Only one upset this weekend, with ISU R earning its first MVC victory with a win at home vs SIU. As a result, there was a little movement in the season to date standings by the brave souls who picked ISU R over SIU.
Here are the Game 9 results, with two new participants going 5-5 and earning their first
5 correct...... Little Brave
, valleyclimber
4 correct ..... Bub, bugregshu, Chucky T's, DeltaBrave03, DUBrave5, Fansince69, Fetz 86, houstontxbrave, Lightsout, mrcoachdude, SaintLouBrave22, shaunguth,
.................. TheAsianSensation, wily coyote
3 correct..... Braves 2011, buballer82, Chico, Future Walk-On, Grassman, jenny71, Monmouth Bradley Fan, Scrapper515, Tulsa Brave
2 correct..... Braves4Life
0 correct..... None
Here is the Season To Date Correct Game Picks ,through Game 9:
Correct.. Contestant
36......... bugregshu
35......... SaintLouBrave22
33......... wily coyote
32......... Fansince69
32......... valleyclimber
31......... Grassman
31......... Lightsout
31......... shaunguth
31......... TheAsianSensation
31......... Tulsa Brave
30......... Fetz 86
30......... houstontxbrave
30......... LittleBrave
29......... Chucky T's
29......... DeltaBrave03
29......... mrcoachdude
28......... DUBrave5
28......... jenny71
27......... Braves 2011
27......... Monmouth Bradley Fan
26......... Scrapper515
25......... Braves4Life
25......... jeffsu
21......... AE Braves Fan
21......... BuB
20......... RaiderOfBradley
18......... Future Walk-On
16......... BUFAN
14......... Chico
11......... catpkt
7.......... BuBraves55
4.......... jasonpeoria911
4.......... PTownHawkeye
3.......... Bravesfan
3.......... buballer82
2.......... Double R 1
2.......... Lefty
2.......... OrangeandBlack74
2.......... SFP
1.......... Double D
bugregshu continues to lead with StLouBrave22 on his heels, followed by wily coyote. Fansince69. valleyclimber, Grassman, Lightsout, shaunguth, TheAsianSensation, and Tulsa Brave continue in the hunt. Fetz 86, houstontxbrave, and LittleBrave still have a chance.
Good news is starting with the next MVC Regular Season Game, I will also introduce a second Pick Em season to date contest for just for the 2H of the MVC season.
For those paticipants who don't think they should carry on in spite of long odds of success for the full Regular Season, you have a chance to start all over wth your picks for the 2H Regular Season games!
No need to enter twice, I will continue to report everyone's full regular season totals, but will also report separately everyone's 2H regular season totals/standings.
No extra charge!
Finally, here was the result of the randomly selected winners for Game 9:
CU over MSU....................incorrect
WSU over ISU B................correct
DU over UNI.....................incorrect
BU over EU......................incorrect
SIU over ISU R.................incorrect
Only 1 correct..
Fortunately, every contestant was smarter than a Lincoln Penny for Game 9!
Here are the Game 9 results, with two new participants going 5-5 and earning their first

5 correct...... Little Brave

4 correct ..... Bub, bugregshu, Chucky T's, DeltaBrave03, DUBrave5, Fansince69, Fetz 86, houstontxbrave, Lightsout, mrcoachdude, SaintLouBrave22, shaunguth,
.................. TheAsianSensation, wily coyote

3 correct..... Braves 2011, buballer82, Chico, Future Walk-On, Grassman, jenny71, Monmouth Bradley Fan, Scrapper515, Tulsa Brave

2 correct..... Braves4Life
0 correct..... None
Here is the Season To Date Correct Game Picks ,through Game 9:
Correct.. Contestant
36......... bugregshu

35......... SaintLouBrave22
33......... wily coyote
32......... Fansince69
32......... valleyclimber
31......... Grassman
31......... Lightsout
31......... shaunguth
31......... TheAsianSensation
31......... Tulsa Brave
30......... Fetz 86
30......... houstontxbrave
30......... LittleBrave
29......... Chucky T's
29......... DeltaBrave03
29......... mrcoachdude
28......... DUBrave5
28......... jenny71
27......... Braves 2011
27......... Monmouth Bradley Fan
26......... Scrapper515
25......... Braves4Life
25......... jeffsu
21......... AE Braves Fan
21......... BuB
20......... RaiderOfBradley
18......... Future Walk-On
16......... BUFAN
14......... Chico
11......... catpkt
7.......... BuBraves55
4.......... jasonpeoria911
4.......... PTownHawkeye
3.......... Bravesfan
3.......... buballer82
2.......... Double R 1
2.......... Lefty
2.......... OrangeandBlack74
2.......... SFP
1.......... Double D
bugregshu continues to lead with StLouBrave22 on his heels, followed by wily coyote. Fansince69. valleyclimber, Grassman, Lightsout, shaunguth, TheAsianSensation, and Tulsa Brave continue in the hunt. Fetz 86, houstontxbrave, and LittleBrave still have a chance.
Good news is starting with the next MVC Regular Season Game, I will also introduce a second Pick Em season to date contest for just for the 2H of the MVC season.
For those paticipants who don't think they should carry on in spite of long odds of success for the full Regular Season, you have a chance to start all over wth your picks for the 2H Regular Season games!
No need to enter twice, I will continue to report everyone's full regular season totals, but will also report separately everyone's 2H regular season totals/standings.
No extra charge!
Finally, here was the result of the randomly selected winners for Game 9:
CU over MSU....................incorrect
WSU over ISU B................correct
DU over UNI.....................incorrect
BU over EU......................incorrect
SIU over ISU R.................incorrect
Only 1 correct..
Fortunately, every contestant was smarter than a Lincoln Penny for Game 9!
