It's probably not the musical style to grab an 18-year-old recruit, but a new YouTube effort promoting Peoria by the composer of BU songs such as "Yajusneverno," "Find a Way," and "Stand-Up!" has a lot of Bradley influences. Among the 60 images of city scenes and citizens are pics of Andrew Warren slapping the hands of young fans, Dave Snell being honored for calling his 1,000th game, and of Bradley's Westlake Hall.
The song, called "Peoria Pride," was written by yours truly and arranged by BU's own Dr. Dave Vroman for performance by the Peoria Municipal Band. It is sung by Barry Cloyd and most of the accompanying photos are by Dr. Joe Couri.
I put it up on YouTube two weeks ago and it already has 5,000 views. People say it's a very positive, 3-minute introduction to Peoria. So feel free to share it with family, friends . . . and that out-of-town teenage basketball phenom who needs to know what a great city Peoria is! :-)
Thanks for letting me indulge in a little shameless self-promotion. Feel free to move this to another forum, mods, if you see fit.
The song, called "Peoria Pride," was written by yours truly and arranged by BU's own Dr. Dave Vroman for performance by the Peoria Municipal Band. It is sung by Barry Cloyd and most of the accompanying photos are by Dr. Joe Couri.
I put it up on YouTube two weeks ago and it already has 5,000 views. People say it's a very positive, 3-minute introduction to Peoria. So feel free to share it with family, friends . . . and that out-of-town teenage basketball phenom who needs to know what a great city Peoria is! :-)
Thanks for letting me indulge in a little shameless self-promotion. Feel free to move this to another forum, mods, if you see fit.