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Alarming BU Financial Report presented to BU faculty

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  • Alarming BU Financial Report presented to BU faculty

    On 4/17 the "Resources Committee", an ad hoc group appointed of faculty and a rep from the controllers office, for the second year presented a university wide review of budgeting and subsequent financial decision making, transparency and accountability for resources across BU.
    The Committee is led by a professor from BU's accounting department.

    The Committee put together a very easy to understand presentation summarizing, among other things, the financial resource allocation across BU.

    There are very real concerns about the deficit spending, lack of accountability for such spending and a lack of transparency from university management related to not providing the full financial information. Moreover the Committee has for the second year sounded the alarm over the fact there is no urgency around these very real issues and this damage is already done and needs very dramatic solutions.

    It also sounds like BU will miss its enrollment targets this year which will create more pressure.

    The report presents that expenses are, and have been, exceeding revenues and the problem is ongoing and accelerating without any plan to remedy the issues. The report uses 2005 as a baseline and compares the intervening years, including 2013, on a number of measures.

    So while BU's gross financial resources coming in have increased through tuition increases and other sources, the gross resources going out have out stripped revenue. For every $1.00 coming in ...BU is spending $1.50. Or put another way...what formerly was approximately $10 mil positive result is now in excess of ($6.2 mil) negative with expenses exceeding revenues for 2013.

    -Over the sample period Athletics revenue has generally been consistent and flat.....however beginning in 2007 Athletics expenses have ramped up and now have doubled in 2013. From expenses of $5.5mil in 2005 to $10.1 mil in 2013.

    - while gross tuition with rate increases has risen....the need to discount tuition to attract students has increased. But BU's leadership spending on operating expenses has dramatically increased. Net annual tuition increased $27 mil since 2005 but annual operating expenses have increased $39 mil since 2005. Or for every $1 increase in net tuition ....operating expenses have grown by $1.42 in 2013.

    The report worried about the sustainability of ongoing 4 percent annual tuition increases ....the need for growing tuition discounting and the related financial impact ...and the current and growing expense versus revenue gap. The lack of a long term financial plan was noted.

    The report cited concerns over:
    -the lack any consistent urgency to resolve these issues...
    -the lack of financial transparency from the BU administration ...
    - the lack of complete data and whether any financial comprehension and acumen exists to understand these issues...
    -the lack any rigorous responsibility for budgeting and results..
    -BU's high leverage ratios...
    -And amazingly......whether the Board of Trustees are engaged/involved.

    So while others have tried minimize what has been unfolding financially at BU....the university's own special faculty committee has and is sounding the alarm bell.

  • #2
    amazing....we've seen this coming for several years and the huge drop in attendance and revenue is finally something they admit to and want to solve...

    If at all possible can you add any details or references - as I know the first response of some wackos will be to proclaim you're just a fake identity for someone else and that you are wrong...but let it be known - you have been 100% correct about several things in the past that you have reported LONG before anyone else even had a clue....
    on this board and elsewhere.

    why were all those people who gave Bradley RECORD revenue and success run out of here - why did the admin listen to the few disgruntled fans that wanted to go a different direction - and now here we are - exactly where those whiney fans wanted us - and we're having record disastrous athletic performance on top of record horrible revenue.
    wonder if the PJS has any interesting reporting this or will they go after some other issue from 2007 or 2008 to blame this on?
    Many who love Bradley and want to see success have been warning about all this wild spending for personnel, searches, lawsuits, ridiculous salaries...
    this is just more of what and who is driving us towards DII - and believe me we'll be hearing more on that issue too.

    remember - just a few years ago - Bradley's athletic department was enjoying record revenue and donor support!

    and just a few months ago all the current people in charge were trying like he** to find some way to lay the blame on someone who hasn't even been here for over five years.


    • #3
      Alarming BU Financial Report...

      This report confirms what is now going around town regarding BU financial problems. Overbuilding, a massive parking lot at the RC, major legal expenses and contract buy-outs in the Athletic Dept., major declines in game attendance, and now, enrollment problems and reduced tuition revenue, combined with donor apathy.
      What effect will all of this have on BU athletics? Fewer games at Carver in favor of the RC? Reduced budgets for basketball and recruiting? Different conference affiliation? Downgrading athletics to Divn. II? Reductions in academic areas? The list of possibles goes on and on.
      In the meantime, it appears that the Pres. operates without any control and no transparency. And.....Where in the world are the trustees? Is this what happens when most BU trustees are no longer local people or people who have some prior BU connection? Why aren't the trustees more involved in what is going on at BU? Are the trustees truly a "working group" or are they simply rubber stamps for the Pres.?


      • #4
        This was presented in a faculty senate meeting. There are student representatives in attendance and faculty. So this was not a secret meeting or private session. I think there are others that are members here that were in attendance. So if anyone else that attended has a different interpretation....please share your views.

        I will try and give some more context when I get some time.

        And while the sports aspect of this report was perplexing, the grander university wide lack of expense control, and the faculty committee's report comment that accountability or oversight for the out of control spending was the most striking aspect. That along with the questioning of the financial acumen and understanding.


        • #5
          Alarming BU Financial Report...

          An open question to KW and DR....This Financial Report is obviously very alarming. Doesn't it make sense for the two of you to look into this in detail and present your readers with a picture of what is going on at BU in the financial areas that will sooner or later have an effect on Athletics?
          Major drops in game attendance; Big-Time athletic expenses for legal problems, buy-outs, expensive consultants, more personnel, large salaries, and the possibility of many more games at RC, our premier sport of Mens Basketball now clearly in the tank and at or near the bottom of the conference year after year, and possible downgrading to Divn.II in the future.
          Come on guys....Something very alarming is happening at BU and you guys have your heads in the sand.


          • #6
            I know this new report is not specific to sports, but just a couple reminders of the not-too-distant past sucesses of the Bradley Athletic Department-

            August, 2006-
            Bradley Athletics Benefitted from Record-Setting Fundraising in 2005-06
            Page Not Found (404): It looks like you're lost... The page you are looking for no longer exists.

            October, 2008-
            Bradley Athletics Reports Record Revenue for Third Straight Year
            Page Not Found (404): It looks like you're lost... The page you are looking for no longer exists.

            These increases and record revenues continued through the 2010-11 season, but now we don't hear about them any more. That is because in the last 3-4 years, they have taken a huge drop. The drop in fan support is obvious to anyone who attends the games, or looks at the box scores and sees the attendance figures. Bradley can't even get anyone to televise their games, and is having trouble getting any sponsors. The Braves Club and BSS numbers are dwindling, and the season ticket base has dropped from around 9,000 to somewhere around 5,500-6,000 in just 4 years, with another large drop coming this year! I personally know many long time season ticket holders who are fed up with the losing, the uninspiring style of play, and the horrible home schedule that is more fit for a Division II program, that they are planning on not renewing their season tickets.
            Watch for new discounts and promotions coming soon, and you'll know why!

            And now this University-wide report sounds even more concerning. Only the Board of Trustees can change things...


            • #7
              I just noticed that a poster on the PJS message board posted in the "BU financial" thread last Thursday morning asking if anyone else had attended the Faculty senate meeting that morning.

              I am guessing that poster saw this presentation.


              • #8
                Board of Trustees Are you hearing this? Are you seeing this? You are the only ones who can correct this. You know what is needed. The change has to come at the top because that is who is creating this situation. Board of Trustees. Help us!!!! You are the only ones who can save Bradley!!!


                • #9
                  Whats with all the D2 talk?

                  Is this just a bunch of hooey? Because it seems like it.

                  I've never once heard of anyone from BU saying anything like this. It seems to me that this is just thrown around by people who are grumpy about our current situation (and I'm ok with you being're entitled).

                  But if message boards are truly read by recruits and their parents...and I believe they are...then you knuckleheads (its a term of endearment in my house) spouting off about D2 this and D2 that (in this and other threads) aren't helping us dig out of the hole.

                  So...since we've seen that the University has literally doubled down trying to make the athletics programs better (albeit unsuccessfully thus far) and no one from the AD is sniffing at D2, why don't you guys cool it with all the D2 talk?


                  There...I asked nicely.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by LG281 View Post
                    Whats with all the D2 talk?

                    Is this just a bunch of hooey? Because it seems like it.

                    I've never once heard of anyone from BU saying anything like this. It seems to me that this is just thrown around by people who are grumpy about our current situation (and I'm ok with you being're entitled).

                    But if message boards are truly read by recruits and their parents...and I believe they are...then you knuckleheads (its a term of endearment in my house) spouting off about D2 this and D2 that (in this and other threads) aren't helping us dig out of the hole.

                    So...since we've seen that the University has literally doubled down trying to make the athletics programs better (albeit unsuccessfully thus far) and no one from the AD is sniffing at D2, why don't you guys cool it with all the D2 talk?


                    There...I asked nicely.
                    The only mention I can see in this thread of D2, is one poster simply asking questions, and one of them was whether the coming financial problems could lead to that, among other things.
                    I don't think D2 will happen, but we know the schools in the top 5 conferences (Big East, Big Ten, Big 12, SEC, and ACC) are already moving forward with plans to divide up the current Division I structure to get more of their teams in the postseason (Football bowls and basketball tournament), and thus take home a bigger share of the NCAA TV and media monies. The resulting shortage of money to the midmajors will hurt many of them severely. I have heard our administration has already been planning and meeting with other schools to prepare for what Bradley will need to do to survive in that environment.

                    Hundreds of athletic administrators and delegates gathered at the San Diego Convention Center Thursday to begin dialogue that is expected to alter the landscape of Division I athletics.


                    • #11
                      it apparently is news outside the area as a friend outside of this area - literally 1000 miles away has also heard about this report - and even had seen a copy of it...
             I guess people in the industry have a sense of what's going on


                      • #12
                        I will repeat what was included in my earlier posts that were deleted so that the information on this subject is complete.

                        The financial reports given to the Bradley University senate were officially off the record and intended for internal us by the Bradley community.

                        Anyone distributing those reports outside of the university are doing so in direct contradiction of the instructions provided at these meetings.

                        Those are the facts. If this board is about the facts this post will remain here and not be deleted.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by QPS View Post
                          I will repeat what was included in my earlier posts that were deleted so that the information on this subject is complete.

                          The financial reports given to the Bradley University senate were officially off the record and intended for internal us by the Bradley community.

                          Anyone distributing those reports outside of the university are doing so in direct contradiction of the instructions provided at these meetings.

                          Those are the facts. If this board is about the facts this post will remain here and not be deleted.
                          Sorry, but you are mistaken. Absolutely none of your previous posts were deleted. They are still where you posted them in this different thread-

                          This report is obviously more widely distributed than you believe. I have now heard privately from 4 different people who have seen it, including an administrator at another university. I have removed the screen shots of any of the actual statistics and data from the report and I have removed any and all references to the information that is in the report to satisfy your request. I will repeat- nowhere in the report does it say the information is private and not to be made public. Nowhere.
                          Also, as I have stated- none of the information you seem to be concerned that has been revealed remains posted on this site.
                          But sorry, I cannot do anything about the knowledge and reports that are out in the public.

                          I suggest the committee should investigate themselves and find out how such information got out, especially to so many people. With all due respect, it would seem any animosity directed here should be channeled toward your own people who apparently have their own agendas.


                          • #14
                            My error in assuming the post was deleted. Thank you for pointing out where it can be found.

                            I will let the committee members know about how their report has been distributed.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                              I suggest the committee should investigate themselves and find out how such information got out, especially to so many people. With all due respect, it would seem any animosity directed here should be channeled toward your own people who apparently have their own agendas.
                              I would bet the report is not being distributed by the committee members but by some other person or persons who attended the meeting, picked up a copy that was available, and then decided to distribute it.

                              Again, for completeness sake, the report also contains suggestions for improving the situation. I hope any distributing this report also mentions that fact.


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