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Pac 10 now looking to raid Big 12

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  • #16
    Originally posted by KillerB View Post
    There is a report out today the Big 10 has approached Texas already. Texas wants Tech and AM to go as well.. but one of those two schools is not does not have the academic status required by the Big 10.
    It's TT that does not have the academic requirements in place. Here's a list of schools that are part of the AAU that they will consider.
    "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
    ??” Thomas Jefferson


    • #17
      Originally posted by tornado View Post
      Ha, ha, ha....PTTB that article was hilarious at the end...
      they were postulating a HEARTLAND conference that would include Kansas, Kansas St., Memphis, and Iowa St...
      but also it would include Northern Iowa, UAB, So. Miss., Butler, and Dayton!!!!
      Thanks... I needed a really good laugh this morning....

      I know. That's pretty crazy. It's quite an interesting group of teams. Not sure why Creighton or Wichita would be strongly considered over UNI (due to larger metro area and solid basketball tradition and closer proximity to Kansas/KSU (the new front porch to the 'Heartland' conference). Not sure Butler would ever jump on that either. They seem fairly content in the Horizon, eating up auto bids with strong at-large capabilities year in/year out just like Gonzaga.

      Was talking to someone who was listening to a sports talk show in STL a month or so ago. They were talking to a Rivals.Com writer who talked to each of the Big 12 writers. I guess the only ones who really didn't have an idea on what would happen was KU/K-State. And even at that, they had mentioned the MVC. How crazy would that be? I honestly can't see any situation happening where that could happen...especially with FBS football.

      In all honesty, the only thing I could think that would make either Kansas joining the MVC or there being a possibility of a broad midwestern conference like 'The Heartland', is if there were agreements for football only with conferences like the C-USA, MAC, Sun Belt, MWC, etc... And then, play all other sports in the MVC or Heartland.


      • #18
        I just read a commentary on the premium Kansas site saying that Kansas' recruiting prowess just took a HUGE and immediate hit
        and will quite possibly NEVER be the same...

        Almost overnite, with this story out there, every recruit will be saying to himself...
        "Do I want to go to Kansas and find myself in 1-2 years playing in the CUSA
        or some other (Heartland) mid-major-caliber conference??"
 might just be the end of the 4-Star and 5-Star bluechipppers landing at Kansas!!


        • #19
          Big 12 Ultimatum

          The big 12 conference is drawing a line in the sand.
          A newspaper in austin, texas.. Is reporting that missouri and nebraska have been given a friday deadline to say if they're going to stay in the big 12 or bolt to the big 10.


          • #20
            Originally posted by KillerB View Post
            The big 12 conference is drawing a line in the sand.
            A newspaper in austin, texas.. Is reporting that missouri and nebraska have been given a friday deadline to say if they're going to stay in the big 12 or bolt to the big 10.
            I read that also but I wonder how much teeth do they have? What if they say, "We will take our time in deciding what is best for our institution." Then what will the Big 12 do? Kick them out! Just curious to know what the ramifications would be. Also the Big 12 doled out $10 million out to their schools while the Big X doled out $22 million per school.
            "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
            ??” Thomas Jefferson


            • #21
              Pac-10 commissioner Larry Scott emerged from the final day of conference meetings Sunday and announced that university presidents and chancellors have given him all the authority he needs to expand the Pac-10.

              Some more news. The Pac 10 comish has been given the green light to expand. The games have officially began. I still hope that BU has a contingency plan because this will impact college basketball and when a school like Kansas looks to be left out perhaps then you know this is serious.
              "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
              ??” Thomas Jefferson


              • #22
                Here's what I find interesting.. the double standard that exists in the Big 12.
                It's why schools like Missouri are willing to look. Mizzou and Nebraska are given and ultimatum.. where is the ultimatum for Texas?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by SFP View Post
                  I read that also but I wonder how much teeth do they have? What if they say, "We will take our time in deciding what is best for our institution." Then what will the Big 12 do? Kick them out! Just curious to know what the ramifications would be.

                  You hit the nail on the head. That was exactly my first thought as well.


                  • #24
                    The strong (SEC, Big 10, Pac 10) will inherit the meek (Big 12, Big East).

                    This is going to become a pretty impressive cluster****. I expect Missou and Nebraska to give the Big 10 a little nudge to hurry with their progress.


                    • #25
                      Iowa State, Kansas State, and Kansas get what is the difference in these schools athletic programs/TV markets vs the current dregs of the Big 10, Pac 10, and SEC (Minnesota, Indiana, Washington, Washington St, Vanderbilt, Mississippi, Mississippi St), or the tiny media markets for Oregon/Oregon St...
                      BUilding for the Future


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by AZ BU Fan View Post
                        Iowa State, Kansas State, and Kansas get what is the difference in these schools athletic programs/TV markets vs the current dregs of the Big 10, Pac 10, and SEC (Minnesota, Indiana, Washington, Washington St, Vanderbilt, Mississippi, Mississippi St), or the tiny media markets for Oregon/Oregon St...
                        Not sure what you are saying.. Minnesota - that's the Minneapolis market.. #15. Indiana brings in the Indianapolis market.. #25. I'm not up on the Pac 10 and west coast as much.. but if Washington and Washington St are a decent draw in Seattle.. that's #13. Vanderbilt pales by comparison to Tennessee.. but probably has a good following in Nashville #29.

                        The largest market in Mississippi is Jackson at #90.. but I guessing those two
                        The largest market in Oregon is Eugene #119.

                        By comparison Des Moines (Iowa St for all practical purposes) is #72.
                        Kansas as a fair amount of pull in KC (with Mizzou).. Market #32.
                        K-State- I don't know what market to associate with them.

                        Based on this Kansas as the most to offer and is the school really getting hosed as things stand now.


                        • #27
                          Colorado excluded?

                          Another thing I find interesting here.. is the Texas legislature is getting involved saying if UT, Tech & A&M go they have to include Baylor in the Pac 10 deal. That would probably leave Colorado out in the cold.

                          Would the WAC then move in for the Big 12 leftovers?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by KillerB View Post
                            Another thing I find interesting here.. is the Texas legislature is getting involved saying if UT, Tech & A&M go they have to include Baylor in the Pac 10 deal. That would probably leave Colorado out in the cold.

                            Would the WAC then move in for the Big 12 leftovers?
                            The Mountain West would be the preferred destination. And it'd be a lock they'd pursue the Big 12 North. They'd also be a lock to absorb the Big 12's vacant BCS spot for the time being (depending on what else happens everywhere else).

                            That said, Denver is a very important market to lock up. I wouldn't be shocked if the Pac 10 fires back by saying Colorado must be a part of the deal.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by KillerB View Post
                              Here's what I find interesting.. the double standard that exists in the Big 12.
                              It's why schools like Missouri are willing to look. Mizzou and Nebraska are given and ultimatum.. where is the ultimatum for Texas?
                              Texas has said that if Nebraska and Mizzou stay, they will too. As a result, there is no need for an ultimatum. Texas wants the Big 12 to work and if it had its preference, would stay. The Pac10 situation was just plan B for Texas and leaked to put pressure on Nebraska (and to a much lesser extent, Mizzou) to commit to the Big 12.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by DoubleJayAlum View Post
                                Texas has said that if Nebraska and Mizzou stay, they will too. As a result, there is no need for an ultimatum. Texas wants the Big 12 to work and if it had its preference, would stay. The Pac10 situation was just plan B for Texas and leaked to put pressure on Nebraska (and to a much lesser extent, Mizzou) to commit to the Big 12.
                                I think your right and I guarantee KState, KU and even more Iowa State and Baylor want the Big 12 to work. If it breaks up those 4 are going to have some issues.

                                But it is as with most anything going to come down to money. If Nebraska moves on this whole thing is going to blow up.

                                Wonder what would happen if the Pac 10 went for the entire Big 12 except for Missouri and Iowa State and just did 2 ten team divisions. East and West.


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