Last year when these two high schools played there were fireworks, fights, technicals, and ejections...
Peoria Central head coach Dan Ruffin REALLY wanted to drop Quincy from future scheduling after the stuff that happened last year - much of which was caused by the extremely aggressive actions of the Quincy players & coaches..
well - Dan Ruffin didn't get his way - so Central had to go down to play Quincy last night - and I think events kinda proved Coach Ruffin was a prophet...
Here are a couple different versions of the events of last night but it sounds like Central got severely hammered and homered....and the Quincy press version doesn't mention a thing about the foul discrepancy or "issues"..
Peoria Central head coach Dan Ruffin REALLY wanted to drop Quincy from future scheduling after the stuff that happened last year - much of which was caused by the extremely aggressive actions of the Quincy players & coaches..
well - Dan Ruffin didn't get his way - so Central had to go down to play Quincy last night - and I think events kinda proved Coach Ruffin was a prophet...
Here are a couple different versions of the events of last night but it sounds like Central got severely hammered and homered....and the Quincy press version doesn't mention a thing about the foul discrepancy or "issues"..