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It's Time! 2012-13 MVC Regular Season Pick Em Contest BEGINS! Entries Due 12/29 12:00 Noon CST

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  • It's Time! 2012-13 MVC Regular Season Pick Em Contest BEGINS! Entries Due 12/29 12:00 Noon CST

    Let's get ready to RUMBLE!

    The 2012 -13 MVC Regular Season Pick Em Contest on is back and better than ever!
    Test your prognosticating skills in picking the outright winners in every MVC Regular Season Game (including BB games)!
    • Impress your friends
    • Rekindle your competitive fire
    • Humiliate your know it all neighbors

    by winning the 2012-13 Pick Em Contest here of

    Here is how the contest works:
    1. A day or two before each of the 18 MVC Regular Season Games (and any BB games), I will post a thread with the teams playing soliciting your picks.
    2. I will keep track of the correct picks and report the results/standings after the games are complete.
    3. One, and only ONE, entry per participant, no fair changing your picks once they are posted!
    4. Entries must be received before the start of the first game to be valid (unless you are willing to slip a few greenbacks to AZ BU Fan)

    THIS IS A MARATHON, AND, WITH SHORT TURNAROUND BETWEEN GAMES, You can't fall behind and miss a game or two. Get out on regularly!

    Other awards....
    5/5 correct picks =
    4/5 correct picks =
    3/5 correct picks =
    0/5 correct picks =

    There are separate FH, LH, and Season Long Contests so you are never 'out of it'!

    Leaders after each game will also receive a .....

    Here are the leaders from last year's 2011-12 MVC Regular Season Game Pick Em Contest:

    2011-12 MVC Season
    Final Standings - Correct Picks

    71 ..... bujeff23 ............. Congratulations!
    71 ..... Chico ................ Congratulations!

    Second Place
    70 ..... BuB .................. Will this be your breakthrough season?
    70 ..... shaunguth ......... So close you could taste it!
    70 ..... spoon ............... Go for the gold this time!

    Third Place
    69 ..... Fansince69

    Fourth Place
    68 ..... JMM28
    68 ..... RaiderOfBradley
    68 ..... valleyclimber
    68 ..... wily coyote

    Good luck this season and may the best man/woman win!
    BUilding for the Future

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