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Lawsuit seeks to make athletic scholarships a four year deal

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  • #16
    well -- here's the tough question then...
    Brad Stevens does a great job, takes his team repeatedly to the Sweet Sixteen and beyond, and still works for like only a couple hundred thou...
    Maybe we can clone the guy and get rid of all the dead weight in college coaching that demand $3-4 million?


    • #17
      While it may be true that some coaches make a player leave by lack of playing time, attitude toward them, conditioning, etc...... Isn't the only way a scholarship can be pulled is if they break the law, break school rules, or fail to meet academic minimums required?


      • #18
        Originally posted by BuB View Post
        While it may be true that some coaches make a player leave by lack of playing time, attitude toward them, conditioning, etc...... Isn't the only way a scholarship can be pulled is if they break the law, break school rules, or fail to meet academic minimums required?
        Nope. Any scholarship is revokable at any time for any reason.


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