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Interesting interview with Dr. Cross, Kirk Wessler, & Dave Reynolds: State of Bradley Athletics

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  • #31
    Elvis Dominguez is reportedly already signed for this and two more seasons as the 2nd highest rate among baseball coaches in the MVC.
    They might use the reluctance to buy him out in this & see...


    • #32
      Interesting Interview-----etc.

      BU9---I agree w/ you 100%----Elvis and Cross MUST GO ! They are hurting our programs to an incredible degree. Baseball is a complete embarrassment.


      • #33
        I'd avoid using the term embarrassment - there's a certain "business" as well as an academic endeavor involved here.......
        the players and coaches try hard & we have some very talented players - but if the standard has been CLEARLY defined as "regularly competing for championships" then I think we are being hypocritical when we pay MILLIONS to buy out the staff of one sport who posted numerous top half finishes in the MVC but look the other way on other sports that are bottom dwellers every single season.


        • #34
          Originally posted by tornado View Post
          I'd avoid using the term embarrassment - there's a certain "business" as well as an academic endeavor involved here.......
          the players and coaches try hard & we have some very talented players - but if the standard has been CLEARLY defined as "regularly competing for championships" then I think we are being hypocritical when we pay MILLIONS to buy out the staff of one sport who posted numerous top half finishes in the MVC but look the other way on other sports that are bottom dwellers every single season.
          But Glass didn't hire the first coaching staff, and did hire the second. I didn't mind the firing of JL, but did think it has handled poorly. But if Elvis is around after this season, my faith in Cross will be zero. (I have already lost it for Glasser...)


          • #35
            Originally posted by tornado View Post
            Interesting that there's no mention of this locally ...

            by Tim Lahey and Miles Himmel Bradley Athletics have had a long tradition of winning in athletics, but are in a bit of a slump recently. In this article, the current state of the Athletic departmen…

            Here are the things blamed for...lack of consistent success...
            -lack of enough seniors (Dr. Cross' answer)
            -"coaching turnover has hindered Bradley's success" (per Kirk Wessler who vigorously campaigned for the turnover in the basketball program)

            there are also links to the audio comments...Many mentions of "competing for championships.." or at a "championship level.."
            ..and DR & KW disagree with Dr. Cross on the presence of backlash on ticket prices...and with the lack of success, they say the spotlight needs to be on who is running the programs

            The writers are Tim Lahey - who writes for the PJS sports dept., & Miles Himmel a sports journalism student at BU

            I listened to the entire thing and I am not so sure the long range Bradley vision is "large"...but instead it may actually be smaller than a lot of fans would desire...(R-C)
            KW & DR spent a ton of time doing free promo work - especially hyping soccer as evidence of BU success - and they never named which good coaches we have lost because they were hired away to better jobs? Also interesting talk about half way thru about bad decisions in building on campus...and "pi**ing off the fans"...interesting language...& rips the WBB coach hire

            But I have to object to KW's repeated assertion that Bradley basketball has not been successful nor competitive since 2000...this ignores tons of evidence to the contrary, winning seasons, huge crowds, record revenue raising, post season success....that the decline has NOT been going on 13 years but instead just 2-3..
            Then their final opinion - if we are not better in a few more years - fire more coaches...
            in the context of our recent news and revenue issues, I thought this discussion needed to be renewed....
            I guess I am done offering my opinion on this topic - feel free to rebut if you wish...but hang on to your life jacket because we're going under...and it ain't over yet..


            • #36
              yet another interview with Dr. Cross on the front page of the Sports Section of the PJ Star......

              the interesting thing he notes is that if athletes unionize, then, in his opinion, it would eliminate the requirement for the schools to follow Title IX.
              it would instead be an employment/employer relationship and there's be no more requirement to balance spots for female athletes then the NBA currently has...
              In theory this move could cost tens of thousands of women college athletes their spots on teams & their scholarships, as schools would surely stop supporting enormous money losing sports if they didn't have to.


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