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Pac 10 now looking to raid Big 12

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  • #2
    There are raids, and then there are RAIDS.

    This would be a RAID if true. This would be a bombshell. And with Missou and Nebraska lined up for the Big 10, all of a sudden, the powerhouse basketball school of Kansas will lose everything because of football.


    • #3
      Originally posted by TheAsianSensation View Post
      There are raids, and then there are RAIDS.

      This would be a RAID if true. This would be a bombshell. And with Missou and Nebraska lined up for the Big 10, all of a sudden, the powerhouse basketball school of Kansas will lose everything because of football.

      Couldn't happen to a nicer university.


      • #4
        I heard this last night from a source and he said that the TV deal would be huge and it will be hard for the schools to turn it down, especially in this economic environment. He also said that Utah and BYU are still in play.
        "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
        ??” Thomas Jefferson


        • #5
          This is going to accelerate the 4 16-team superconference theory. If the Big 10 goes to 16, the SEC will have no choice but to poach FSU, Miami, Clemson, and Ga Tech. The ACC responds with the Big East leftovers, and poof.

          And this cannot be underestimated enough: Kansas is in SERIOUS, SERIOUS trouble right now. Either the SEC needs to decide to do a bit of reaching in geography, or the Big 10 needs to do so, because there's no other play for them.

          Kansas St, Iowa St, and Baylor are also in trouble, but they don't have the tradition Kansas has.


          • #6
            It would be hard to imagine no legal action by KU, KSU, ISU, Baylor as they have substantial assets/investments in place based on expectation of future revenues from their participation in the Big 12 Conference.

            May spark gov intervention/oversight into NCAA and these emerging super conferences..

            Are the revenues generated by the NCAA/Universities from their sports programs tax free?

            If the big boys form their own athletic association to hoard the cash from their sports programs, I would support taxing all the revenue generated by the big boys' sports programs from ticket sales, sponsorship, cable tv etc.
            BUilding for the Future


            • #7
              Originally posted by AZ BU Fan View Post
              It would be hard to imagine no legal action by KU, KSU, ISU, Baylor as they have substantial assets/investments in place based on expectation of future revenues from their participation in the Big 12 Conference.

              May spark gov intervention/oversight into NCAA and these emerging super conferences..

              Are the revenues generated by the NCAA/Universities from their sports programs tax free?

              If the big boys form their own athletic association to hoard the cash from their sports programs, I would support taxing all the revenue generated by the big boys' sports programs from ticket sales, sponsorship, cable tv etc.
              As long as BYU and Utah are taken care of I do not see the Feds getting involved.
              "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
              ??” Thomas Jefferson


              • #8
                One more thing to watch: This may force the Big 10's timeline a bit. They won't lose Texas without a fight, IMO.


                • #9
                  I don't feel like this is going to be a fun ride. Any chance that the super conferences will confine themselves to football... leaving alignments less changed for other sports?
                  My sports blog.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by thefish7 View Post
                    I don't feel like this is going to be a fun ride. Any chance that the super conferences will confine themselves to football... leaving alignments less changed for other sports?
                    No chance.

                    This will get ugly for someone at some point.


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Ha, ha, ha....PTTB that article was hilarious at the end...
                        they were postulating a HEARTLAND conference that would include Kansas, Kansas St., Memphis, and Iowa St...
                        but also it would include Northern Iowa, UAB, So. Miss., Butler, and Dayton!!!!
                        Thanks... I needed a really good laugh this morning....


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by tornado View Post
                          Ha, ha, ha....PTTB that article was hilarious at the end...
                          they were postulating a HEARTLAND conference that would include Kansas, Kansas St., Memphis, and Iowa St...
                          but also it would include Northern Iowa, UAB, So. Miss., Butler, and Dayton!!!!
                          Thanks... I needed a really good laugh this morning....
                          If you really want to laugh, if the Pac 10 rumor is true, that article represents the BEST CASE scenario for Kansas.


                          • #14
                            Kansas would be welcomed in the ACC as long as they were willing to play all road games, but then, no big deal, they can easily make up the lost revenue by scheduling more Savannah State's at home and selling the Pump Brothers more premium playoff tickets


                            • #15
                              new big 10 news

                              There is a report out today the Big 10 has approached Texas already. Texas wants Tech and AM to go as well.. but one of those two schools is not does not have the academic status required by the Big 10.


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