I guess Geno answered a few quesitons and his responses were referenced in the paper today - although I didn't have time to read them all since my paper came way late again today - 
but of all the things people ask when given the chance to get a question directly to the head coach - it seems they always ask the same questions, many of which the coach cannot answer, or will answer in a predictable way?
There are always questions about recruiting which Geno isn't able to talk much about since it's an NCAA violation. Also, coaches won't usually talk much on recruiting anyway since coaches never want to tip their hand.
So, Geno (or any other coach who is ever asked about recruiting) always simply states - "sure, we're still recruiting"...
..and that's pretty much all he said.
Then there was a question if Geno regretted taking the BU job and I cannot imagine even if the answer was "yes" that he'd say it publically-
..but if I am not mistaken there's about 300% more of a pretty good reason to be here than to be at KSU...
Plus Geno greatly compliments the Bradley fan base - so I think each of us can feel appreciated!
Then I guess there was a question sort of along the lines of what's the timetable for Bradley being good again...
and the vague answer was "no timetable...it's going to be a process"
And I guess one question baited Geno to see if he'd say that what's being said on message boards bothered him - and....
.. he threw that question right back into the guy's face and said- no- he loved the passion and enthusiasm those people bring -
but he did make one strong point about message board comments - and it's exactly the same point we have made here for years -- but it's a point that is ignored on other message boards...that sharp and bitter criticism of the players is wrong and should be off limits - as is the rule here.-
Coach Ford: "The only time it can get a little touchy is if people are berating players, because they are college players and not pro players. When you sign up to be the coach, you are signing up to be second-guessed."

but of all the things people ask when given the chance to get a question directly to the head coach - it seems they always ask the same questions, many of which the coach cannot answer, or will answer in a predictable way?
There are always questions about recruiting which Geno isn't able to talk much about since it's an NCAA violation. Also, coaches won't usually talk much on recruiting anyway since coaches never want to tip their hand.
So, Geno (or any other coach who is ever asked about recruiting) always simply states - "sure, we're still recruiting"...
..and that's pretty much all he said.
Then there was a question if Geno regretted taking the BU job and I cannot imagine even if the answer was "yes" that he'd say it publically-

..but if I am not mistaken there's about 300% more of a pretty good reason to be here than to be at KSU...
Plus Geno greatly compliments the Bradley fan base - so I think each of us can feel appreciated!
Then I guess there was a question sort of along the lines of what's the timetable for Bradley being good again...
and the vague answer was "no timetable...it's going to be a process"
And I guess one question baited Geno to see if he'd say that what's being said on message boards bothered him - and....
.. he threw that question right back into the guy's face and said- no- he loved the passion and enthusiasm those people bring -
but he did make one strong point about message board comments - and it's exactly the same point we have made here for years -- but it's a point that is ignored on other message boards...that sharp and bitter criticism of the players is wrong and should be off limits - as is the rule here.-
Coach Ford: "The only time it can get a little touchy is if people are berating players, because they are college players and not pro players. When you sign up to be the coach, you are signing up to be second-guessed."