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Where will Bradley finish next season?

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  • #16
    It will depend heavily on PG play. Sutherland hopefully can be your answer there, but either way someone needs to be the on court leader.


    • #17
      The last 3 years have been absolutely brutal as a fan watching Bradley. If this signing is a turning point for the program, then it will be a long-awaited blessing. That said, if the talent and depth issues are repaired, we still need to find out how good of a coach we have as well. With those unknowns, I would pick BU at 5-6 next year, hoping for 1st.
      Compete. Defend. Rebound. Win.


      • #18
        4th or 5th

        Personally, I think Sutherland and Morgan hold the key to Bradley's improvement next season. A good point guard will get the ball to the players in a better position to score. With XT foul problems, I would look for Morgan to supply quality minutes either starting or backing up XT.

        I will look forward to seeing who will start at the small forward position late in next season. Will we play small with three guards or will we have Thomas and Cunningham (no particular) as the small forwards?

        I hope to get in to see a few early season games and possibly both tournaments. My wife won't go back to Peoria during the snow season.


        • #19
          Originally posted by bu fan 9 View Post
          6 or 7th
          WoW! If this guy is saying 6th, then I am very hopeful!

          I am going to say 4th.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Dub View Post
            The last 3 years have been absolutely brutal as a fan watching Bradley. If this signing is a turning point for the program, then it will be a long-awaited blessing. That said, if the talent and depth issues are repaired, we still need to find out how good of a coach we have as well. With those unknowns, I would pick BU at 5-6 next year, hoping for 1st.
            2 years ago was not brutal. I actually thought we were making good progress, but maybe that was relative to the year of the worst in BU history.
            The year before that one when we started out 0-11 in conference play was equally painful before we turned it up in the last 10 games.


            • #21
              I really think we have the talent to finish 3rd next season, but after last season, I am a little leary of our coaching - especially the way the offense was run. I can't stand the one-on-one play and lack of movement on offense. The lack of assists spoke for itself. I hope we have a new look next year with the way we run our offensive plays.
              I think we have the athletic ability to play solid D.

              Nothing short of athleticism on BU teams in the past couple decades - the years we've had good outside shooting and decent rebounding have been the years we've least that's my perspective.


              • #22
                Originally posted by LittleBrave View Post
                I really think we have the talent to finish 3rd next season, but after last season, I am a little leary of our coaching - especially the way the offense was run. I can't stand the one-on-one play and lack of movement on offense. The lack of assists spoke for itself. I hope we have a new look next year with the way we run our offensive plays.
                I think we have the athletic ability to play solid D.

                Nothing short of athleticism on BU teams in the past couple decades - the years we've had good outside shooting and decent rebounding have been the years we've least that's my perspective.
                LittleBrave, I to did not like the way we played and a little of that could be attributed to the staff, BUT in their defense we had VERY few options. I hate to watch one on one Basketball but in all honesty that's all we had. Never been so happy to see a good player graduate. Usually I hate to see the Srs. go but I have to admit I'm only gonna miss TP. We thought last years recruiting class was good and we were WRONG but,
                I think we're gonna REALLY LIKE this one.


                • #23
                  I really believe that we could finish 6th. And I'm fine with that as a goal. Just stay out of Thursday night. Who knows...maybe we overachieve and finish better!


                  • #24
                    I agree with Wily. I thought last years class was going to be good but it did not turn out that way. However, I do think this years team meets a lot of requirements heightwise and talentwise so I think they will be up around the top. Now there are a lot of "if"s in there. If they mesh together, pass the ball around, and get good coaching, etc. But on paper this team has all the ingredients


                    • #25
                      BradleyFan124, I agree with you and Wily. If Sutherland is as good as advertised, it should have a big difference in the Braves' offensive patterns. I am looking for some good post passing. With the shooters we have, I hope to see some inside out passing.


                      • #26
                        We will be better this year just based on having a true PG and if he is as good as I think he is we will be much better. We have quality size and we have more than 1 player than can shoot the ball unlike last year. I see us 4-5 worse case and if they come together fast we could do better. I have also heard that this years team will have leadership that was missing last year.


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