Lariat Club last nite with Les, Weber and 200+ hoops fans and ALOT of smoke. Now that the dust has cleared here's a quick recap of BU/JL and what I recall.
More to follow as my head clears.
Sigled out JC as the most improved. Mentions Salley as legit contributor with his overall game. Has skills to score, rebound, play D..whatever is needed.
Sings Rufs praises more than anybodies though. He's ready to lead and has worked very hard and gotten much better.
He's glad we are not guard weak. Would NOT expand on what kind of play and team to expect when asked...VERY secretive. Said "buy seasons tics or be at the R/W if you want to know".
REALLY sounds like he's got something special in store for us....hmmmmm
In hard on recruits "above"us and doesn't have to do a hard sell and educate them about BU...last year took care of that. Even has had calls TO BU from recruits.
Pushing HARD for a Depaul sellout. Wants the place to celebrate LAST year AND be a force (home crowd) against Depaul.
I get the impression the staff MIGHT just be getting it as far as mkt and atmosphere at the arena. We'll see.....cannot let this momentum die.
When queeried by me about Egolf and Alaska compared to Mo's "short" trips to Canada
said an old NBA contact that has no electricity, modern convienences in his alaskan hide-away SOMEHOW found a cell phone
and gave JL a call. He said, "Jimmy I got a kid I really think you should look at'. The rest is history.
Then he stopped because (I forgot) that WE is NOT signed yet and JL said "I really can't say anymore about him."
When asked how he landed Warren from Indy.....said he called Bweb and asked how to recruit Indiana guards

Sigled out JC as the most improved. Mentions Salley as legit contributor with his overall game. Has skills to score, rebound, play D..whatever is needed.
Sings Rufs praises more than anybodies though. He's ready to lead and has worked very hard and gotten much better.
He's glad we are not guard weak. Would NOT expand on what kind of play and team to expect when asked...VERY secretive. Said "buy seasons tics or be at the R/W if you want to know".
REALLY sounds like he's got something special in store for us....hmmmmm
In hard on recruits "above"us and doesn't have to do a hard sell and educate them about BU...last year took care of that. Even has had calls TO BU from recruits.
Pushing HARD for a Depaul sellout. Wants the place to celebrate LAST year AND be a force (home crowd) against Depaul.
I get the impression the staff MIGHT just be getting it as far as mkt and atmosphere at the arena. We'll see.....cannot let this momentum die.
When queeried by me about Egolf and Alaska compared to Mo's "short" trips to Canada

Then he stopped because (I forgot) that WE is NOT signed yet and JL said "I really can't say anymore about him."
When asked how he landed Warren from Indy.....said he called Bweb and asked how to recruit Indiana guards
