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Stan Albeck

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  • Stan Albeck

    Found this blurb about Stan Albeck in a Sam Smith article on

    Congratulations to Stan Albeck, the one-time Bulls coach and good guy who suffered a serious stroke 10 years ago, but still attends nearly every Spurs home game, on his recently celebrated 58th wedding anniversary with wife Phyllis. Seeing him is always one of the great delights of a trip to San Antonio.

  • #2
    Here is the link to the article-
    The big news in the NBA last week, of course, was the three teams involved in the major deals involving some of the best known and highest paid players in the NBA, the likes of Vince Carter, Rashard Lewis, Gilbert Arenas, Jason Richardson and Hedo Turkoglu. The principal player in this was the Orlando Magic, because unlike the Washington Wizards—who got Lewis for Arenas—and the Phoenix Suns—who got Marcin Gortat, Mickael Pietrus and Carter for Turkoglu and Richardson—the Magic is the only one playing for a title, or hoping to do so. The Wizards made out well because they dum

    the brief mention of Stan Albeck is in the segment titled "Brown could be on his way out in Charlotte".
    The part about the Knicks breaking rules back in 1996 to try to lure Michael Jordan away from the Bulls is very interesting.


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