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Peoria Chiefs Poking Fun at LeBron

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  • Peoria Chiefs Poking Fun at LeBron

    This story made the front page of
    For one night, fans of the Peoria Chiefs can have their own replica of LeBron James' first championship ring. Call it the cheapest promotion in sports history because, like James' ring, the handout doesn't exist.

  • #2
    Good way to get publicity for yourself!


    • #3
      I have to work there tonight! Should be funny!
      ... At the end, of the storm, there's a golden sky. And the sweet silver song of the lark. Walk on, through the wind, walk on, through the rain, though your dreams be tossed, and blown. Walk on, Walk on with hope in your hearts, and you'll never walk alone!
      I'm behind you 100% Bradley Braves, You'll Never Walk Alone! BEAT STATE!


      • #4
        Originally posted by BUFanatic View Post
        I have to work there tonight! Should be funny!
        my family is going....maybe i'll go


        • #5
          I plan to wait until the 7th or 8th championship that he promised.


          • #6
            The promotion is Thursday if you didn't read the article. You have to love minor league baseball for crazy promotions.
            I can do all things through pasta, which strengthens me.


            • #7
              I'm a huge cubs fan, but I think its funny a Cubs affiliate is making fun of someone for not winning championships...


              • #8
                A+ to the marketeers at the Chiefs


                • #9
                  The VP of ticket sales mentioned in the story, Eric Obalil, is a BU grad.


                  • #10
                    Lebron James skipped college because he couldn't handle the finals.

                    Dont' ask Lebron James change for a dollar because he'll only give you 3 quarters.

                    Lebron James' phone only vibrates because it doesn't have a ring.

                    Lebron is envious of Saturn. You know because of the rings.

                    What's the only thing that recedes more than Lebron James in the 4th quarter? His hairline.

                    Just some of the better ones I heard today.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bradleyguy10 View Post
                      Lebron James skipped college because he couldn't handle the finals.

                      Dont' ask Lebron James change for a dollar because he'll only give you 3 quarters.

                      Lebron James' phone only vibrates because it doesn't have a ring.

                      Lebron is envious of Saturn. You know because of the rings.

                      What's the only thing that recedes more than Lebron James in the 4th quarter? His hairline.

                      Just some of the better ones I heard today.
                      What about this one? IF Lebron wanted a ring he should have just stayed in Cleveland and bought one from Terrell Pryor.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by patrick_o'brian View Post
                        What about this one? IF Lebron wanted a ring he should have just stayed in Cleveland and bought one from Terrell Pryor.

                        best ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


                        • #13
                          Not only did this make the headline of ESPN Chicago but also the front page of yahoo in the scrolling news section in the middle, link to the actual story...



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