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Lucas O'Rear out for the rest of the season

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
    That, as I am sure you know, is ridiculous. I have never met a single Bradley fan who is happy with losing, or satisfied "with BU remaining just below mid range in the Valley". If you have, please give us a single example of this. All I see is a lot of fans who disagree with the doom and gloom and see that Bradley has had some successes, that injuries have had a significant effect, and that with a healthy lineup, Bradley would be competetive with anyone in the MVC.
    As we often see, those who think we need a coaching change now like to greatly exaggerate what others here say. Crucial to their argument is the need to try to paint the last 5 years as a total failure, when in fact, Bradley has had a winning record for the last 5 years, and more wins than all but 2 of the other MVC schools. And they need to ignore or minimize the injury issues, since that's the only way we can blame everything on the coach.

    Fans are entitled to be as miserable as they want, but to suggest that anyone here is being "beat around" or "smacked around" for their opinions is another one of those exaggerations or fabrications is not true at all. If anything, it is usually the positive posters who get attacked by those fomenting negativity. I will continue posting facts to set the record straight.
    I am sure you recognized the satire in my reply, and, can't deny that I had some room for responding after being elbowed for stating my opinion about BU not being well regarded before Sm and TB injuries in the MVC (a survey fact btw) as being somehow repetitive and without merit on this Forum.

    No more repetitive than all the posts made here about how BU would of/should of/could of been great with SM and TB, and, the youth issue.

    Why is it so onerous for some to believe BU could do better with a new coach after 9 years of trying with the incumbent?

    No more ridiculous than hiring a new coach with no coaching experience was 9 years ago.

    To everyone who thinks replacing Mo with JL has turned out great, why can't it happen again with someone else?

    I'll make all the JL fans an offer, if everyone agrees BU should go in a new coaching direction if they finish 1-17 this season in the MVC, or, don't finish 1st or 2nd in the MVC next season (injuries or youth no longer acceptable as an excuse), I won't post another thread pleading for it!

    Any takers
    BUilding for the Future


    • #32
      Originally posted by TylerDurden View Post
      Creighton - Rick Johnson (24-59), hired Dana Altman
      Indiana State - Sherman Dillard (29-51), hired Royce Waltman
      Wichita State - Randy Smithson (30-42), hired Mark Turgeon

      You can debate whether these guys resigned or were fired, but they all were replaced by guys who won NCAA games and won them with their own players.
      ahem...Dana was hired in 1994
      Royce back in 1997
      Turgeon also more than 10 years ago....

      thanks for proving my have to go back to the 1990's to find even a single example -- and you even dug back to almost the beginning of the Molinari era to find more than one

      So -- case every example back to the 90's when a school fired one guy and hired someone else thinking they'd be better...they were only maybe somewhat good a short time using the prior guy's players, then mediocre again...


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