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Difference in PJ Star coverage of local teams

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  • Originally posted by lefty View Post
    I'm still getting a kick out the first line in your original post DC.....

    but now I'm don't think the PJS is biased or you have just never actually said those very words?
    lefty, it seems you are doing the same thing others are doing. I have never said I believe the pjs is biased, yet several people, apparently including you are suggesting I did. The first line in my first post that you point to simply refers to this fact that many people rightfully believe bias exists, and others here feel they must be the defenders of the pjs and argue and attack anyone who says so and refute them. Therefore, anyone who has any opinion about the pjs here always gets attacked and shouted down, as I have been.

    I guess some believe we are free to express our opinions only if they agree with theirs.


    • Originally posted by shaunguth View Post
      Good luck convincing the majority of people here that it doesn't matter if we lose by 31 or 5 at Duke!
      OK, lets put it this way If a team plays 30 games in a season They lose all 30 They lose 15 games by 30 or more points and they lose the other 15 by 1 to 10 Their record is 30 loses I don't care how many points my team loses by BUT DO CARE how they played, their effort, did they just get beet by a better team, did the coaches put the team in position to win and most of all did we lose a game we should of won My Opinion


      • Originally posted by shaunguth View Post
        I'm sure it was KW that sold that paper. At least he sells one paper a month.
        Who knows. I do know they would fire him if they felt he wasn't doing his job.
        Last edited by BradleyJD; 12-03-2010, 11:54 AM.
        When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.


        • So much for " feeling fine with moving on".....


          • Originally posted by BradleyJD View Post
            Who knows. I do now they would fire him if they felt he was doing his job.
            He must not be doing his job.
            ???People say, ???Forget last year', but I want our guys to remember that one, because that will not happen again. We will be much better.??? Geno Ford, 9/22/12


            • Originally posted by dogsrus View Post
              So much for " feeling fine with moving on".....
              I am fine with moving on, maybe others should, too... but when posters attack me, I am going to speak the truth. Maybe you think I host this site just to allow all the complainers and haters to get their shots in?


              • Originally posted by BradleyJD View Post
                I do now they would fire him if they felt he was doing his job.

                ?? They would fire him if "he was doing his job"?? That's pretty strict!


                • Da Coach, nobody is attacking anybody on this board as far as I can tell. Geez, people just need to relax. We're talking about basketball here, basketball. Why are so people so concerned about defending their honor from "haters"? Good Lord, Almighty.


                  • Originally posted by Missouri Brave View Post
                    Da Coach, nobody is attacking anybody on this board as far as I can tell. Geez, people just need to relax. We're talking about basketball here, basketball. Why are so people so concerned about defending their honor from "haters"? Good Lord, Almighty.
                    Agreed. I see no one attacking.

                    I do see people not agreeing with each other.
                    When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.


                    • Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                      I am fine with moving on, maybe others should, too... but when posters attack me, I am going to speak the truth. Maybe you think I host this site just to allow all the complainers and haters to get their shots in?

                      Oh please stop with the one is attacking you. My goodness we aren't in high School. We've all been around the block a few times...some more then others. I think we can handle some reasonable disagreements about something we are all passionate about..maybe TO passionate.

                      Besides, you started this lastest thread you KNEW would create controversy then get all defensive at the reponses you certainly expected....if you throw out a hardline opinion expect some hardline responses back.

                      People what....?


                      • Originally posted by dogsrus View Post
                        Oh please stop with the one is attacking you...

                        You haven't seen my PMs


                        • Originally posted by tornado View Post

                          Da Coach -- you see how you start a topic that's clearly about the disparity in the way the PJS covers BU vs. how they cover other teams...

                          then NOT ONE response sticks to that idea...and every one of them try to argue that UNLV is actually a pretty good team.....something you yourself actually stated right from the start!

                          If someone is gonna try to say Da Coach is wrong in his assessment, then show an example of BU getting beat by 30, that the OPJS covers positively and doesn't rip on the Braves tanking it......
                          Can't understand why the PJS covering BU differently than ISU is a big deal.
                          Do they have two reporters dedicated to ISU MBB coverage?

                          If you don't like the way PJS covers Bradley MBB:
                          1. Don't buy/read the paper
                          2. Don't allow any content from the paper in this Forum's threads
                          3. Become PJS Sports Editor and dictate content/headlines
                          4. Buy a controlling interest in the PJS and do anything you want with the Sports Section.

                          Personally, I could care less about what/how the PJS paper says about ISU and its basketball program. If I am interested in them, I'll check the Bloomington Pantagraph.

                          The PJS Sports Section has a good cop (Reynolds) and a bad cop (Wessler) covering BU MBB. I suspect the good cop goes easy on BU and the bad cop comes down hard in PJS reporting. Seems to me the local BU fan bases' current opinions to the Braves MBB Program and JL reflects the current 50-50love-hate division within the US between Liberals and Conservatives.

                          Maybe, just maybe, the PJS choice of storylines/headlines right now is reflecting the 50% of their circulation who agrees with their bad cops' assessment/opinion of BU MBB and JL right now. Probably due to the positive buildup the PJS gave BU and their players in their preseason articles Vs the less than ideal results so far.

                          When things go against the predictions, and the paper calls out the team, all of a sudden its news the PJS is biased against BU and for ISU and this is an important post?

                          Please proove to me any signifcant win BU has had has been discounted by the PJS?

                          I am sure the PJS would absolutely GUSH over BU and JL if they were 7-0 right now, and had not lost to D-II Quincy in a new on campus facility home opener.

                          Getting better players, improving effort and performance, and winning, will make this thread irrelevant.
                          BUilding for the Future


                          • Originally posted by tornado View Post
                            ?? They would fire him if "he was doing his job"?? That's pretty strict!
                            No doubt a misprint- he probably meant wasn't....
                            ???We all want Bradley to win. If our methods and visions for that are different, then so be it. Don't ever attempt to tell me I am not a fan!???


                            • Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                              You haven't seen my PMs
                              That's what he said.


                              • AZ BU Fan, well said, brother.


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