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"Where's the Beef?"

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  • "Where's the Beef?"

    t--- Your question was an excellent one and very timely. Overall IMO, there is very little beef in the BU Athletic Dept. Our successes in almost every sport are nonexistant, our preseason promotions are not very good and have changed from an old format that was very successful, Halftime and timeout "games" are dull and unimaginative, Bradley baseball is a shell of its former self, Tennis and golf are virtually non-existant and yet we have wonderful facilities and a very good fan base. Now, our conference affiliation is coming unglued. People are losing interest in Bradley and our Athletic Dept doesn't seem to be able to build much of anything. Bradley athletics has become "mediocre" at best under the current leadership. Something needs to change.

  • #2
    I am not sure I share all those sentiments but I guess I'd say maybe I don't feel we are where you view us to be but fear we are headed there..... worried that we have made so many course changes in hopes of and with promises of getting BETTER - and yet I don't see it anywhere.
    I have had so many people I run into & talk with echo some of the same sentiments and I am sure this is why the numbers are way down......some even feel if they speak up then they are labelled as bad fans...
    This past season or two - as you have noted - there have been fewer events to meet and interact with the players and personnel...
    I am loyal for life but some fans are not and they might just need a pleasant face & smile from the athletic department to come up to them at a Bradley game and start talking....and make them feel wanted and their concerns valid...
    I don't need a white towel on my seat or a T-shirt to get me there but I know some fans want to know their loyalty is appreciated...


    • #3
      Originally posted by wizard View Post
      t--- Your question was an excellent one and very timely. Overall IMO, there is very little beef in the BU Athletic Dept. Our successes in almost every sport are nonexistant, our preseason promotions are not very good and have changed from an old format that was very successful, Halftime and timeout "games" are dull and unimaginative, Bradley baseball is a shell of its former self, Tennis and golf are virtually non-existant and yet we have wonderful facilities and a very good fan base. Now, our conference affiliation is coming unglued. People are losing interest in Bradley and our Athletic Dept doesn't seem to be able to build much of anything. Bradley athletics has become "mediocre" at best under the current leadership. Something needs to change.


      • #4
        How many college teams have indoor tennis facilities? or is it common?


        • #5
          "Where's the Beef"

          Future W.O.---Most colleges do not have indoor tennis facilities and make arrangements to use local indoor racquet clubs for practice in cold weather. Of course, Southern schools do not have a problem with this. The biggest problem that BU has with tennis is that we don't have enough scholarships and I don't believe our coaches have the funds to travel to evaluate and recruit players.


          • #6
            Thank goodness for soccer.

            DeRose is one of the best in the country at what he does.


            • #7
              Saw the thread title and thought we signed a!


              • #8
                Here. Try this ... ... ...

                Originally posted by wizard View Post
                t--- your question was an excellent one and very timely. Overall imo, there is very little beef in the bu athletic dept. Our successes in almost every sport are nonexistent, our preseason promotions are not very good and have changed from an old very successful format. Halftime and timeout "games" are dull and unimaginative, bradley baseball is a shell of its former self, tennis and golf are virtually nonexistant and yet we have wonderful facilities and a very good fan base. Now, our conference affiliation is coming unglued. People are losing interest in bradley and our athletic dept doesn't seem to be able to build much of anything. Bradley athletics has become "mediocre" at best under the current leadership. Something needs to change.
                Get out of the civic center or refuse going back to this hapless place of worthlessness unless or until dramatic changes are made. Thank GOD tonight's game was on campus instead!
                Last edited by understandingthetruth; 03-20-2013, 09:22 PM. Reason: Spelling correction
                There has got to be some place we can go to have fun!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by understandingthetruth View Post
                  Get out of the civic center or refuse going back to this hapless place of worthlessness unless or until dramatic changes are made. Thank GOD tonight's game was on campus instead!

                  ok settle would rather us play at the RC?


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