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NCAA may ban male practice players in Women's Basketball

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  • NCAA may ban male practice players in Women's Basketball

    Many college women's basketball teams use male practice opponents.
    Now the NCAA is beginning steps to ban the practice.

    Believe it or not the main reason isn't the injury potential nor the effectiveness of the practice.

    It is the NCAA's concern that this practice "cheats" women out of scholarship opportunities.
    "the statement says that the use of male practice players ???‚¬?“violates the spirit of gender equity and Title IX.???‚¬??
    What next?

    ***You will have to cut and paste this entire web address as it does not work as a link***!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLN4g3NPUESYGYxqb6kW hCjhgihqYeCDFfj_zcVH1v_QD9gtzQ0IhyR0UAE3AuRw!!/delta/base64xml/L3dJdyEvUUd3QndNQSEvNElVRS82XzBfMTVL?WCM_GLOBAL_CO NTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/NCAA/NCAA+News/NCAA+News+Online/2006/Association+Updates/CWA+takes+stance+against+male+practice+players++-+12-11-06+update

    Here is one other interesting comment from the release:

    " Bigger, Stronger, Faster: The suggestion that since males are often bigger, stronger and faster, they should be used in drills in order to improve female-student athletes."

    But since men's basketball do not practice against a "scout team" of players from a higher level, then the women's team shouldn't do it either!

  • #2 the women's teams are using men as practice opponents, here is exactly the kind of lawsuit that will put an end to this...

    A girl got hurt in a scrimmage game in which men were playing,
    so she and her family are suing the school district because...
    "the scrimmage became "excessively physical" and resulted in her sustaining
    a separated right shoulder and resulting medical bills, as well as physical
    therapy and rehabilitation."

    hmmm... let's see....she willingly played in a game against male players, then sues because they are too physical.....duh....

    93 reader comments follow.....and they are pretty danged funny.........


    • #3
      So does this mean that they have banned it or that they are considering it? I'm only curious because I was approached last semester by an Asst. Coach for our Women's team and asked if I would be a practice player but then I broke my ankle and was in a boot for over a month. Now that my ankle is healed, I was all set to practice with them next semester.


      • #4
        It is not banned but it is being discouraged and actually regulated.
        The practice players are considered like walk-ons and must the be both athletically and grade-wise eligible.
        Here are the official NCAA rules on it...
        Page Not Found (404): It looks like you're lost... The page you are looking for no longer exists.

        Page Not Found (404): It looks like you're lost... The page you are looking for no longer exists.

        14.1.11 Male Practice PlayerEligibility. A male student who practices with a women's team
        isconsidered to be a student-athlete in that women's sport. The malestudent-athlete
        must be certified as eligible under all applicable NCAAeligibility requirements to participate
        (e.g., the individual must be enrolledin a minimum full-time program of studies, sign a
        student-athlete statement anddrug-testing consent form and have eligibility remaining
        under the 10-semesterrule). The male student-athlete is subject to all other
        restrictionsand/or benefits as authorized by NCAA legislation. See Bylaw foruse
        of a season of participation."
 Requirements. The use of male practice players in awomen's sport is subject
        to the following requirements:

        " (a) Male practice players shall only be permitted to practice inthe traditional segment in
        the women's sport;

        " (b) The use of male practice players is limited to one practice perweek; and

        " (c) In team sports, the number of male practice players shall notexceed half of the
        number of student-athletes required to field a starting unitin that sport."


        • #5
          Originally posted by tornado View Post
          It is not banned but it is being discouraged and actually regulated.
          The practice players are considered like walk-ons and must the be both athletically and grade-wise eligible.
          Here are the official NCAA rules on it...
          Page Not Found (404): It looks like you're lost... The page you are looking for no longer exists.

          Page Not Found (404): It looks like you're lost... The page you are looking for no longer exists.

          14.1.11 Male Practice PlayerEligibility. A male student who practices with a women's team
          isconsidered to be a student-athlete in that women's sport. The malestudent-athlete
          must be certified as eligible under all applicable NCAAeligibility requirements to participate
          (e.g., the individual must be enrolledin a minimum full-time program of studies, sign a
          student-athlete statement anddrug-testing consent form and have eligibility remaining
          under the 10-semesterrule). The male student-athlete is subject to all other
          restrictionsand/or benefits as authorized by NCAA legislation. See Bylaw foruse
          of a season of participation."

 Requirements. The use of male practice players in awomen's sport is subject
          to the following requirements:

          " (a) Male practice players shall only be permitted to practice inthe traditional segment in
          the women's sport;

          " (b) The use of male practice players is limited to one practice perweek; and

          " (c) In team sports, the number of male practice players shall notexceed half of the
          number of student-athletes required to field a starting unitin that sport."
          Interesting thank you. I had to sign all the forms for the NCAA and everything and they told me that I would be considered a student-athlete although I believe that is stretching it a little bit. Now onto practice I guess.


          • #6
            In reality this is coming from some women's group complaining how by using men to improve their product it is really harming them because now universities will not have to bring in more women for practice. I'm not sure how this works when most college's use up all their scholarships for women basketball. Also how many women do you ever see playing pick up basketball and for that fact getting together and playing 5 on 5 at the local gym. At my local Y there are a few women that play ball with us older guys and usually they played college ball and are pretty good but usually it's just the guys out there. I'm not sure women are really into playing organized basketball at the same level as men. Could it be due to conditioning of the mind? I may be old fashion but there are some things that are not gender neutral and if women want to improve in those male activities they need to compete and practice with them. If I ever wanted to be a professional shopper I'd have to hang out with my girlfriend not with the guys.
            "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
            ??” Thomas Jefferson


            • #7
              Originally posted by SFP View Post
              In reality this is coming from some women's group complaining how by using men to improve their product it is really harming them because now universities will not have to bring in more women for practice. I'm not sure how this works when most college's use up all their scholarships for women basketball. Also how many women do you ever see playing pick up basketball and for that fact getting together and playing 5 on 5 at the local gym. At my local Y there are a few women that play ball with us older guys and usually they played college ball and are pretty good but usually it's just the guys out there. I'm not sure women are really into playing organized basketball at the same level as men. Could it be due to conditioning of the mind? I may be old fashion but there are some things that are not gender neutral and if women want to improve in those male activities they need to compete and practice with them. If I ever wanted to be a professional shopper I'd have to hang out with my girlfriend not with the guys.
              Agreed 100%


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