First off let me say I think Danny Adams has done a decent job with Snell this year. However, I was a little late to the game tonight and was listening to the pregame show. As the lineups were approaching Dave was telling everyone that Koch Arena in Wichita is a place every Valley fan needs to visit because of the atmosphere. While I don't doubt that, I couldn't believe what I heard next. DA proceeds to say something along the lines of "oh yes, we were worried about going to Cameron Indoor Stadium and the Cameron Crazies, but nothing compares to the atmosphere at Wichita. It might be one of the BEST IN THE NATION. I felt the seats shake when sitting on our bench" 
Now, I have never been to either arena, so I am not one to judge. While I don't doubt that Koch Arena gets pretty loud and intense at times, I think it is highly unlikely that the atmosphere at a WSU home game compares to the atmosphere at a Duke home game. If DA is comparing the two based on when he played at WSU and his visit to Durham, he needs to remember that Duke was playing one of the weakest non-conference teams on their schedule, let alone an ACC team, and based on what I saw on TV that night it looked to be pretty crazy. Is WSU's crowd THAT rowdy? Maybe some of you who have been to Wichita and even Cameron Indoor Stadium can comment on this. While driving to the game, I was saying to myself.....did he really just say that? Again, I like DA, and maybe he's right, but I would find that hard to believe, so just looking for some comments from people who have been to Koch Arena.

Now, I have never been to either arena, so I am not one to judge. While I don't doubt that Koch Arena gets pretty loud and intense at times, I think it is highly unlikely that the atmosphere at a WSU home game compares to the atmosphere at a Duke home game. If DA is comparing the two based on when he played at WSU and his visit to Durham, he needs to remember that Duke was playing one of the weakest non-conference teams on their schedule, let alone an ACC team, and based on what I saw on TV that night it looked to be pretty crazy. Is WSU's crowd THAT rowdy? Maybe some of you who have been to Wichita and even Cameron Indoor Stadium can comment on this. While driving to the game, I was saying to myself.....did he really just say that? Again, I like DA, and maybe he's right, but I would find that hard to believe, so just looking for some comments from people who have been to Koch Arena.