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Dave Reynolds blog- BU asst. coaching opening should go to Pittis

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
    Sorry Buesch N Chips, you are wrong way off base here. I can't believe you would fall for this distorted logic that when you see more than one person with opinions you don't agree with, you automatically assume they are the same person. That is an illogical and pathological defense mechanism usually used by those who won't tolerate opposing opinions and want to try to marginalize or minimize those opinions.

    For the record- I know bu fan 9, he's been a member here for a very long time, he's a long time season ticket holder, and donor, and I can guarantee he has never posted under another name other than bu fan 9.

    Please don't go all paranoid like some of the fringe looneys we've banned who believe there are lots of people here who post under multiple names. It is not true, and never has been true. It is easy for us to check that out and we won't allow it. The only people who have tried that (some have tried more than 20 different signons) are some of the very people we've banned and who now lob such silly accusations back at us (let me know if you want proof of that).
    I think it is very clear that I am tolerant of opposing opinions. Take you for example. Sometimes, I agree completely with what you are saying, sometimes I feel your views are a bit extreme. If I was intolerant of you ramming your central thesis home on a regular basis, I wouldn't be here anymore. I respect your opinions and your passion, and I realize that people are different. The reason I surmised that about bu_fn was because everything he says is ultra-inflammatory. Even the craziest loons have a tepid opinion once in awhile. My mind says that if he doesn't, me may express his non-fringe opinions under another name. Do I know for sure? No. But I've been around message boards enough to know the song and dance. It had nothing to do with what he was saying, per se, but the pattern. And nowhere in my post did I accuse you, DC, of anything. Not sure why the frustration of your post.


    • #17
      Some people, mostly those who have an agenda and have been banned, have tried to promote lies like the multiple posting identities conspiracy for a long time. Like I say, it is a losers way of trying to minimize the opinions of those who they don't agree with. And it's funny that everyone else can have opinions, but when I do, I am accused of "ramming" them down people's throats. I've never understood that. I have never suggested that my opinions are worth any more or less than anyone else's. In fact it was you who suggested that a poster's opinions are not valid (bu fan 9). I don't always agree with him, but he is certainly entitled to his opinion.

      If you go back a few years, you'll see that bu fan 9 was much different. His posts were nearly always positive and supportive of BU. Undeniably, the changes made a few years ago have lead to tremendous fallout and possibly the worst 3 year stretch Bradley basketball has ever had in it's 110+ year history under any previous coach (an unprecedented 62 losses in a 3 year stretch). Thousands of regular and long time fans have disappeared. There have been numerous record blowout losses, home court losses to 320+ RPI opponents, 3 consecutive Thursday night losses, and many more unprecedented marks of futility. I think bu fan 9 simply represents the feelings of a lot of dedicated Bradley fans, many of whom have just bailed out and not returned. He's unhappy with what's happened, as are thousands of others. At least he has remained loyal to Bradley and still cares.

      I hope Bradley's fortunes are finally on the upswing and maybe we can get everyone on the same page, and hope to draw back some of those fans who have disappeared.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
        Some people, mostly those who have an agenda and have been banned, have tried to promote lies like the multiple posting identities conspiracy for a long time. Like I say, it is a losers way of trying to minimize the opinions of those who they don't agree with.
        I only speak for myself, and this place is better because of the people that were banned. I didn't see them as having any more of an agenda than anyone else. They weren't happy with the state of the program, which is the way some people feel now. Some of those guys you banned were just jerks.

        Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
        And it's funny that everyone else can have opinions, but when I do, I am accused of "ramming" them down people's throats. I've never understood that. I have never suggested that my opinions are worth any more or less than anyone else's.
        I think it was the English pop group Bananarama, who said, "It ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it." You sometimes come off as an "I Told Ya So" guy, which is not an endearing quality.

        Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
        In fact it was you who suggested that a poster's opinions are not valid (bu fan 9). I don't always agree with him, but he is certainly entitled to his opinion.
        Again, it ain't what he says it's the way that he says it. He never says anything conventional. It's always a step further than what some on here are willing to publicly post. He in entitled to his opinion and if he has one username I have no problems with him, regardless of what he says. But if he is a nom de plume used by someone to be able to say things they don't want attributed to their actual username, then that is dishonest.

        Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
        If you go back a few years, you'll see that bu fan 9 was much different. His posts were nearly always positive and supportive of BU.
        He is not the only one on this board with that exact same history.

        Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
        Undeniably, the changes made a few years ago have lead to tremendous fallout and possibly the worst 3 year stretch Bradley basketball has ever had in it's 110+ year history under any previous coach (an unprecedented 62 losses in a 3 year stretch). Thousands of regular and long time fans have disappeared. There have been numerous record blowout losses, home court losses to 320+ RPI opponents, 3 consecutive Thursday night losses, and many more unprecedented marks of futility. I think bu fan 9 simply represents the feelings of a lot of dedicated Bradley fans, many of whom have just bailed out and not returned. He's unhappy with what's happened, as are thousands of others.
        Here comes the I told ya so. How many times have you typed this paragraph, or ones like it, in the last three years? Who exactly are you trying to convince? People who weren't happy with Jim Les can rattle off plenty of unflattering stats for him as well. Les wasn't fired because he didn't win (although it didn't help his cause). He was fired, from what I know, because his boss didn't like him.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Buesch N Chips View Post
          Here comes the I told ya so. How many times have you typed this paragraph, or ones like it, in the last three years? Who exactly are you trying to convince? People who weren't happy with Jim Les can rattle off plenty of unflattering stats for him as well. Les wasn't fired because he didn't win (although it didn't help his cause). He was fired, from what I know, because his boss didn't like him.
          It is only being stated to answer your question. You wondered why bu fan 9's posts were so negative.
          The above is the reason why bu fan 9 has turned negative, and the reason so many other fans have as well.

          Nobody wants to see things turn around any more than I do, but to ignore or embellish these past 3 years as if they have been "defining moments" or "stellar", or "better by a light year or two" is really silly. They have been just real bad, and there has been way more fallout than even I predicted.


          • #20
            I am as optimistic as anyone and still root hard for the Braves to win every game but the ship hasn't completely turned around yet....
            remember all the same accolades about last year's recruiting class?


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