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Another gambling/corruption scandal

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  • Another gambling/corruption scandal

    This one has a few interesting ties...

    A guy named Ted Forstmann, is the chairman of IMG -- and their training academy in Florida is where BU's Andrew Davis went...
    But IMG also involves agents that represent athletes and coaches, and this guy who is the head of IMG is involved in hundreds of thousands of dollars in gambling on NCAA games........

    so even though this is a little different from the players themselves gambling on games, it is not too much different since this guy and his outfit represent many of the players in those contests he is gambling the connections are surely there to hint that he was paying money to and might have had some influence on the players and the outcome of the games he's gambling on..
    While IMG Worldwide was representing top college coaches, its chairman, Ted Forstmann, was betting hundreds of thousands of dollars on college football and basketball, according to a lawsuit.

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