Can someone please explain to me how an organization for which I do not belong, and for which I did not elect anyone to sit on is able to pass a rule as to what I do in my personal life?
Furthermore, what is to stop me from tweeting a recruit as I pose as a fan of a team other than the one that I root for in order to get them into trouble?
There are so many things wrong with this, I can't begin to get into it. There is a limit to the reach that any organization can and should have, and this is well past that limit.
Seriously NCAA - worry about some of the bigger violations that you seem to ignore on almost a daily basis with your 'money maker' schools and stop worrying about what the fan base is doing.
FYI - I don't even have a twitter account, but I am sick and tired of a government that is already telling me what I can and can't do more than it should. I certainly don't need organizations I have no affiliation with doing more of the same. Whether you think this is a big deal or not is irrelevant. The more this type of thing is accepted and allowed, the worse it will get over time. NCAA is overstepping their bounds.
Furthermore, what is to stop me from tweeting a recruit as I pose as a fan of a team other than the one that I root for in order to get them into trouble?
There are so many things wrong with this, I can't begin to get into it. There is a limit to the reach that any organization can and should have, and this is well past that limit.
Seriously NCAA - worry about some of the bigger violations that you seem to ignore on almost a daily basis with your 'money maker' schools and stop worrying about what the fan base is doing.
FYI - I don't even have a twitter account, but I am sick and tired of a government that is already telling me what I can and can't do more than it should. I certainly don't need organizations I have no affiliation with doing more of the same. Whether you think this is a big deal or not is irrelevant. The more this type of thing is accepted and allowed, the worse it will get over time. NCAA is overstepping their bounds.