will be hosting a free Chat Room for the BU-UMKC game on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 4:00PM. The chat room is also open for those wishing to talk NFL football or any other topic. Go BU!
Click on the link below to go to the Chat Room--
BradleyFans chat room
The BradleyFans chat room is provided free of charge, as a courtesy of .
Remember, you are a guest in the chat room, please abide by the same rules we ask for posters here on the message board.
The room is open now. Feel free to check it out early and be sure that your logon and password work for you. See instructions below.
If anyone has a problem, PM me or click the link to Contact Us at the bottom of every page. We'll try to help rectify any problems.
Once you sign-in, remember to click on the Join Chat button to begin chatting.
Also, do not enter anything into the line for Admin password. That is only for chatroom administrators.
If you are not already signed-in, please click on the link in the upper right to register or to sign-in.
You will need to sign in with your email and password. If you don't remember your password, you can have it emailed to you.
If you have not previously registered, it will ask you to do so.
If anyone has any problems participating in the chatroom, PM me or email me by clicking the link at the bottom right of every page to Contact Us.
Remember, keep things civil, and polite, and no vulgarity.
Thanks again for making the chatroom a pleasant experience for everyone.
If anyone sees any inappropriate behavior in the chat room, please send me a PM, or click the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page, and it will notify the administrator.
Click on the link below to go to the Chat Room--
BradleyFans chat room
The BradleyFans chat room is provided free of charge, as a courtesy of .
Remember, you are a guest in the chat room, please abide by the same rules we ask for posters here on the message board.
The room is open now. Feel free to check it out early and be sure that your logon and password work for you. See instructions below.
If anyone has a problem, PM me or click the link to Contact Us at the bottom of every page. We'll try to help rectify any problems.
Once you sign-in, remember to click on the Join Chat button to begin chatting.
Also, do not enter anything into the line for Admin password. That is only for chatroom administrators.
If you are not already signed-in, please click on the link in the upper right to register or to sign-in.
You will need to sign in with your email and password. If you don't remember your password, you can have it emailed to you.
If you have not previously registered, it will ask you to do so.
If anyone has any problems participating in the chatroom, PM me or email me by clicking the link at the bottom right of every page to Contact Us.
Remember, keep things civil, and polite, and no vulgarity.
Thanks again for making the chatroom a pleasant experience for everyone.
If anyone sees any inappropriate behavior in the chat room, please send me a PM, or click the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page, and it will notify the administrator.