HOW MANY YEARS do we have to listen to our head coach talk about HIS players "playin casual" and "not buyin in" to explain HUMILIATING losses at home?
When is the last time you saw a Tom Izzo team ot a Coach K team or, heck . . . a Greg Marshall team, for cryin out loud, play CASUAL??????????????????????????
And we have a coach who is in YEAR FRIGGIN NINE and he still hasn't figured out how to MOTIVATE?????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????
When is the last time you saw a Tom Izzo team ot a Coach K team or, heck . . . a Greg Marshall team, for cryin out loud, play CASUAL??????????????????????????
And we have a coach who is in YEAR FRIGGIN NINE and he still hasn't figured out how to MOTIVATE?????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????