Originally posted by BUsoccer4
I'll throw out a couple trivia questions, and as for being better looking, I'd love a chance to decide some day.

Do you wear Bradley-style makeup?
Here is the challenge....send your answers to me by PM or post them, it doesn't matter.
The first person to get them all correct will win:
One of the fine collector card sets of Bradley basketball
players from the early 1990's
and the set contains great cards of Anthony Parker, Aaron Zobrist, Dwayne Funches, Chad Kleine, etc..
Here are the questions---
Question #1- A question from the 1950's--
Name the only team with a losing record ever invited to the NCAA Tournament as an At-Large entry who did NOT win their conference? What year, and what was their record?
Question #2 - A question from the 1960's--
Who did Bradley beat to win the 1964 NIT Title, and what was the score, and who was the tournament's MVP?
Question #3 - A question from the 1970's--
Who set the then all time season assists record for Bradley in 1974-1975?
Question #4 - A question from the 1980's--
What Bradley great was drafted by the Philadelphia 76ers in 1985 and ended up playing a total of 4 games with them?
Question #5 - A question from the 1990's--
Name the last two Bradley players to accumulate more than 15 double-doubles in their Bradley careers?
I will set as an arbitrary deadline, Thursday, noon.
If nobody has all the right answers, then I will post them.
You are not limited to just ONE attempt, so offer your guesses, and if they are wrong, you can keep guessing!!