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Wessler: Will Bradley players buy-in this season?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by srw View Post
    This whole quote from Andrew Warren disgusts me.

    AW is overweight, and is the one that doesn't play defense.

    TB is quite obviously not the greatest team player.

    Whether or not there is a guy 3, i don't know.

    I feel bad for JL in this. He has continued to rely on non team players who think they are better than they are.

    I would respect AW if he would have admitted "I was one of the players who went into business for myself"

    He didn't.

    Guys, Sammy can't play defense. He isnt quick enough to be good. AW has never been in shape enough to know.

    Maybe AW was including himself but it would have been nice to hear him say...."including me" .... perhaps we'll see in the full story KW is working on.

    Edit after reading s_s.......AW DID say "we".


    • #47
      Originally posted by ser_solace View Post
      Did everyone catch the comment on the blog from Kirk Wesller? At least, it's listed as him. He's responding to a previous comment from a fan criticizing Les. Seemed like a more positive take on things from KW.

      I don't think KW meant it as a drive-by hit piece the way some are taking it. KW's and AW's comments were all in regards to the issues last year. We can be great. We have the pieces. Will it happen this year? That's always the question and it's a fair question.

      Probably best to reserve judgment on the blog until KW's full article appears in November. Oh, and BTW, for those who are criticizing AW for apparently throwing his teammates under the bus, he did reference "We" in the quote. Meaning himself included... I'd be more worried if he was talking about this year.

      What the do people expect him to say? Last year was the best thing to happen since the Sweet Sixteen?

      Well said S_S.....VERY well said !!!!!!


      • #48
        Originally posted by dogsrus View Post
        .....personally I'd rather not fill in the names. It, at least to me, doesn't matter. And besides its unfair IF we guess wrong. I'll leave THAT to the team and coaches...
        I'm so confused some times. I thought that's what message boards were for... for the fans to have conversation around the watercooler. Geeze... sorta like the "we don't care what other teams do" but look at the success at other schools like Creighton, ISU, SIU, etc.

        I guess I never seem to get it right.

        Maybe someone can let me know which direction to lean toward at the beginning of each thread.


        • #49
          It seems message boards like to assign motive for things said or done, whether by the coach,player,or even a's silly to do that but that's the way it is....what else would we talk about?


          • #50
            Originally posted by tornado View Post
            it's partly blown way out of proportion, partly irrelevant and partly fabricated...
            Interesting..."partly fabricated".....since AW and KW are the only people that said anything which one do you think is fabricating/making things up.....lieing ?


            • #51
              Originally posted by MacabreMob View Post
              I'm so confused some times. I thought that's what message boards were for... for the fans to have conversation around the watercooler. Geeze... sorta like the "we don't care what other teams do" but look at the success at other schools like Creighton, ISU, SIU, etc.

              I guess I never seem to get it right.

              Maybe someone can let me know which direction to lean toward at the beginning of each thread.
              Do whatever you feel is correct...thats why I said "personally". AW didn't name names and while thats ok it leads to alot of specualtion and again ,for ME, I don't want to guess wrong.

              I understand others will...and thats OK. I'm not the board police.


              • #52
                Originally posted by dogsrus View Post
                Interesting..."partly fabricated".....since AW and KW are the only people that said anything which one do you think is fabricating/making things up.....lieing ?
                Until now I have not bothered to comment, since despite 3 pages of hysteria, this is all much ado about nothing.
                But to me it appears the entire paragraph that appears after the brief quote by Andrew Warren seems to have been made up by the columnist. It did not appear to come from Warren nor is it attributed to anyone else associated with the team, though some people here seem to assume that it was, or assume that it is God's truth just because a columnist wrote it.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                  Until now I have not bothered to comment, since despite 3 pages of hysteria, this is all much ado about nothing.
                  But to me it appears the entire paragraph that appears after the brief quote by Andrew Warren seems to have been made up by the columnist. It did not appear to come from Warren nor is it attributed to anyone else associated with the team, though some people here seem to assume that it was, or assume that it is God's truth just because a columnist wrote it.
                  Well it is part of a blog.......and it's just about a part of an interview that will appear in hoops he blogged about it...some posters here blog and talk opinions and thoughts that are theirs too.....

                  I think too it's all much ado about nothing but it seems they bring the most posts here on the least until season actually starts...


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                    Until now I have not bothered to comment, since despite 3 pages of hysteria, this is all much ado about nothing.
                    But to me it appears the entire paragraph that appears after the brief quote by Andrew Warren seems to have been made up by the columnist. It did not appear to come from Warren nor is it attributed to anyone else associated with the team, though some people here seem to assume that it was, or assume that it is God's truth just because a columnist wrote it.

                    Of course it is...its BU...they can do no wrong and if they do its KW's or the PJ Stars fault. If our guys get in trouble its all lies....if there is disention among the team, its fabricated.

                    Just glad this story didn't come out about SIU or ISU becuase SOMEONE would have let us know "something is wrong at ISU"...Janks got problems.

                    I agree...this DOESN'T have to be a big issue as it happened last year and like I stated I imagine its pretty prevalent to almost ANY team that doesn't live up to expectations and struggled losing so many home games, WINNABLE home games, like we did. Probably KW's fault also....

                    I just look at it as a fixable problem......and like KW said fix it, buy in and this team can be pretty good.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by dogsrus View Post
                      Interesting..."partly fabricated".....since AW and KW are the only people that said anything which one do you think is fabricating/making things up.....lieing ?

                      if you wish to call the kind of reporting that said John Wilkins verballed to Iowa State a lie - then that's your right, but I don't think it is a lie -- just misreported or erroneous..

                      dogs-- I am not the only one who is confused here as to why KW did NOT attribute some of the words in his column to AW yet chose not to attribute them to anyone...

                      note more than a few people - in fact at least a DOZEN posters think some of KW's words are somewhere between "fabricated", exaggerated, or downright dishonest...
                      so seems you're in the minorty on this one...

                      Check it out.......
                      Originally posted by peoriaspitfire View Post
                      “We weren’t together as a team. Sometimes, we’d go off with our own agendas, instead of with what we needed to do to win.”
                      Wasn't this only direct quote from AW? I don't think it tells that much of a story...

                      Originally posted by amckillip View Post
                      Haha, no, DR reports... KW does 'creative extrapolation.' I'm not saying it didn't happen, at all, but the only quote he gives is mild to say the least, and it's from a player who struggled last year(the stats were there, but the desire and intensity wasn't) and it is rumored he didn't like being outshined by SM and TB. He couldn't talk to any more players? In my high-school newspaper, I was sports editor and couldn't get away with that kind of speculation based on a single quote.

                      Originally posted by Braves4Life View Post
                      ..Let's see, the only player quoted was Warren. No other player was even mentioned ... one can only guess this information also came from Warren.... let's fill in the missing names..

                      Originally posted by thefish7 View Post
                      I'd guess Thompson was the guy on the bench.

                      Originally posted by Bravesfan View Post
                      ...It may not be the whole story, but at least we now know at least partially why this team played so erratically throughout last season.
                      ....because KW stopped after obtaining perhaps the most negative comment from a player and running with it like it was fact! Maybe he even did talk to others and did not even bother to state what they said ....Of course we'll never know ....Ahhh, the art of media spin. You gotta love it!

                      Originally posted by ser_solace View Post
                      I think a lot of folks are reading too much into what Andrew said. There's nothing wrong with it in my opinion.

                      Originally posted by Buesch N Chips View Post
                      ..I blame KW for the timing of both the "hot seat" article and this one. ...KW has tried to poop on that parade with an article that is negative....

                      Originally posted by thefish7 View Post
                      ... That's all AW is quoted as saying. KW said all the rest on his own, extrapolating ... KW ultimately spun the article...I don't think there's anything at all wrong with what AW said....

                      Originally posted by amckillip View Post
                      .... Point being, basic journalistic integrity would have demanded more of KW in his research.

                      Originally posted by amckillip View Post
                      ...KW has a way of as I say 'extrapolating' things and making them larger than they are...
                      He gets away with it because it grows from a fact or quote, but look how much he fills in on every article.

                      Originally posted by Bravesfan View Post
                      .... KW in regards to obtaining and elaborating on what AW said. It may not be the whole story.... He failed to obtain all sides of the story...


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by tornado View Post
                        if you wish to call the kind of reporting that said John Wilkins verballed to Iowa State a lie - then that's your right, but I don't think it is a lie -- just misreported or erroneous..

                        dogs-- I am not the only one who is confused here as to why KW did NOT attribute some of the words in his column to AW yet chose not to attribute them to anyone...

                        note more than a few people - in fact at least a DOZEN posters think some of KW's words are somewhere between "fabricated", exaggerated, or downright dishonest...
                        so seems you're in the minorty on this one...

                        Check it out.......

                        11 quotes 3 from ONE guy, 2 from another (the "minority" suddenly shrinks but nice try ) poster isn't on ANYONES side and simply says people are reading more into it and another wants MORE info. I count another 11 on the "other" side using THAT same math/spin.

                        Didn't see a one say I ask again.... in YOUR opinion who's lieing ? Its a quote from AW so its either AW or KW. Call them out.....pretty strong veiled threat IMO especially with someones journalistic integrity challenged. Heck next time you see him or I know he takes calls tell him you think he fabricated the story...unless you think AW still haven't said who you think is lieing.

                        ONE guy says..."I guess Thompson was the guy on the bench"...and you are using THAT to say I'm in the minority....mercy.

                        The team wasn't a team last year, like KW stated, it was obvious to MOST fans...I understand that hurts you to hear it but it happens. OBVIOUSLY something was wrong last else do you explain losing 5-6 big leads at home. Sorry when you aren't winning somethings wrong and perhaps now we understand why.

                        AW shed a little light on it and KW reported it....unles ONE of them is lieing.

                        Time to move on to a better year.....


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by dogsrus View Post
                          11 quotes 3 from ONE guy, 2 from another (the "minority" suddenly shrinks but nice try ) poster isn't on ANYONES side and simply says people are reading more into it and another wants MORE info. I count another 11 on the "other" side using THAT same math/spin.

                          Didn't see a one say I ask again.... in YOUR opinion who's lieing ? Its a quote from AW so its either AW or KW. Call them out.....pretty strong veiled threat IMO especially with someones journalistic integrity challenged. Heck next time you see him or I know he takes calls tell him you think he fabricated the story...unless you think AW still haven't said who you think is lieing.

                          ONE guy says..."I guess Thompson was the guy on the bench"...and you are using THAT to say I'm in the minority....mercy.

                          The team wasn't a team last year, like KW stated, it was obvious to MOST fans...I understand that hurts you to hear it but it happens. OBVIOUSLY something was wrong last else do you explain losing 5-6 big leads at home. Sorry when you aren't winning somethings wrong and perhaps now we understand why.

                          AW shed a little light on it and KW reported it....unles ONE of them is lieing.

                          Time to move on to a better year.....
                          Seriously dude, get off it. He never came close to saying anyone lied. And in terms of numbers, he never said one side was larger than the other, only that others were confused. For as much as you accuse others of spin, IMO you are clearly the worst poster on the site at doing that and it's not even close.

                          It is abundantly clear KW does not like JL, and his articles exhibit that. That's his opinion. What KW does is no different from your or my posts on here, except he should be held to a higher standard. He consistently represents his opinions as fact without expressly stating such. I have no problem with editorials, there is a place and purpose for those, what KW does however, is try to make his editorials look like 'traditional' articles, which is deceptive and DOES break standard journalistic integrity.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by amckillip View Post
                            IPoint being, basic journalistic integrity would have demanded more of KW in his research.
                            No it wouldn't. He got that quote from a CAPTAIN on the team. I can't believe so many people on here don't think that a captain making that statement about his team isn't news in and of itself or that it requires further examination other than asking "who?" which I'm sure KW did.

                            If Jay Cutler had the same quote, it would be HUGE news in and of itself. If Derrick Rose had the same quote, it would be be the same. The media wouldn't have to go to other guys to corroborate the story because they got it from a guy in a leadership position. You have a captain of the team calling out other teammates and probably himself. That's a really important piece of information to get to the public if it's disclosed, no matter the timing.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by dogsrus View Post
                              The team wasn't a team last year, like KW stated, it was obvious to MOST fans...I understand that hurts you to hear it but it happens. OBVIOUSLY something was wrong last else do you explain losing 5-6 big leads at home. Sorry when you aren't winning somethings wrong and perhaps now we understand why.
                              Very true. None of KW's supposed "extrapolation" seems invalid from what I witnessed last season. Instead of just blasting KW, let's look at the content.

                              Does anyone disagree with what he said in the article?


                              • #60
                                I realize that several people on this board don't care for KW, and that's fine, what you think of him shouldn't matter at all in this discussion, but as always, that's the first thing everyone jumps to. For no reason I might add.

                                The discussion here should actually be pretty simple. AW admitted that the team had some players not buying into the team concept and that hurt them in the long run. Unless you're completely niave, you knew this was the case anyway. It was just confirmation of what we already knew.

                                From there, KW simply offered his opinion on what some of those problems were, and that if we avoid them this year the team should be pretty ****ed good. I don't see how anyone can disagree with that?

                                Its almost silly how quickly some people jump to conclusions around here.


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