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Bradley-Utah Game Thread

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  • Bradley-Utah Game Thread

    Track meet early...AW is playing very hard tonight so far despite missing shots.

  • #2
    Bradley is suppose to be on WTVP World. Does anybody know what channel that is in Peoria?


    • #3
      1st time using BTV, and all it does is buffer. Might be my hotel internet connection. Frustrating.


      • #4
        This is what DaCoach said in another thread:

        "This game is televised by WTVP World on channel 47.2 (218 on Comcast cable)."

        Braves cannot make anything....


        • #5
          Braves down 15-6....they are 2-13 from the field.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BUfan14 View Post
            ....they are 2-13 from the field.

            This could help increase the RPG....
            BUilding for the Future


            • #7
              Now I've lost the audio feed.


              • #8
                Well there seems to be good effort at least, but this team just doesn't have someone to run them. It seems all discombobulated out there. I guess that will happen when you loose the focus of your offense and then the guy who runs your offense both for the year....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Buesch N Chips View Post
                  Now I've lost the audio feed.
                  Mine is fine so far this game, but I've had problems during other games this year.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BUfan14 View Post
                    Track meet early...AW is playing very hard tonight so far despite missing shots.
                    I didn't see any missed shots by AT, I saw two players that made poor passes to him which were not catch-able. And, as usual, AT was taken out even though he was the quickest guy down the court.


                    • #11
                      Wow if AW is hurt too....

                      I don't understand why JE doesn't take any shots. No one seems to pass it to him. When he shoots after a foul call or something, he seems to swish it a lot. Wasn't he suppose to be a good shooter?


                      • #12
                        I can't get the audio from wmbd's site or


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Fetz86 View Post
                          I can't get the audio from wmbd's site or
                          wmbd is working, but BTV audio and video are both not working, for me. But like I said, I'm at a Hampton Inn, so that might have something to do with it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Buesch N Chips View Post
                            wmbd is working, but BTV audio and video are both not working, for me. But like I said, I'm at a Hampton Inn, so that might have something to do with it.
                            Its been working OK for me. Probably your connection. You're not missing anything so far - poor passing and rebounding - they lift weights all summer but can't hold onto the ball.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BU RICK View Post
                              Its been working OK for me. Probably your connection. You're not missing anything so far - poor passing and rebounding - they lift weights all summer but can't hold onto the ball.
                              Didn't Jerry Rice work with his brickmason dad over the summer, catching bricks thrown up to the scaffolding?


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