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NCAA hammers Tennessee-Chattanooga

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  • NCAA hammers Tennessee-Chattanooga

    The NCAA announced Thursday that the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga athletic department has been put on probation for two years due to excessive "impermissible text messages and telephone calls" involving several sports, primarily football and men's basketball.

    The NCAA Division I Committee on Infractions concluded a nearly 19-month inquiry into the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Athletics Department with the release of its public report today. The inquiry began as a result of UTC's self-reported violations following an internal phone records audit in January of 2009.

    UTC self reported and never once lied...and only had a fraction of the illegal calls other guys like Pearl, Sampson, or Calhoun had...
    yet they still lose one scholarship, get a nearly half year recruiting ban, plus two additional years of probation..

  • #2
    This punishment seems pretty tame actually.

    I wouldn't call it getting hammered.
    When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.


    • #3
      Hopefully when the NCAA announces its ruling re Tennessee violations, they will be consistent with the punishment handed out to Tennessee-Chattanooga.

      My understanding is the NCAA is investigating both the men's basketball AND football programs at UT and will wait to conclude both investigations before handing out any punishment for rules violations.

      UT has self sanctioned its men's basketball program now, with hopes of placating the NCAA and minimizing the NCAA's punishment.
      BUilding for the Future


      • #4
        Indiana made 4-5 times as many illegal phone calls, several assistants were involved, and they were trying to hide evidence..
        They dragged their feet, spent a year trying to stall and do their "investigation", and yet, they got no greater penalty -- in fact,
        they got less recruiting limitations.
        UConn has made over 1500 illegal phone calls....going back years -- and they still haven't gotten anything except delays..
        Jim Calhoun was asked again on Friday about what he should and should not have known in regards to possible NCAA violations.


        • #5
          Originally posted by tornado View Post
          Indiana made 4-5 times as many illegal phone calls, several assistants were involved, and they were trying to hide evidence..
          They dragged their feet, spent a year trying to stall and do their "investigation", and yet, they got no greater penalty -- in fact,
          they got less recruiting limitations.
          UConn has made over 1500 illegal phone calls....going back years -- and they still haven't gotten anything except delays..

          I understand all that, however Tenn- Chatt. didn't get much either. They also did violate rules.
          When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.


          • #6
            Here's where I see a BIG difference -- of course they all broke the rules, but...

            Indiana, Tennessee, USC, and even UConn all cheated flagrantly, doing it as a matter of policy, never policing themselves, and doing NO internal audit or investigation, and not only NOT being helpful to NCAA during the investigation -- they all even hid info or lied!!
            In the end IU and USC basketball we given NO additional penalties by NCAA -- essentially given a pass.......
            even the wording of the NCAA staff who wrote the final report clearly sounded like they felt sorry for IU because of their once-proud tradition, and decided to give them a break

            BY sharp contrast..
            Tenn-Chatt did their own audit, they found all the violations on their own and turned over all the info to the NCAA, they self-imposed sharp penalties including 6-month recruiting ban...
            They cooperated completely with NCAA..they never lied, the investigation found ..
            "23 impermissible texts and 61 impermissible phone calls were discovered."
            ...FAR, FAR fewer than IU or the other guys had...
            and never once did they pay recruits, have illegal interaction with big-time agents infiltrating and perverting the entire sport of college basketball, and yet...

            the NCAA hammered Tenn-Chatt with additional 2-year probation and further recruiting bans......

            What I see is the smaller school cheated way less, cooperated, and never lied or stonewalled, yet got hammered harder
            while the big guys cheated way worse and blatantly, even making a mockery of the whole process with their lying, and stonewalling, and yet the big guys' basketball programs got the lesser penalties...or none at all!!

            One other big guy example -- that I have cited before...

            Georgia a few years ago--
            Head Coach Jim Harrick presided over a tenure at University of Georgia that was one of the most corrupt in history.
            Here are but a few of the findings:

            --Wire transfers of cash directly to prospective players (recruits) by members of the coaching staff.
            --The assistant involved openly and blatantly lied about the purpose of the cash transfer.
            --Basketball coaches purposefully made a mockery of the education of his players and committed academic fraud by
            setting up sham classes, that the players didn't even need to go to, were tested by being asked the most laughably simple
            questions, and then given "A's" no matter what their performance.
            --multiple staff members in the athletic dept. lied and tried to deceive NCAA investigators about the sham classes.
            --The coaches, including the head coach, frequently missed and were absent from the very classes they were
            supposed to be teaching.
            --multiple examples of extra, impermissible benefits were found.
            --the coaches even told and prompted the players to lie to the investigators.
            --extra benefits totalling thousands of dollars were given openly to recruits and players in the form of free phone calls, etc.
            --MANY, MANY of these violations were fully known to the coaching staff and they were given the opportunity to
            self report but instead lied and hid the evidence.
            --Georgia, by virtue of having a major infraction in 1997, was considered to be a repeat violator inside of the time frame
            that they were still on probation, since many of these new violations occurred as far back as 2001....
            they were widely expect to be fully deserving of the DEATH PENALTY!
            --and much, much more...just read the report...

            So, do you recall the penalty the school got??

            Here is a summary of what the NCAA handed down.
            First, let it be known that Georgia fired Harrick and his staff,
            so the NCAA gave the entire coaching staff responsible NO PENALTY except one of the assistants must seek NCAA OK before hiring on elsewhere.

            Georgia got --
            -4 years of probation
            -public reprimand
            -loss of only ONE basketball scholarship

            -NO addition postseason ban or penalty, and NO active player suspensions, and not one single dollar of all the graft and corruption was required to be paid back.
            -two other university personnell, the trainer and the chairman of the Phys. Ed. Dept., who both lied to investigators and were willing participants in all the fraud were given only a letter of reprimand from the university and no other punishment from the NCAA!!
            ....if this was a midmajor they would have surely gotten the death penalty plus 20 more years of probation in all other sports and loss of postseason play and scholarships for a decade.
            Can there be any doubt that Georgia got off with little more than a slap.
            NO recruiting restrictions other than the loss of ONE basketball scholarship. And NOT ONE tiny postseason ban of any kind.
            No loss of recruiting days (Bradley got recruiting days restricted).
            In the very year this ruling was handed down, if they had made it to the NCAA, they'd have been able to go!
            I need offer no more proof than this case alone to show how the big (BCS-type) schools are treated differently than smaller schools like BU.
            When the NCAA gave BU its year of probation, they dragged out a reference to the NCAA penalties over 20 years ago to hint that BU has a pattern of problems, so that the penalty needed to be more severe.
            In this case, Georgia commits some of the most blatant and massive violations, lies about, and goes virtually unpunished even tho they are still inside a probationary period from their last MAJOR INFRACTION in 1997!!

            When NCAA nailed Bradley in 2006, they specifically cited that Bradley was being hit harder because they had a violation 20+ years earlier..
            yet when these big boys commit major violations while still on PROBATION...all they get is MORE probation!!
            I am not the only one who sees this...
            here's Gregg Doyel's own words...
            "The NCAA's job, near as I can tell, is to hammer the small schools who break the rules while letting the bigger schools, with the powerful lawyers, go on about their business."


            • #7
              Well you have your view, and I have mine.

              Tenn-Chat. broke rules, admitted to it, and got a very minor punishment.

              That seems pretty good to me.

     your definition, getting "hammered" while drinking would be taking a sip of beer or wine.
              When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.


              • #8
                This is basically the same punishment Indiana got. Indiana's self-imposed penalties included a loss of a scholarship and recruiting limitations, which is what UTC imposed. The only difference is that the NCAA handed IU 3-years probation, instead of 2-years in which UTC got.


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