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Wichita state senator trying to force Kansas to play Wichita State

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  • Wichita state senator trying to force Kansas to play Wichita State

    A Kansas state senator from Wichita is trying to force the University of Kansas to play Wichita State in basketball yearly. Initially, his proposal included withholding all state funding.

  • #2
    After their last games, would anyone show up to watch WSU v KU?
    BUilding for the Future


    • #3
      Originally posted by AZ BU Fan View Post
      After their last games, would anyone show up to watch WSU v KU?


      • #4
        This argument would have carried some weight four games ago. I still would like to see it though, it'll never happen.
        ... At the end, of the storm, there's a golden sky. And the sweet silver song of the lark. Walk on, through the wind, walk on, through the rain, though your dreams be tossed, and blown. Walk on, Walk on with hope in your hearts, and you'll never walk alone!
        I'm behind you 100% Bradley Braves, You'll Never Walk Alone! BEAT STATE!


        • #5
          Yea. This is exactly what we need happening. Governmental control over college basketball scheduling....


          • #6
            Originally posted by BeBrave View Post
            Yea. This is exactly what we need happening. Governmental control over college basketball scheduling....
            They cannot do a decent job with government and continue to spen more then they take in so just maybe they should try and solve our countrys problems before sticking their noses into sports .


            • #7
              Originally posted by real fan View Post
              They cannot do a decent job with government and continue to spen more then they take in so just maybe they should try and solve our countrys problems before sticking their noses into sports .
              Right, and not just sports and extends all the way to the top.
              What part of illegal don't you understand?


              • #8
                they need to schedule some hearings with Lance Armstrong or someone


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