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Snell calls out Bradley students for not showing up!

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  • #31
    It sounds cruel but students will come when Bradley wins. Until then, you'll see very little buzz among the students. I bet the majority of students didn't even know there was a game tonight.

    There is no way you'll convince your average Bradley student to go see a basketball team that finishes dead last in the MVC. Not in today's day and age when there is so many other distractions and not when the school has 5000 students.

    When the team gives students something to talk about they'll show up. Guaranteed.


    • #32
      Looks like Geno noticed the student attendance today!

      Bradley Greek Life
      Our surprise guest, Coach Geno Ford, just fired up the crowd! Make sure to buy your tix to Wed.'s game on campus! #PanFraSing #BUGreekWeek


      • #33
        Originally posted by Braves4Life View Post
        Absolutely pathetic! And the Greeks should be ashamed! Come on man! Get your people to the game!
        Originally posted by Braves4Life View Post
        More than anything else Greek organizations want recognition and prestige among their fellow Greeks. They all want to be thought of as the best. They'd compete like crazy if BU promised them a radio or TV promotional spot or mention. They'd also compete for a spot on a billboard on or near campus, or a big congratulations banner hung on Bradley Hall.

        I was a Greek..... They're all about ego and "face time".
        Originally posted by Braves4Life View Post
        I've got no problem with that.
        You pretty much said it all! Talk about lame. I now agree 100% with Chico on this subject. I had faith with today's students but I guess I'm wrong. 50-40-30 what's the difference. If I'm TB I'd be pissed also.
        "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
        ??” Thomas Jefferson


        • #34
          Originally posted by Braves4Life View Post
          I've got no problem with that.

          +1 Regardless of the students reasons, they weren't there tonight.

          Originally posted by Rusty 54 View Post
          I actually have a problem with it. We all know where BU finished last year, and today were playing a team most students do not care about. When BU opened against DePaul after the Sweet 16, Carver was rocking.

          The team exists for the fans, we do not exist for them. I wonder if they feel differently.

          I disagree. A team exists for the school. A fan exists if they choose to follow a school or their team.

          Its pretty simple to see that a combination of factors have made today's generation of students different from those of the rocking Fieldhouse days when it was 90 degrees in there and it didn't matter who we played.

          Off campus arena
          other options for students on campus
          not winning enough
          The campus environment is really different from 25 years ago. Current campus policies have really changed from the past.

          And I think today's Bradley student is a different kind. One that doesn't follow (a junkie) or play sports themselves in the same numbers as students of the 80's-90's. I have no way to prove this but I would guess that the number of kids who play intermural sports is less now than back then. I know they used to have 4 divisions for basketball: Co-ed, recreational, Greek, and open (competitive). Also, every evening at Haussler you could find 30-40 students playing pick up games. Flag football and softball also had big numbers. The Red Sea Elite does a good job in trying to motivate today's students but the past students did not need a club to be involved. They just were. Sports were just a bigger part of their student lives.


          • #35
            Forget about the students.....we've known for some time they choose not to show up. What about the rest of the fanbase? I'd be more worried about that! Where are all the pictures of the empty sections in the lower bowl?
            ???People say, ???Forget last year', but I want our guys to remember that one, because that will not happen again. We will be much better.??? Geno Ford, 9/22/12


            • #36
              Originally posted by DUBrave5 View Post
              As far as today goes, this is the end of Greek Week which is a pretty big deal among the Greeks. Right now, in fact, they are at the RC doing their biggest event of the year. A lot of them will not go to a Sunday game when Panfrasing falls on the same day. The student turnout seemed about right to me. We played UMKC and most of the students couldn't even tell you what UMKC stands for.

              We can complain and whine and what not about the students, but that is not going to get them out. When I was on the interfraternity council board, Jim Les came to one of our Joint Council, which is the biggest meetings among fraternity and sorority boards, and promoted Bradley Basketball and doing incentives for the Greeks because he was one. I think that the Greek turnout that year was lower than I had ever seen it. It will take a lot to get them out unfortunately and I honestly don't know what will actually do it.

              On a positive note, I want to give kudos to the Greeks that are there. I know the most, if not all, leaders of the Red Sea are involved in a Greek House and they try to do the best they can to get them out.

              Sorry I don't have any ideas, wish I did, but that is just the way it is on campus right now. Especially after how disappointing last year was. I don't think I missed virtually any home games my first 4 years at Bradley, but last year, my 5th year, I think I only went to 2 because it was painful to watch our team.

              I went tonight and while we didn't look so good for a while, we scrapped up a win. I think that will be the forte for this team even though I would definitely prefer some more blowouts

              I know you weren't looking for a novel from me, but just wanted to get my thoughts out there.
              Word is that Geno made a guest apperance at Panfrasing last night to promote the game on Wednesday and Bradley basketball in general. For being a small school, Bradley has a relatively large, prominent, and successful Greek community. Getting Greek life involved is a major part of getting the students to show up.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                I thought the attendance was good considering the time, and the conflicts with church activities, football, etc.
                Thats true. I almost didn't go because of the bears vs. lions game.
                Well let me just quote the late-great Colonel Sanders, who said..."I'm too drunk to taste this chicken."


                • #38
                  If all the students sat on the right side like they usually do when the band is there, then it was about the normal student turnout for a low key game. The biggest no-shows were the season ticket holders. Probably at least 2 to 300 empty seats in the lower bowl. Not sure if it was the Sunday game or they just lost that many season tickets after last season. If a season ticket holder can't show for a game, give your tickets to someone that can.



                  • #39
                    There are several reasons why attendance has been down, not winning titles is the number 1 reason , you win consistently and the place will sell-out , finish in the bottom half for several years and you lose fans, all of us on this board go because we support Bradley no matter what, at least 30 % of vthe people that attend games only go when they are winning or predicted to be good, wish it was different but most places are like that with some being a lot worse as most teams predicted to finish last would not draw 5,000 fans to a game.
                    Bottom line is we need to win championships to get back to the good times when going to a Bradley game was a big event in this area.


                    • #40
                      Not counting the corporate season tickets, I would say most season ticket holders go to most if not all the games on the package. Why get season tickets if you're not going? Don't put the blame on the loyal season ticket holders.
                      What part of illegal don't you understand?


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Chico View Post
                        Not counting the corporate season tickets, I would say most season ticket holders go to most if not all the games on the package. Why get season tickets if you're not going? Don't put the blame on the loyal season ticket holders.
                        I don't think anyone is blaming the loyal season ticket holders, but there were A LOT of empty seats in the lower bowl. I find that to be more alarming than the almost empty student section.
                        ???People say, ???Forget last year', but I want our guys to remember that one, because that will not happen again. We will be much better.??? Geno Ford, 9/22/12


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by shaunguth View Post
                          I don't think anyone is blaming the loyal season ticket holders, but there were A LOT of empty seats in the lower bowl. I find that to be more alarming than the almost empty student section.
                          If it keeps up I would agree with you. They should be filled up pretty good from now on. More than a LOT of empty seats in the student section, almost all.
                          What part of illegal don't you understand?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Chico View Post
                            More than a LOT of empty seats in the student section, almost all.
                            Yes.....but I've come to expect that.
                            ???People say, ???Forget last year', but I want our guys to remember that one, because that will not happen again. We will be much better.??? Geno Ford, 9/22/12


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Braves4Life View Post
                              I've got no problem with that.
                              Here's my problem with TB saying anything....maybe they were there a time or two the last few years when TB was suspended....IMO he shouldn't call them out...he should encourage them to come out and tell them how the players would appreciate any event TB just needs to go play and not worry about the crowds
                              Last edited by lefty; 11-15-2011, 06:45 PM. Reason: spelling


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by shaunguth View Post
                                I don't think anyone is blaming the loyal season ticket holders, but there were A LOT of empty seats in the lower bowl. I find that to be more alarming than the almost empty student section.
                                there were alot of empty seats...I know I had 2 that i didn't get anyone in...Sunday game had a lot to do with it.....


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