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W*H*O*A! What Have We Here, Billy Packer

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  • W*H*O*A! What Have We Here, Billy Packer

    Just got home and turned on the TV and what do I find?

    Billy Packer's own alma mater, ACC powerhouse Wake Forest
    is getting absolutely embarrassed on Netwark TV by the 9th place team in the Big Ten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As we speak, score is Minnesota 70 - Wake Forest 54
    with only 3 minutes to go.

    Please Mr. Packer, tell us again how more of your ACC teams really deserved to be in the Big Dance.

    In just about 3 minutes, your precious ACC will be 0-2 in the post season.

    Can't say I feel sorry for you, Billy, as you have done little to endear yourself to us midwesterners.
    Congrats to Jim Molinari and crew up in Minnesota and thanks for kicking Billy's a**.

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