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Butler Watch

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  • #16
    1-1 for FL at the line. 62-62 here comes BU
    ... At the end, of the storm, there's a golden sky. And the sweet silver song of the lark. Walk on, through the wind, walk on, through the rain, though your dreams be tossed, and blown. Walk on, Walk on with hope in your hearts, and you'll never walk alone!
    I'm behind you 100% Bradley Braves, You'll Never Walk Alone! BEAT STATE!


    • #17
      Score it and the foul!!!!


      • #18
        TRY NO. 3 AND ONE!!! 64-62 for the Bulldogs!
        ... At the end, of the storm, there's a golden sky. And the sweet silver song of the lark. Walk on, through the wind, walk on, through the rain, though your dreams be tossed, and blown. Walk on, Walk on with hope in your hearts, and you'll never walk alone!
        I'm behind you 100% Bradley Braves, You'll Never Walk Alone! BEAT STATE!


        • #19
          Gotta hit this FT! YESSS! 65-62 BU!


          • #20
            FT made. 65-62 for the Dogs!
            ... At the end, of the storm, there's a golden sky. And the sweet silver song of the lark. Walk on, through the wind, walk on, through the rain, though your dreams be tossed, and blown. Walk on, Walk on with hope in your hearts, and you'll never walk alone!
            I'm behind you 100% Bradley Braves, You'll Never Walk Alone! BEAT STATE!


            • #21
              Oh man! A lot of ticky-tack fouls!


              • #22
                Florida hits them both. 65-64 for the Bulldogs. Here comes BU!
                ... At the end, of the storm, there's a golden sky. And the sweet silver song of the lark. Walk on, through the wind, walk on, through the rain, though your dreams be tossed, and blown. Walk on, Walk on with hope in your hearts, and you'll never walk alone!
                I'm behind you 100% Bradley Braves, You'll Never Walk Alone! BEAT STATE!


                • #23
                  Norren fouled! Goes to the line for a pair!
                  ... At the end, of the storm, there's a golden sky. And the sweet silver song of the lark. Walk on, through the wind, walk on, through the rain, though your dreams be tossed, and blown. Walk on, Walk on with hope in your hearts, and you'll never walk alone!
                  I'm behind you 100% Bradley Braves, You'll Never Walk Alone! BEAT STATE!


                  • #24
                    Now a bad foul on Florida. No one wants to play fundamental basketball here.


                    • #25
                      Butler hits em' both on a HIGH bounce! 67-64 for Butler with 2:30 left.
                      ... At the end, of the storm, there's a golden sky. And the sweet silver song of the lark. Walk on, through the wind, walk on, through the rain, though your dreams be tossed, and blown. Walk on, Walk on with hope in your hearts, and you'll never walk alone!
                      I'm behind you 100% Bradley Braves, You'll Never Walk Alone! BEAT STATE!


                      • #26
                        Talk about an ugly looking FT! LET'S get some STOPS!!


                        • #27
                          Bad Defense by the Bulldogs. 67-67. It's MARCH MADNESS BABY!!!
                          ... At the end, of the storm, there's a golden sky. And the sweet silver song of the lark. Walk on, through the wind, walk on, through the rain, though your dreams be tossed, and blown. Walk on, Walk on with hope in your hearts, and you'll never walk alone!
                          I'm behind you 100% Bradley Braves, You'll Never Walk Alone! BEAT STATE!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Bravesfan View Post
                            Now a bad foul on Florida. No one wants to play fundamental basketball here.
                            You've just been validated by the commentators hahaha
                            ... At the end, of the storm, there's a golden sky. And the sweet silver song of the lark. Walk on, through the wind, walk on, through the rain, though your dreams be tossed, and blown. Walk on, Walk on with hope in your hearts, and you'll never walk alone!
                            I'm behind you 100% Bradley Braves, You'll Never Walk Alone! BEAT STATE!


                            • #29
                              Guard the perimeter BU!!! Dang, sounds familiar BUTLER 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              ... At the end, of the storm, there's a golden sky. And the sweet silver song of the lark. Walk on, through the wind, walk on, through the rain, though your dreams be tossed, and blown. Walk on, Walk on with hope in your hearts, and you'll never walk alone!
                              I'm behind you 100% Bradley Braves, You'll Never Walk Alone! BEAT STATE!


                              • #30
                                HOLY C**P!!! And a MISS from Florida!

                                WHAT a GAME!!!!


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