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Dave Reynolds....Will Bradley keep playing?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
    Because they do exist. I guess I am just not into pretending they don't. We deal with on a daily basis here.
    I'm sure they do but NOT in these forums correct because, as you stated, you don't allow it.....?

    The people that post here DON'T hate again, why bring it up?

    Its NOT pretending. We all understand a few people might HATE JL. Who cares. Let them hate him.

    We don't......


    • #77
      Originally posted by jasonpeoria911 View Post
      Is this going to be another 10 page thread on Les Haters vs middlers to Les Lovers LOL. It seems like every other day that we have a new bicker thread on this.


      No....I'm done at pg 4 because I gotta go watch some hoops and eat.

      And just remember there is no obligation to read or get involved in threads/topics you don't like.


      • #78
        Originally posted by lefty View Post
        I gotta feeling the definition of haters is different for many posters here.

        It seems to happen when someone says something about JL....and the a defense comes next...and after a couple of have a hater.......

        After reading this thread I realize it's 7 minutes of my life I won't get back

        Thanks, thats my ENTIRE point....


        • #79
          I heard Mattson on the radio this morning, for someone that claims to know a lot about sports his statement about the cit and cbi tournaments do nothing for the teams in them is just ignorant, he also said nobody could name any of the teams in last years event, how about Oakland and Old Dominion who are both in the NCAA this season , I think if you asked them that they would say last years tour. helped prepare them for this season. I wish I had not left my phone at home because I would have called in and told him he should not be making statements about things that he knows nothing about, it was more of a dig at Bradley.


          • #80
            Originally posted by Out of Balance View Post
            You may be right, boo t. I like Jim and think he has done good things for BU. I am just on where he/team is now and am willing to go one more year. As for getting people to games, winning is the biggest way to get butts in the seats. Second, is the atmosphere and making it fun for fans to enjoy! I think this has become a problem! First the before game activities are nothing, to just boring! They have divided the fans into groups and little boring pregame parties by the amount of $ you give instead of one big pre game for all fans I have been a Braves Club member for over 25 years and when they divided it into the little club for $'s and dropped the Bennie's for some, what did they aspect. Those 4 pre game parties the Braves Club puts on are so boring, I don't even stop by for the beer Once your at your seats anything that goes on is so routine that most of the old gray hairs are talked out and fall asleep and have to be woke up by the ushers so they can be told the games over and it's time to go home I'm a grayhairer so don't even call me a gher hater At half time during most of the games you could throw a bowling ball down the concession halls and good chance not hit anyone As for the mid and young ages there is nothing for them besides the game. The biggest thrill for a kid is to catch a T-shirt and thats nothing because they are giving them away before most game's. The half time shows has all but disappeared I went to St. Louis and support the team but I to have become bored with the same old game routines Theres a real need to bring the fan base back to one and mix up the activities and add some life back into BU BB games.
            So in all I do not blame the lost of fan interest totally on JL and the team I like dog am just tried of those inflated attendees #'s
            I started going to BU games when they were playing in the Armory and went to all the games in the Fieldhouse. As kids we didn't need to have a t-shirt or have any half time show to enjoy the game and be rabid Bradley fans. In those days you could cheer all you wanted without being interupted by commercials and worthless announcements and the band and cheerleaders could do their job. I still enjoy the games that I make it to and like to go to lobby at halftime and discuss what's going on in the game with friends. IMO, it's what you make of it. Of course a few more wins would help, but that statement doesn't make us Jim Les haters. IMO, the only ones I would consider haters are the ones who didn't like the hiring in the first place and had their personal choice who didn't get the job.
            What part of illegal don't you understand?


            • #81
              Originally posted by lefty View Post
              After reading this thread I realize it's 7 minutes of my life I won't get back

              I have that same thought about a lot of things on a daily basis..


              • #82
                Originally posted by tornado View Post
                I have that same thought about a lot of things on a daily basis..

                Me too....I thought I would add them up but I'm sure it would depress me


                • #83
                  I guess the only "Facts" that are important to me are Bradley's record the past four years:

                  *Excludes Post Season

                  These results may be enough/satisfying for some, but not for me.
                  I don't really care about 'why'....At the start of each of these years I read about how great the players and new recruits were. At the end of each of the last four years I read about all the excuses some fans (fanatics?) put out as to why the team came up short during the season and the MVC Tournament.

                  If some of the posters like JL and his program and are ok for him to stay as long as he wants, regardless of the outcome, I won't try and change your opinion. I am just not one of these posters.

                  After watching the program under JL for 8 years, I think I have seen what we can expect. If BU can't move to the top of the MVC/MVC Tournament next year, when everything should be in BU's favor, I don't see it happening under the current management in the future. Either BU needs better asst coaches, or better coaching, or better recruiting, or a better system, or just better luck. Whatever. This isn't personal. I am sure JL has worked hard, tried his best, and his loyalty is beyond approach. It is about trying something different to achieve even better results.

                  Hopefully that doesn't make me a 'Hater' or unnecessarily negative, unworthy of posting. Or to be challenged to name someone better than JL, in other people's opinion...

                  PS....My posts aren't any less constant/repetitive in opinion as JL supporters' posts are of their opinions about BU's performance and JL's future.

                  I am just a fan of BU Basketball like everyone else, but perhaps not a fanatic: "a person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm, as for a cause."
                  BUilding for the Future


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Chico View Post
                    I started going to BU games when they were playing in the Armory and went to all the games in the Fieldhouse. As kids we didn't need to have a t-shirt or have any half time show to enjoy the game and be rabid Bradley fans. In those days you could cheer all you wanted without being interupted by commercials and worthless announcements and the band and cheerleaders could do their job. I still enjoy the games that I make it to and like to go to lobby at halftime and discuss what's going on in the game with friends. IMO, it's what you make of it. Of course a few more wins would help, but that statement doesn't make us Jim Les haters. IMO, the only ones I would consider haters are the ones who didn't like the hiring in the first place and had their personal choice who didn't get the job.
                    Ha Chico, when you get back we need to get togather for golf, beer, or just to talk or all of it Anyway I have a couple of the give away BU T-Shirts, I was able to get for you. Let me know when you are back. Take Care


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                      OOB, I know you aren't.

                      Nice meeting you!
                      It was nice meeting you to Your facial expression when Big Mike introduced us was priceless It was Mike who was doing all the jawing and yelling JK


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Out of Balance View Post
                        Ha Chico, when you get back we need to get togather for golf, beer, or just to talk or all of it Anyway I have a couple of the give away BU T-Shirts, I was able to get for you. Let me know when you are back. Take Care
                        Thanks for getting the shirts for me. You and Beninator are taking care of me. Have a golf tourny in 2 hours. Be back around mid-April.
                        What part of illegal don't you understand?


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                          OOB, I know you aren't.

                          Nice meeting you!
                          Originally posted by Out of Balance View Post
                          It was nice meeting you to Your facial expression when Big Mike introduced us was priceless It was Mike who was doing all the jawing and yelling JK
                          Did it look like this?



                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Chico View Post
                            Have a golf tourny in 2 hours. Be back around mid-April.

                            Thats one LONG outing.......I'd never get away with it. I usually have to be back before dark.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Braves4Life View Post
                              Did it look like this?

                              Well, he didn't do nothing like that but it sure was a look, very funny Now the next one for me to meet is Chuck Norris, I, I, I mean T JK


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by dogsrus View Post
                                Thats one LONG outing.......I'd never get away with it. I usually have to be back before dark.
                                Your wife knows you, dog and has the old choker leash on you
                                Must of been a Bad Dog and did not fine your way home at sometimeJK


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