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No postseason?

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  • #16
    I've always said in the past that I'm all for accepting a bid to any post season tournament. It gives us another chance to watch our Braves, prolong the season, avoid the boring offseason, blah, blah, blah......

    However, I have really had my fill of this year's Bradley team (and that's a first for me to say that). They have really been a frustrating, underachieving bunch that never really gelled. Onward to the recruiting trail and next season, I say.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Bradleyguy10 View Post
      I for the most part wouldn't mind bradley playing in a tournament but truth be told this team is beaten up and players are hurt. I agree with that lineup but TB is hurt now also so he should have limited time as well. SM is hurt and needs to rest. Those two don't need any more games under their belts..they've proven they can play. Instead of TB at the 4 it would be nice to at least TRY WE at the 4 with AT @ 5
      A.T. would get pushed all over the court by any center in the Valley, we need a big and physical center not a thin one. I agree that Egolf would be a better 4 then a 5 and Taylor would be a great 3 with Warren at the 2 and Maniscalco at the point but we need a center plus we need to start recruiting more 6-6 and bigger players.


      • #18
        Yes but we don't have one of them right now so he should get playing time. If we get one for next season..then by all means...use him.


        • #19
          It's been a long year. Why play any more games? We can't play 2 good games in a row. We only have one guard that can shoot for an average; and that really creates problems when you play 4 guards. Also we wonder why we can't get a rebound. It's been stated many times that we need at least 2 bigs that want to play INSIDE. It doesn't help that our biggest guy wants to shoot 3s. We need more players like SM. I think DSE, JE & DD fit the bill; but are we going to play 5 guards next year? If we don't get JW here, next year will be just like this year. Playing more games will not help. We are not young and inexperienced any more. We could have lost just as easily by playing AT & MK and at least they would not be equivalent to freshmen next year. How good could have TB been if he had played last year?


          • #20
            Originally posted by fansince55 View Post
            It doesn't help that our biggest guy wants to shoot 3s.
            Ya I don't like how Sam Singh pulls up for 3's either

            Are you referring to TB? Because he certainly isn't our biggest guy height or weight wise. But I definitely agree we need more players with SM's attitude and toughness. We will have them next year though, I think with SM, DD, AW all being seniors next year will help them being extra motivated to lead, along with JE and DSE displaying those leadership qualities as well, leadership for the team next year should be plenty fine.


            • #21
              I was referring to WE.


              • #22
                Originally posted by fansince55 View Post
                I was referring to WE.
                Will Egolf has attempted ZERO 3-pointers this year.
                This is just the tip of the iceberg...


                • #23
                  I hope we go and use it to see who really has the passion for the game. JL needs to recruit guys that have true passion like he does. We have a good core but on great teams everyone is on the bus and if you have to leave someone behind because the dedication for the sport or team is not there then I believe in addition by subtraction. This off season regardless, has to be one where these guys take their preparation to the next level. If you ever saw one of MJ's off season workouts you would know he did not leave anything to chance. I can go on and on about the greatest athaletes in all sports and how they prepared themselves but I bet we have seen a few tapes.
                  "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
                  ??” Thomas Jefferson


                  • #24
                    I'd also like to see WE take a few jumpers to see if he still has it! Then the opposing big would have to leave the paint.
                    "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
                    ??” Thomas Jefferson


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by bugregshu View Post
                      Will Egolf has attempted ZERO 3-pointers this year.
                      Those pesky things called facts.


                      • #26
                        Thanks for correcting me. Boy is my face red. I assumed because he never rebounds that he is away from the basket trying to make 3s. If he attempted no 3s, it's worse. Why can't a 6'9 guy with his mobility get any rebounds? On the other hand, I have read that he is a very good outside shooter. Why hasn't he shot any 3s?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by fansince55 View Post
                          Thanks for correcting me. Boy is my face red. I assumed because he never rebounds that he is away from the basket trying to make 3s. If he attempted no 3s, it's worse. Why can't a 6'9 guy with his mobility get any rebounds? On the other hand, I have read that he is a very good outside shooter. Why hasn't he shot any 3s?
                          He actually attempted 14 3's his freshman year, but hasn't attempted any since. He was actually suppose to be a decent shooter when he came in if I remember right, but never made any when he shot them in games and probably just went away from doing it since he was moved to be a 5 man more than a 4 since his freshman year. So I'm not sure why he has taken out that part of his game completely, but I assume it is because he is a 5 now, and JL doesn't want the 5 man taking too many 3's unless he becomes more consistent at it (0-14 career).


                          • #28
                            fansince55, don't worry about what you said. I remember hearing what was said when we drafted WE, that he has a good outside shot and can play the 3 position, same was said about MK and TB. How can we tell if we're running with JE playing the 4 in a four guard offence. Many posters here want to see us play bigger. WE has only taken 14 shots from 3 point in his career, it doesn't mean he can't shoot it - it just means he hasn't been given the chance and I'm having a hard time with that. I believe we were told in a PJS article last year that that JL said this was to be the best team (hype, hype...) that he has had


                            • #29
                              BU RICK - Since you like close games more than blowouts, you must have really hated Friday's dismantling of Creighton huh?
                              Onward and Upward!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by BradleyBrave View Post
                                BU RICK - Since you like close games more than blowouts, you must have really hated Friday's dismantling of Creighton huh?
                                That's funny, because I was going to post the same thing to you a few days ago but didn't. I remember you were talking about the 19 point lead we lost but still won in a prior game and was giving you, not directly, a hard time because we still won. Then we beat CU by 19. Trust me, we'd be good friends but I still like to watch close games and when it comes to Bradley winning by 19 every time is fine by me. Maybe next year.


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