Post
            I loved when it was pointed out it early on, because it was so obvious and dead on balls accurate. Now? years later? Makes it sound like you don't have anything else to say.

            Everyone needs to move on. From you and T nitpicking every bu decision to try to prove to everyone that you were right, to the pj star hosting a dedicated portion of their website to publicly ripping specific BU fans. The feud is childish.
            Great post B & C couldn't agree more.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
              Pretty much everything discussed on any message board could then be called pointless.
              Why do some get so upset when anyone points out hypocrisy in the local paper?
              Maybe because the same people do it over and over again. We all get what you two think of the PJStar. Your not going to change any minds as we will not change yours so "LET IT GO"


              • #52
                Originally posted by mexicobufan View Post
                Rules for posting.......

                " Negative or unconstructive criticism of Bradley, the coaches, or any personnel or staff at Bradley."

                Its clear that this thread has turned into a proving ground for the fact that the PJ Star didnt support our old coach and therefore had something to do with his departure? Its also making the point that the new coach (who is currently head of Bradley basketball) gets a better or different treatment from the PJ Star. I would assume the point is that the new coach was hired by the current President so he is getting a pass when the old coach that wasn't hired by our President didn't. Is this about right? How is this not detrimental to our current coach and therefore out of bounds?

                I dont see how anything in this thread is cunstructive or puts Bradley Basketball and our current Head Coach in a positive position. If its to prove Jim should still be here, I know that cant be a positive position for our current Head Coach? Maybe I am missing the point but it seems to me that the true point of these posts are being camouflaged in an apparent concern for the PJ Star.
                Rules for posting went out the window a little over 3 years ago and that is a shame because we lost a lot of good Bradley fans and good posters. What is good for the Goose is not good for the Gander here and that's to bad.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by zessito View Post
                  I think the obvious reason there is a discrepancy in amount of coverage between the to incidents is an interest level in the topic based on the timeliness of the two events. This one is pre-season and only a handful of people actually care about BU basketball in August. The first event happened during the peak of the season with post-season hopes on the line if I remember correctly. The story was simply more relevant at that time. There is no conspiracy.
                  I disagree completely. DC & T, although I think they need to stop saying it after so many years, are right. There is an difference in the coverage. Light years of difference.


                  • #54
                    On A Positive Note!

                    On a more positive note,

                    The 2014-15 MVC Regular Season Game Pick Em Contest is coming soon to

                    I just hope there are enough people left on this site who would like to participate!

                    ....PS BU's woes are a combination of lots of factors, some under their control, some not. Let's enjoy BU's time in the MVC and D-I as long as we can!
                    BUilding for the Future


                    • #55

                      ...WEEK story -
                      this is the first report of any kind on this incident since the brief mention in the newspaper after the arrest on the morning on August 11..
                      (..although we were already discussing it for a day before the newspaper story came out on 8/12)
                      They make note of the current atmosphere where there have been a lot of domestic abuse issues in sports recently --
                      Bradley is "still gathering details" in the Auston Barnes incident.

                      Other info reported ...
                      "Barnes allegedly knocked a woman to the ground, sending her to the hospital.
                      The Bradley Athletic Department said Barnes continues to practice and workout with the team.
                      But students around campus are questioning whether that's okay.
                      A Bradley Police report said Barnes used his hands to grab, pull, or knock down the woman at 908 North Frink.
                      The victim, who is a recent Bradley graduate, was taken to the hospital and treated for an injury to her right elbow."

                      ...then they have a few student comments...
                      then they mention his scheduled court date...
                      "Barnes will be in court September 24 to see if he will face any charges."

                      There is also a companion article written by the same WEEK reporter
                      "Why victims of domestic violence stay"
                      Last edited by tornado; 09-16-2014, 10:37 AM.


                      • #56
                        Innocent until proven guilty


                        • #57
                          I hope he is innocent but we've been told before that alleged victims don't make this stuff up,
                          and as we saw with the last time we had one of these incidents, the police, once they have a complaint or evidence
                          may and often do choose to pursue charges even when the alleged victim declines to press charges or testify.
                          Time will tell....but in the case in St. Louis involving basketball players and a bit more serious charges,
                          supposedly the evidence was so overwhelming that the students involved were expelled from school, and yet
                          the local law enforcement chose to ignore or overlook the evidence and did not pursue any charges at all,
                          over the public objections of the alleged victim.

                          Last edited by tornado; 09-16-2014, 02:15 PM.


                          • #58
                            If they are guilty then I have no problem. Go after them. But sometimes what a person says is not what actually happened. They either misinterpret, take it out of context or outright lie. Look at how many people are in prison for a crime but then DNA proves someone else did it. Everyone was sure they were guilty


                            • #59
                              Bradley's Auston Barnes was charged today with domestic battery ..he has a hearing in court next Wednesday
                              at 2PM in front of Judge John Vespa
                              ..there is no official comment from BU


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by zessito View Post
                                I think the obvious reason there is a discrepancy in amount of coverage between the to incidents is an interest level in the topic based on the timeliness of the two events. This one is pre-season and only a handful of people actually care about BU basketball in August. The first event happened during the peak of the season with post-season hopes on the line if I remember correctly. The story was simply more relevant at that time. There is no conspiracy.
                                Time was, not too long ago, people cared about Bradley basketball all year long. It helps to have something positive to care about. Let's hope the team this year can make BU fans start caring again.
                                What part of illegal don't you understand?


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