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This isn't really a fair game

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  • #16
    wow you represent phog well. your flamming is more than appreciated. jhwkgirl spoke well of you too.


    • #17
      Originally posted by threeeleven
      wow you represent phog well. your flamming is more than appreciated. jhwkgirl spoke well of you too.

      One of the KU Phog posters was on last night saying this Tom Lite iddiott is NOT the same guy that runs their board, just a pathetic lonely troll looking for attention.


      • #18
        Originally posted by threeeleven
        wow you represent phog well. your flamming is more than appreciated. jhwkgirl spoke well of you too.
        I was originally going to have a civil discourse, but then I saw some of the things being said by Bradley fans and I just think it is ridiculous. You need to be brought back down to earth and dwell in reality.

        Got Premium?



        • #19
          I have been to Allen fieldhouse in the other teams colors when I lived in big twelve land (big 8 then) Even for a KU loss I always found their fans to be knowledgeble and respectful. A great college hoop experience. Tell your friends who know basketball and not smack (if you have any) to post here we welcome it. You are laughable. There are many on this board that have to much respect for the game and players to respond to your child like rant. So I will do it for the very knowlegdble long time posters to this board.

          TAKE IT OUT OF HERE.


          • #20
            I really doubt this is Tom Light. It is probably just some deranged poster who Tom banned.
            We don't believe you, you need more people.


            • #21
              Breaking news!
              Bradley's athletic department has announced that it would just be too futile to even play this game against Kansas, and they are declaring an immediate forfeit.

              Bradley's spot in the NCAA tournament will be given to either Missouri or Kansas State, because they proved they could beat Kansas. Misouri beat them on January 16 (89-86), and Kansas State beat Kansas on Kansas' home floor on January 14, 59-55.
              "Peoria, land of 10,000 coaches"


              • #22
                Seriously, despite the howls heard here about how great the Big 12 is and how weak the MVC is, the RPI shows differently. The MVC actually spent nearly the entire year as the #5 conference, and ahead of the Big 12. The final tabulations show the Big 12 barely edging out the MVC, but they are very close.

                "Peoria, land of 10,000 coaches"


                • #23
                  hello braves fans,

                  This is not Tom Light the KU mod but rather an imposter, more than likely a mizzou or illinois fan.

                  as a side note, the bucknell references are fine and good fun for a little innocent smack talk but just so you know that was the first time KU lost a first round game in the NCAAs in something like 30 tries, so while that one game has apparently branded us as a likely tourney bust the reality says something different. The MVC is a legit conference and good luck.


                  • #24
                    Thanks for the good wishes, JHawk. Bradley fans are not taking Kansas lightly. It will be a near impossible task to beat them.

                    TomLight (the imposter) has left the board.(not by his own choice, unfortunately). But we welcome the Kansas fans input here.

                    I know it's small by comparison to the boards of big schools like Kansas, Illinois, and Indiana, but I note that Sunday we set a new record for the busiest day on Bradleyfans by a wide margin. Thanks Bradley fans!


                    • #25
                      I left? Where did I go?

                      I am no imposter.

                      Got Kristi?
                      Got Bossi?
                      Got Premium?



                      • #26
                        Tom-- no flaming, keep it civil or your identity will be toast.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by user1
                          Tom-- no flaming, keep it civil or your identity will be toast.
                          Understood. I'm just interested in civil public discourse, learning more about Bradley, and making a lot of new friends in the process.

                          Got Premium?



                          • #28
                            THIS IS NOT TOM...

                            Whomever is posting under Tom's name is doing him a HUGE disservice!

                            Tom is a very good Moderator and would NEVER come and flame like this on another team's message board...he!! he doesn't even do it on our biggest rivals boards!!!

                            As you know every teams has their share of FLAMERS...whomever this "person" is PLEASE do not hold his/her actions against all of us KU fans.

                            While I think WE will win the game, I have a tremendous amount of respect for your program and do not take you lightly.

                            It would not surprise me if this imposter were from a "rival" school.

                            I came here to talk a little friendly "smack" with our upcoming opponent, but fear that may be impossible with "Tom's" recent posts.
                            To be is do to -- Socrates
                            To do is to be -- Plato
                            Do be do be do -- Sinatra


                            • #29
                              Thank you, and we are trying to moderate as best we can.


                              • #30
                                Re: This isn't really a fair game

                                [quote="TomLight"]If you look at our speed, size, athleticism well you are just doomed.

                                Can you please name any player on the Bradley team that could even make the KU team? Tom[/i]

                                Still think so...????


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