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Bradley Branding

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Braves4Life View Post
    Thank you Old Coach for being "the grown up in the room".
    I just report what I've heard.


    • #77
      I don't like the idea of being called the "brave" its stupid!


      • #78
        I don't think they need to ask anyone's permission...they should make the changes they want/need and stand behind them. No second guessing.

        If you won't donate because of a missing letter then to hell with you.

        The gargoyle they put together is freaking awesome. Get over yourselves.


        • #79
          Originally posted by LG281 View Post
          I don't think they need to ask anyone's permission...they should make the changes they want/need and stand behind them. No second guessing.

          If you won't donate because of a missing letter then to hell with you...

          Get over yourselves.
          Thank you. I believe you have perfectly summed up the arrogant attitude that the Bradley administration has toward their fans and supporters.


          • #80
            I have to tell you Bill that there have been many focus groups that have included fans, alumni, faculty, coaches, students and corporate partners involved in this process. This certainly hasn't been an activity that has taken place behind closed doors, as there has been copius input from multiple sources.


            • #81
              but what I am hearing............
              ... that the focus groups were for the purpose of BU carefully floating the ideas before they go widely public - but that it's already a done deal having paid research groups and designers long before "floating the idea"
              In other words - the focus groups are a sham and make people think they are being given an input but it's a done deal already?

              Personally I don't care as long as we land great players and win games - although I do admit if they change the team colors then a whole lot of my wardrobe would be worthless...........
              but it looks like a pattern to continue the break with anything from the past .....


              • #82
                Originally posted by tornado View Post
                but what I am hearing............
                ... that the focus groups were for the purpose of BU carefully floating the ideas before they go widely public - but that it's already a done deal having paid research groups and designers long before "floating the idea"
                In other words - the focus groups are a sham and make people think they are being given an input but it's a done deal already?

                Personally I don't care as long as we land great players and win games - although I do admit if they change the team colors then a whole lot of my wardrobe would be worthless...........
                but it looks like a pattern to continue the break with anything from the past .....
                Woah! I've been mostly quiet here because I think we need new branding, but if we get new colors I will be upset. They could add black or something... But totally new colors and I'll get skeptical...


                • #83
                  Originally posted by amckillip View Post
                  Woah! I've been mostly quiet here because I think we need new branding, but if we get new colors I will be upset. They could add black or something... But totally new colors and I'll get skeptical...

                  There are no new colors. In fact there is a specific part of the focus group that says that the Bradley emblem, logo, and font have to be specific colors on specific colors and those are standard issue red, white, and black. So realistically - the current "brand" or lack thereof is worse on Bradley colors than the new concept.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by tornado View Post
                    ... it looks like a pattern to continue the break with anything from the past .....
                    Is BU planning to tear down the "exhibits to the past" at the new Alumni Center and the Hall of Fame over at the RCC? Even I'd be upset with BU and our Administration if they attempted to erase the tributes that they created.


                    • #85
                      I think you are on to something B4L - before long any evidence that Bradley ever had a past will be visible only in the museum...


                      • #86
                        I can't believe some of you would be ok with changing our name from the "Braves" to the "Brave"

                        Also like 3 current students at Bradley know anything about the basketball team and its history so they (the students) shouldn't be allowed to attend focus groups....

                        I have the ego to say that the majority of the people running this "branding" don't care about history or the program as much as they should.


                        • #87
                          I vote:

                          change the logo, throw in some black, get a gargoyle mascot, and call it a century


                          • #88
                            is this too scary?


                            • #89
                              In Jan. 2008 I commented on the search for a new logo/theme/image for Bradley. Looking back I think the handwriting was on the wall (or building).

                              "I downloaded the video showing the installation of the four new gargoyles on the Harden Clark Alumni Center and have viewed it several times. Knowingly or unwittingly the university makes the case for gargoyles (or images of gargoyles) to represent both the history and more importantly the future of the university. The multiple stone gargoyles will be there for decades to come. History that is usable trumps history that has been outdated or banned.

                              If you look carefully at my rendition of a BU image it includes a historic and future gargoyle, the iris of the eye has a clock in it, and the gargoyle also has a feather (it's just not a North American eagle feather). I think that covers all the bases."

                              I would be interested to know if this is even vaguely similar to the "new" idea.


                              • #90
                                Here's a thought. Lets develop a strong Brand name and marketing program, hire coaches that can win while maintaining student athlete academic standards (or ELSE), improve both athletic and campus infrastructure, and win a few MVC titles / NCAA invitations (coming). Hey, wait a minute, isn't that the department's goal right now?

                                The OVERALL athletic program is on the way up, but its a tough climb. I'd rather try to improve all these areas right now so that when that day comes when WSU / Creighton seek to bail that we have the BRAND and WINS to go with them rather than stay with the new invites North Dakota and South Dakota.


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