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First game: BU 72. Jacksonville State 65

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
    lefty, there were a couple people who did a lot of hooting and hollering about "no shows" a few years ago when there were maybe a few hundred no shows. That was a sign to them of the downfall of the program, and the need to make a complete overhaul and coaching change.

    OK, that's what happened. But now we apparently have 3 or 4 thousand no-shows, and thousands fewer season ticket holders, and yet we keep hearing how great things are going. I think most fans notice this hypocrisy.
    So, are you saying that things are going great now just like they were going great then, or are you saying that the downfall in attendance was a bad sign of coaching issues now and coaching issues then? If you want to be consistent on the issue, you have to choose one.

    I personally think the low attendance does somewhat reflect an apathy toward the program, but it not the only factor. I'm not sure even an outstanding season will bring us back to a 10K average in the future.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
      lefty, there were a couple people who did a lot of hooting and hollering about "no shows" a few years ago when there were maybe a few hundred no shows. That was a sign to them of the downfall of the program, and the need to make a complete overhaul and coaching change.

      OK, that's what happened. But now we apparently have 3 or 4 thousand no-shows, and thousands fewer season ticket holders, and yet we keep hearing how great things are going. I think most fans notice this hypocrisy.

      I'm not sure why everyone gets into it about the attendance. There is paid and actual. Attendance is down for sure. It was going down while Les was here and it hasn't come back by any means. I think there is more to it than wins and losses here. People I talk to in Braves club and others think we are going in the right direction overall....although they don't agree on how everything has gone either

      and like I said before......I notice the's pretty evident


      • #63
        Originally posted by Buesch N Chips View Post
        So, are you saying that things are going great now just like they were going great then, or are you saying that the downfall in attendance was a bad sign of coaching issues now and coaching issues then? If you want to be consistent on the issue, you have to choose one.

        I personally think the low attendance does somewhat reflect an apathy toward the program, but it not the only factor. I'm not sure even an outstanding season will bring us back to a 10K average in the future.
        I really doubt you will see 10k for a basketball game any time soon regardless of how we do....short of a long run in the tourney or a top program coming in to play us......I feel that people's priorities have changed the last few years and when we start winning consistently we will see more people but I don't think 10k is in the picture for a long time...

        I also reserve the right to be wrong


        • #64
          Originally posted by Toyota12 View Post
          Really how many players played in tonights game? I liked what i seen off the bench tonight as far as bodies and players who have tools to be coached in to roles to help this team win some games and as the year plays out this team will improve with coaching and support from the fans. Why do you keep nit picking this team? What i saw tonight was a lot of athletic long players who have a tremendous amount of upside. It has been long time since you could say that about a Bradley team. Tell me that Barnes, Blake, Greier, Fields, Taylor, Swoopshire, Zecevic did'nt at least look like guys that could bring something to the table and make a team competitive over the course of the year. We played 11 people tonight.. CMON MAN!!
          Toyota 12 great post .I saw the same game you did but it seems several people didn't. Sure does get old reading the continous complaining. Why can't we all just put ALL our efforts and support into getting our Braves back to contending for titles. I truely believe the talent is there but with so many new faces it's gonna take time.By the time our conference games start we probably won't even recognize this team. Go Braves.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Buesch N Chips View Post
            So, are you saying that things are going great now just like they were going great then, or are you saying that the downfall in attendance was a bad sign of coaching issues now and coaching issues then? If you want to be consistent on the issue, you have to choose one.

            I personally think the low attendance does somewhat reflect an apathy toward the program, but it not the only factor. I'm not sure even an outstanding season will bring us back to a 10K average in the future.

            I am saying what I have said all along. Actually, nobody has been clearer and more consistent than I have been. I simply predicted there would be significant fallout if the powers at Bradley decided to make a coaching change, and embark on a complete rebuild of the program, when most fans did not believe we needed a complete tear-down and rebuild. It was their prerogative, and they decided to make the move. For the record, I have continued to support Bradley, remained in the Braves Club at the same level after the coaching change, renewed my same season tickets, and have continued to donate significant amounts to Bradley. I have also continued to attend every home game, more road games than any other fan, and many other Bradley sporting events, so I am not anti-Bradley like some might want to mistakenly try to claim.
            OK, lets recap what happened.
            Just some of the fallout that was predicted (sorry this is so painful for some to endure):
            Fallout: we had a 5 year stretch with 102 wins (over 20 wins per season)- the first time that had happened since the late 1950's-early 1960's. We are nowhere near that level yet.
            Fallout: the lone losing season in the last 6 years of the previous regime in 2010-11 was predominantly due to the loss of 2 key stars, not a degeneration of the program or talent.
            Fallout: Bradley had reached all-time highs in season ticket sales, and broken all records for donations and new revenues. We have now fallen way off from those highs, and may never recover.
            Fallout: Bradley went to the Sweet 16 in 2006, the first time in over 50 years. When will we be back in the NCAA?
            Fallout: Bradley had a good recruiting class lined up to build on (Abell, Harris, Stewart, Tyler Brown, and others)- that all disappeared. Plus the majority of scoring and production since the coaching change has come from the players who were left over from the previous regime.
            Fallout: the coaching change cost Bradley millions of dollars to buyout the last coach, and overpay for a new coach, not to mention huge amounts in legal fees, and other salaries and and costs incurred.
            Fallout: the Braves Scholarship Society (one of the largest revenue producing sources) has seen large numbers of members drop out, and their numbers are still dropping.
            Fallout: there were complaints about not finishing higher than 4th place- when we we see the team get back to that level?
            Fallout: attendance and season ticket sales are way down (and maintenance fees are down with it)- when will we see the attendance return to where it was?
            Fallout: we have seen the schedule go from one of the consistently strongest among MVC teams to the weakest. IMO, this factor is one of the biggest fallout factors that we need to overcome if we ever want to draw our fans back.
            Unfortunately, battling against the likes of Jacksonville State, Alabama State, Central Michigan, Chicago State, Texas Pan-Am, IUPUI, and IPFW is not a good enough fallout shelter to draw the fans back in.

            I want to see Bradley be successful as much as anyone. But I am among the many who did not think we needed to get so bad just to try to get back to where we were. I will welcome this program returning to NCAA or NIT play and competing for the top of the Valley- hopefully soon.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
              I am saying what I have said all along. Actually, nobody has been clearer and more consistent than I have been. I simply predicted there would be significant fallout if the powers at Bradley decided to make a coaching change, and embark on a complete rebuild of the program, when most fans did not believe we needed a complete tear-down and rebuild. It was their prerogative, and they decided to make the move. For the record, I have continued to support Bradley, remained in the Braves Club at the same level after the coaching change, renewed my same season tickets, and have continued to donate significant amounts to Bradley. I have also continued to attend every home game, more road games than any other fan, and many other Bradley sporting events, so I am not anti-Bradley like some might want to mistakenly try to claim.
              OK, lets recap what happened.
              Just some of the fallout that was predicted (sorry this is so painful for some to endure):
              Fallout: we had a 5 year stretch with 102 wins (over 20 wins per season)- the first time that had happened since the late 1950's-early 1960's. We are nowhere near that level yet.
              Fallout: the lone losing season in the last 6 years of the previous regime in 2010-11 was predominantly due to the loss of 2 key stars, not a degeneration of the program or talent.
              Fallout: Bradley had reached all-time highs in season ticket sales, and broken all records for donations and new revenues. We have now fallen way off from those highs, and may never recover.
              Fallout: Bradley went to the Sweet 16 in 2006, the first time in over 50 years. When will we be back in the NCAA?
              Fallout: Bradley had a good recruiting class lined up to build on (Abell, Harris, Stewart, Tyler Brown, and others)- that all disappeared. Plus the majority of scoring and production since the coaching change has come from the players who were left over from the previous regime.
              Fallout: the coaching change cost Bradley millions of dollars to buyout the last coach, and overpay for a new coach, not to mention huge amounts in legal fees, and other salaries and and costs incurred.
              Fallout: the Braves Scholarship Society (one of the largest revenue producing sources) has seen large numbers of members drop out, and their numbers are still dropping.
              Fallout: there were complaints about not finishing higher than 4th place- when we we see the team get back to that level?
              Fallout: attendance and season ticket sales are way down (and maintenance fees are down with it)- when will we see the attendance return to where it was?
              Fallout: we have seen the schedule go from one of the consistently strongest among MVC teams to the weakest. IMO, this factor is one of the biggest fallout factors that we need to overcome if we ever want to draw our fans back.
              Unfortunately, battling against the likes of Jacksonville State, Alabama State, Central Michigan, Chicago State, Texas Pan-Am, IUPUI, and IPFW is not a good enough fallout shelter to draw the fans back in.

              I want to see Bradley be successful as much as anyone. But I am among the many who did not think we needed to get so bad just to try to get back to where we were. I will welcome this program returning to NCAA or NIT play and competing for the top of the Valley- hopefully soon.
              I won't dispute any of that, but that was not my point. Attendance was going down when Les was here too. The trend did not start with Geno. Paid attendance was always given with Les just like it is with Geno, but it was clear that there were fewer people there then as there is now. If it was a sign of the apocalypse then, it should be now. If it was no big deal then, it should be no big deal now. It can't cease to become an issue (or actually become an issue) when the coaching change occured.

              I think jacking up prices (some tickets and all concessions), moving games to RC, and taking away most promotions, have all made the product rather bland and not something people need to see. I think BU has lost connection with the fans, because the fans feel like they are treated as dollar signs, and not as part of the experience. Where are the giveaways, where are the bucket boys, where is the lady throwing bowls on her head. How about rally towels? People would bring them back every game. Put that crap at the beginning of the year to build word of mouth on how fun BU games are.

              Where is the long shots at halftime, the BWW shooting contest? You gotta make it an event.

              Walt is the most explosive player we have had in years and there is no one there to see it.


              • #67
                I am just saying that if a small drop in attendance and a few hundred no-shows back in 2011 was a reason to change coaches and rebuild the program, when the problem had more to do with 2 stars getting injured, then OK, that was the prerogative of the administration. But all of those things are much worse now moving into the 3rd year after the change.
                I am simply making an observation- was it the right move? The thousands of no-shows might suggest otherwise.


                • #68
                  Here's some good news - even tho it is exrremely early Bradley leads the MVC in the following categories...

                  Team defense - 65 ppg
                  FT pct. 76.2%
                  assists 12/gm
                  steals 9/gm
                  and assist to turnover ratio
                  plus we have a .462 3-pt shooting pct despite that being 2nd in the MVC
                  ..and we have 3 of the top 7 players in minutes played

                  BTW -- there are a gazillion topics on which there are people who strongly disagree with the opinion I hold....
                  there are Bigfoot believers, folks who believe in aliens, even people who want to believe the Katrina disaster was intentionally conceived and pulled off by secret government plots...
                  AND - whenever I hold an opinion, I am NEVER bothered nor threatened by someone holding the polar opposite opinion, and I would rarely ever care or notice - let along demand incessantly that they be silenced and convert to agreement with me.

                  BUT - those few fans who hold to the claim that there has been no fallout, no horrible losses and bad years, no massive defection of fans, and ridiculously bad national publicity about stupid and costly lawsuits nor multi-millions being needlessly spent to prop up the programs and pay for the bas mistakes....
                  those few fallout-deniers are so obsessed with their beliefs that they carry it 20 steps further - they demand anyone who believes the opposite must be silenced and make fools of themselves with their silly arguments about and spin as to why we have crowds of 2000-3000 and 2/3 empty arenas.
                  I guess that's the major difference we see on forums nowadays - those who can tolerate opposing opinions vs. those who simply lose it whenever they encounter someone who refuses to echo their fantasies.


                  • #69
                    How many decades are you going to rejoice in the fact that we haven't improved under Geno Ford?
                    ONCE A BRAVE... ALWAYS A BRAVE
                    Will give legal advice for beer


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Gwright View Post
                      How many decades are you going to rejoice in the fact that we haven't improved under Geno Ford?
                      The real question fans want to know is when will the changes result in actual improvement and NCAA bids?

                      And since those who wanted a change got exactly everything they wanted, why aren't they happy? Why are they so obsessed with worrying about what somebody else thinks? Why are they dressing up like clowns, painting bedsheet banners that look like a 2nd grader's, participating in thousands of hours of "Therapy" that only seems to be making them more insane, spending hours trying to fool the administrators of this site and sneak back under pseudonyms to troll, disrupt, and sabotage, and personally attacking good fans who simply disagree with them?
                      You got what you KWanted. Don't worry, be happy.


                      • #71
                        don't shoot the messenger - and the problem is not Geno - he was dealt a tough hand and a lot of people saw it coming


                        • #72
                          I think we all can agree that short term Les should have been kept.

                          I dunno what you want from Geno, Hes doing a bang up job!

                          Student sec was pretty full, Crowd was decent!

                          We won!

                          COLEMAN IS A BEAST OF A RECRUITER!

                          Give Anthony some time.

                          GENO gets 100 % credit for OG who had a real nice debut! Add Picket and Barnes and Genos guys make pretty good debuts at Carver!

                          Get loud and Proud Peoria! Get those dancin shoes ready!

                          Long Term Geno was a good move! Not saying if JL wasnt still here that we wouldnt be hanging a final four banner but I think we beat UC Davis to the dance and if not its just because of the conference I'd BET on us getting to the sweet 16 before them!

                          Last but not least MR PROSSER gets a double double tomorrow!


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Bradleyfan1 View Post

                            Last but not least MR PROSSER gets a double double tomorrow!
                            This is my biggest concern.....JP needs to get more involved in the game period, show some Sr. leadership and prove that you want to be getting good minutes or the back-up will be getting them!


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by bradleyfan1 View Post
                              i think we all can agree that short term les should have been kept.
                              Don't think we all agree with this. In fact probably minority do.

                              I dunno what you want from geno, hes doing a bang up job! Agree with you here
                              student sec was pretty full, crowd was decent!
                              Yes great job students

                              we won!
                              That's a great thing

                              coleman is a beast of a recruiter!
                              Yes he is no questions there

                              give anthony some time.
                              He's gonna need it but time maybe short

                              geno gets 100 % credit for og who had a real nice debut! Add picket and barnes and genos guys make pretty good debuts at carver!
                              Yes they did with more to come

                              get loud and proud peoria! Get those dancin shoes ready!
                              Coming soon can't wait

                              long term geno was a good move! Not saying if jl wasnt still here that we wouldnt be hanging a final four banner but i think we beat uc davis to the dance and if not its just because of the conference i'd bet on us getting to the sweet 16 before them!
                              We would never be hanging a final 4 banner with jl here and probably not in the near future.but we can hope.i do think we will get to the big dance b4 davis but that shouldn't be objective.winning our conference should don't care what davis does.

                              Last but not least mr prosser gets a double double tomorrow!
                              i hope your right but what are you smoking unless you're talking about fumbles and minutes next to nate.


                              • #75
                                Pross has shown great moments not many but some and I think tomorrow we see his best game yet! Hope he drank plenty of milk today!


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