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Bradley Picked Last in Preseason Poll

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
    It's just not reasonable, IMO, that any coach except maybe someone with strong past ties to ISU, would consider the ISU job a "destination job".


    • #47
      Originally posted by buschsquirrel2011 View Post
      I doubt Jank grew up wishing he could be the ISU bball coach for life, but its also reasonable that he may have come to enjoy ISU and would like to stay. I think you are right that the culture of college basketball coaches is to always move on to the next best thing possible and get as much money as you can while you can. Keep the train moving so to speak. Otherwise you can risk running into a drought and once you go down, it is very hard to come back up. At least this way, if you keep moving and having a bad start it will continually be blamed on the predecessor at first. I don't see any BU fans blaming Ford if you didn't finish well the next couple years. You will blame it on turnover.

      It's just the culture, but on occasion some coaches choose to stay where they are at. there are tons of reasons, but one that comes to mind is that coaching at a BCS school does exact more pressure and more responsibility in terms to the school and the media. Some coaches just might be more comfortable at the level they are at. I'm not saying I know this all for fact, but it sounds reasonable.


      • #48
        Well as usual you Bradley guys know what's going on at ISU and with Coach Jankovich better than me or the folks I know.

        I'd love to know where you guys get your information from. Probably right from Coach Jankovich's mouth. I am sure he has sat down with you guys and talked off the record about things a few times in the last few years.

        Not all coaches are looking for more money and upgrades. And believe it or not, some don't have any interest in the spotlight that a "higher" program offers. Some actually shy away from that. Just look at Coach Jacobsen at UNI for an example of this.

        But you guys can generalize your conclusions all you want.


        • #49
          Originally posted by cpacmel View Post
          Well as usual you Bradley guys know what's going on at ISU and with Coach Jankovich better than me or the folks I know.

          I'd love to know where you guys get your information from. Probably right from Coach Jankovich's mouth. I am sure he has sat down with you guys and talked off the record about things a few times in the last few years.

          Not all coaches are looking for more money and upgrades. And believe it or not, some don't have any interest in the spotlight that a "higher" program offers. Some actually shy away from that. Just look at Coach Jacobsen at UNI for an example of this.

          But you guys can generalize your conclusions all you want.
          Just as I'm sure was 100% honest with an ISU fan regarding his intentions for his career path. Yep, I'm sure he would tell an ISU diehard "yeah, its a nice job and all but I really strive for a better job." Nope...he didn't tell you exactly what you wanted to hear at all

          CPAC---what percentage of MVC coaches come into the league thinking this is where they want to coach the rest of their lives or this is the ultimate in their career? Take Jank and ISU out of it.

          You never did answer---do you think this is where Jank thought he would be and wanted to be after this many years in B/N?

          You can talk about Coach Jacobsen at UNI all you want..big difference, he was actually a hot commodity who was offered jobs...Jank hasn't stayed at ISU because he wanted too--he has stayed because he didn't have any better offers. Gotta compare apples to apples.

          As a Bradley fan I sure as heck hope Geno Ford is so successful that BCS type programs are knocking down his door and willing to hire him away. I would hope that is something Geno would strive for and achieve.


          • #50
            Originally posted by cpacmel View Post
            I think the signing of Anthony Beane this winter is future proof that Coach Jankovich intends to stay in Normal for awhile.
            I think the signing of Anthony Beane this winter is future proof that Coach Beane wants to stay in Normal for awhile...somewhat like what happened at Detroit with McCallum

            Originally posted by cpacmel View Post
            Well as usual you Bradley guys know what's going on at ISU and with Coach Jankovich better than me or the folks I know.

            I'd love to know where you guys get your information from. Probably right from Coach Jankovich's mouth. I am sure he has sat down with you guys and talked off the record about things a few times in the last few years.

            Not all coaches are looking for more money and upgrades. And believe it or not, some don't have any interest in the spotlight that a "higher" program offers. Some actually shy away from that. Just look at Coach Jacobsen at UNI for an example of this.

            But you guys can generalize your conclusions all you want.
            I hear ya -- the l(y)ocals here at BradleyFans all claim if you are a good fan of any team then you must be too close to actually see what's going on and thus you really know nothing because you have blinders on or are looking thru rose-colored glasses or a glass of Koolaid -- to really be considered a legitimate opinion you must separate yourself from the team and be more "objective".


            • #51
              Originally posted by buschsquirrel2011 View Post
              Just as I'm sure was 100% honest with an ISU fan regarding his intentions for his career path. Yep, I'm sure he would tell an ISU diehard "yeah, its a nice job and all but I really strive for a better job." Nope...he didn't tell you exactly what you wanted to hear at all
              Sometimes actions speak louder than words squirrel. 50 year old coaches, who have been assistants in the Big Ten, Big 12, and the SEC might have an idea what they are looking for to settle down in.

              CPAC---what percentage of MVC coaches come into the league thinking this is where they want to coach the rest of their lives or this is the ultimate in their career? Take Jank and ISU out of it.
              Probably the same % of coaches they leave head coaching positions at a DI school for a JUCO job. Why do you think someone would leave a better paying job and more perks, etc for a JUCO job?
              You never did answer---do you think this is where Jank thought he would be and wanted to be after this many years in B/N?
              Absolutely. And for someone that has actually seen the details of his contract, it was structured that he would be rewarded fairly well after 5 years in Normal. Not to mention how his deal ROLLS over yearly.

              You can talk about Coach Jacobsen at UNI all you want..big difference, he was actually a hot commodity who was offered jobs...Jank hasn't stayed at ISU because he wanted too--he has stayed because he didn't have any better offers. Gotta compare apples to apples.
              Your right. Jank's people have NEVER been approached about interest in higher jobs. Certainly not by firms that represent selection committees. Of course that stuff ALWAYS appears in newspapers and online, RIGHT?

              As a Bradley fan I sure as heck hope Geno Ford is so successful that BCS type programs are knocking down his door and willing to hire him away. I would hope that is something Geno would strive for and achieve.
              Good for Coach Ford if that is the track he wants to take. Not all coaches want that.

              With a new AD at ISU, maybe Jank's desires and coaching track might change. I had very little doubt if the past AD (Dr. Zenger) was still in Normal, that Coach Jankovich might have been on the Altman track.


              • #52
                Cpac......we are just going to have to disagree. That's fine. You think Coach Jank came to ISU with thoughts of settling down for the long haul then that's great. I disagree and have heard otherwise.

                I think he saw "bigger" things out of himself and thought he would be gone by now and had told people as such. N one wins the he said, she said debate.

                I do hope BU and ISU can both be good again at the same time. It's good for the area and for the league.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by tornado View Post
                  I hear ya -- the l(y)ocals here at BradleyFans all claim if you are a good fan of any team then you must be too close to actually see what's going on and thus you really know nothing because you have blinders on or are looking thru rose-colored glasses or a glass of Koolaid -- to really be considered a legitimate opinion you must separate yourself from the team and be more "objective".
                  I think pretty much every fan on here has said there all types of fans and there isn't some kind of test you have to take to become one. There's only a few posters who like to get into the business of judging, ranking and trying to label others fandom


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by buschsquirrel2011 View Post
                    I think pretty much every fan on here has said there all types of fans and there isn't some kind of test you have to take to become one. There's only a few posters who like to get into the business of judging, ranking and trying to label others fandom
                    So it is up to each individual to make up their own definition of what a fan is? I am not so sure that true. Then what good is it to have an accepted definition?
                    And using that logic, I guess anyone can claim to be anything they want and nobody can disagree?


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by buschsquirrel2011 View Post
                      There's only a few posters who like to get into the business of judging, ranking and trying to label others fandom
                      here we go again.....


                      • #56
                        Sorry are correct. It's a tired topic. No need to try to dig into the whole fandom thing...its goofy.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by buschsquirrel2011 View Post
                 point is no one knows more than the individual if you are a fan or not. How would anyone else have more insight to someones mind than that person?

                          If someone tells me they are a fan I believe them. I don't think its complicated. I'm not worried about it. I don't understand the obsession of trying to find out who is a fan, who isn't, and how they rate as a fan.

                          Is there a test someone can take to see where they fall on the fandom scale?

                          If you tell me you are a fan then I take you for your word. We're talking something pretty basic here--not rocket science. Is there "a burden of proof" in proving ones fandom?

                          I apologize to Buesch on this...I was only responding to tornado's post

                          I pretty much assume any person that spends money going to Bradley games, was an alum, or watches on TV, listens on the radio, or posts on a message board a fan.Heck, somebody can be a fan and do none of those things really. Is there more evidence than that needed?
                          I have a card, don't you?


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by buschsquirrel2011 View Post
                            I think pretty much every fan on here has said there all types of fans and there isn't some kind of test you have to take to become one. There's only a few posters who like to get into the business of judging, ranking and trying to label others fandom
                            There are not that many, not even a few.
                            What part of illegal don't you understand?


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Old Coach View Post
                              I have a card, don't you?
                              Ha. I deleted that post because Buesch was right, its just silly to keep bringing it up. I know I'm a fan. The people I know and go to games with and went to BU with would agree. That's really all I care about anyway.

                              My card is laminated and in my wallet


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by buschsquirrel2011 View Post
                                I think pretty much every fan on here has said there all types of fans ...
                                which is my point exactly and I was reminded of it again just today -- as I go about my "job" I encounter a lot of people who know I am a Bradley fan and spontaneously spark up a conversation - and with me wearing my Bradley RED today -- one guy asked me about the team and if I was going to tonight's game..
                                then he proceeded to tell me that he defines himself as a different kind of fan than he perceives I am...
                                He isn't going to the game and looks at BU basketball currently as "an unknown commodity" that has to "prove itself before it get's his attention let alone his loyalty".....
                                In other words he needs to see something first that is worthy of his devotion before he starts going again.......
                                He finished his description of himself with...
                                "I guess I am just a different type of fan that you are"

                                so win and the numbers will grow.............


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