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I agree. That is why I puke every time I see Nancy Pelosi stand up and clap after every pause in one of Obama's speech's. Joe Biden is often 2nd to stand and is reacting to her. I have got to believe he is saying to himself, "D@mn Nancy, give it a rest, are you kidding me."
That was fun to watch, I was thinking the same thing. Obama was talking about serious issues but she just couldn't keep from smiling about the serious issues. I was thinking what does she care the most about, We the People or being on TV. That was a fun day, for at least her, being in the spotlight. That's why she kept jumping up every 30 seconds.
I saw it happen and was shocked nobody seemed to do ANYTHING about it, especially the guy she was with. He could have stepped in between them or something. If I was up in that section that kid might have ended up drunkenly "falling" down those PCC stairs..
I wish I would have seen this. I agree = they would have ended up "falling" down those stairs!
Our generation is much different than the generation of 40+ year-olds.
F*** is said in everyday language. It is only expected that it will come out in moments of high tension and surely in drunkeness. Yeah I verbally harassed the ISU fans behind their bench...am I sorry...no? Is it like I am still so mad at them? no. I look at it as trash talking where trash talking is understandable. We didn't go crazy at eachother and get out of hand. We were just speaking our mind at eachother because I am a Bradley fan and they were ISU fans. I understand exactly where they are coming from and why they say what they said. They aren't siting and whining about what I said to them. It was just the heat of the moment and no one got hurt.
If you don't want obscenities from drunk college kids at a college basketball game....I do not have a solution.
It is used commonly amongst college kids, however some if not most know when it is appropriate and when it is not. A basketball game especially at PCC where it is more of a family environment than most college hoops arenas is not an appropriate place. Using an F-Bomb has little effect on the players for the reason they hear it everyday as opposed to something clever that they don't hear at every away game. It does have a major affect on an 8 year old at the game with their parents who has never heard the word before. I tell my friends all the time to watch their language when we're out around a crowd of children as it is unacceptable and frankly immature IMO.
It's funny because the Prez came over to the student section at the beginning of the game and asked us to cheer loudly but stay classy with the cheers. After she left, one of the first things I heard was "Osiris your a f****** virus". In fact, aside from the 1 or 2 times the "B***S***" chant got started (which I'm not a fan of btw), everything did stay classy except for a couple people who felt the need to keep yelling profanities at the ISU bench and section behind the bench. If our generation is so much different, then how come everyone else didn't have a problem?
It's funny because the Prez came over to the student section at the beginning of the game and asked us to cheer loudly but stay classy with the cheers. After she left, one of the first things I heard was "Osiris your a f****** virus". In fact, aside from the 1 or 2 times the "B***S***" chant got started (which I'm not a fan of btw), everything did stay classy except for a couple people who felt the need to keep yelling profanities at the ISU bench and section behind the bench. If our generation is so much different, then how come everyone else didn't have a problem?
1. The president knows nothing about BU/ISU basketball...(I just wanted to make that point)
2. Some people who really do not like ISU and have never liked them at all look for ways to express their discontent. Sometimes that results in a bad word. When you angrily use a bad word....you get meaning across. (not saying it is respectable behavior...just saying it happens)
Most of the people in the student section are apathetic anyways. When I say apathetic I mean...the thought of Bradley getting swept by ISU doesn't bother them the least bit.
3. Yeah I agree it is not awesome to curse in front of children....there were two boys in the area...I don't remember anyone directing a curse word at them...and they were screaming their heads off...I doubt their overall awareness noticed anything. I also doubt anyone's voices carry that far when the place is loud.
The players curse all the time. The coaches curse all the time. The fans curse all the time. There is no way to stop it...
I saw him standing next to them from the student section, but wasn't watching the whole time so I never saw the contact. Neither cheerleader could do anything as they are representatives of the university, and are being held to a much higher standard than some drunk tool from isu.
I realize that they are held to a higher standard. But once the drunken douche touches a female cheerleader next to you, it can go one of two ways:
1. Screw a higher standard and stick up for the lady!! She was obviously bothered by it and didn't seem to know what to do (I could see that from 200 feet away). I'm not saying knock the kid out, but get between them and make sure it doesn't escalate. If it does, handle it. Defend yourself 'til the end and accept whatever punishment comes down. You had her back, hopefully she and the rest of the cheerleaders would have yours when you need it later.
2. Immediately grab your cheering partner, walk straight down the stairs to security and have them deal with it. If they don't immediately remove the guy, tell your coach. The next time go you up there and it undoubtedly happens again, refer to #1.
I have been going to sporting events for over 40 some years and it seems like it just gets worse with the people that come to the games just to harass the opposing fans, they show up with derogatory shirts ( a true fan wears his real team shirt and not some bush league outfit mocking the other team) and harass fans instead of actually cheering their own team. I am not talking about ISU in general as I am sure there are some BU people guilty of this also , most of the ones that result to acting in this matter never played any organized sports or they would not act like this, how about the next game you attend show a little class and root for your team and don"t show up just to boo or try and antagonize the other team or their fans. I think it is called good sportsmanship which I believe most in attendance abides by.
Our generation is much different than the generation of 40+ year-olds.
F*** is said in everyday language. It is only expected that it will come out in moments of high tension and surely in drunkeness. Yeah I verbally harassed the ISU fans behind their bench...am I sorry...no? Is it like I am still so mad at them? no. I look at it as trash talking where trash talking is understandable. We didn't go crazy at eachother and get out of hand. We were just speaking our mind at eachother because I am a Bradley fan and they were ISU fans. I understand exactly where they are coming from and why they say what they said. They aren't siting and whining about what I said to them. It was just the heat of the moment and no one got hurt.
If you don't want obscenities from drunk college kids at a college basketball game....I do not have a solution.
You don't have a solution? No need for anyone to get drunk at a college basketball game. Student, blue hair or in between. When they grow up they will realize it doesn't impress anyone. I like my cool brew as much as anyone, but I can get by with only 2 or 3 and still enjoy the game.
Firsty...what do you do when your son hears some drunk at a resturant blurt out an obscenity...what do you do when your son see's some crack dealer cussin the cops when they bust him on TV.....what do you do when you see workers at a picket line flip the bird to scabs as they cross the line......what do you do when you see or hear someone yell Obama you $uck at a republican rally...... and on and on?
You tell him, "son, this isn't a perfect world and you are going to see, hear and witness alot of things that THIS family is opposed to. We hope YOU never engage in this type behavior and when you see/hear it you walk away and understand not everyone acts/talks like this."
May I offer its not Bula's or anyone's responsibility to "explain" what the Buck ******* shirts mean...thats YOUR responsibility and I'm sure you do it well and have to do it every day.
Yeah its no fun and you wish you didn't have to but this isn't utopia and we all see and hear things that don't fit in with our specific family values and we must use it as a simple life lesson so AGAIN, your kid doesn't engage in those type behaviors YOUR family deems inappropriate...
Just a thought.
Right. Tell your kid that those scabs were hired by a company who has non union workers also and they were just doing their job. Tell them it's not right to laugh when someone from a foreign country throws a shoe at our President.
You don't have a solution? No need for anyone to get drunk at a college basketball game. Student, blue hair or in between. When they grow up they will realize it doesn't impress anyone. I like my cool brew as much as anyone, but I can get by with only 2 or 3 and still enjoy the game.
I have never been drunk at a BU game or any game...but others are...I'm saying you can't solve the problem unless you breathalize before games.
Also many people feel free to yell whatever they want no matter what state they are in...like myself. Unless we make it a fine to curse in public it won't stop.
Sorry Chico, we'll agree to disagree on that. I'm on Wessler's side of the argument on stand vs. not stand. I believe fans are there to try and help the team win as much as enjoy themselves...in fact the enjoyment comes from helping the team win by standing up at appropriate times, cheering as loudly as possible,etc. My original ire was more meant at the fact these people associated foul language as some sort of exclusive domain of those in the greek system and that offends me. in fact, i find this attitude pervasive of many in "your" generation...that was more of my point as opposed to the sit vs stand argument.
However, I stand by my opinion on that issue as well. Carver has been more of a morgue this year than ever(admittedly, the product is partially responsible), but those who "support" the program financially seem to underestimate the importance of "supporting" them while they're playing.
You hit it on the head when you said "at appropriate times." That what most fans do. There should be a seperate section for the fans who feel they have to stand the entire game. IMO, Carver has been a morgue the past few years because the promotions during the game and when every timeout is called the announcements start. You can't tell me you haven't noticed that.
Standing, just for the sake of standing, is contrived ... artificial. Action on the floor that brings fans to their feet spontaneously is the true show of support and approval. It's emotional, it's real and I'm sure the players notice, appreciate it and thrive on it. Outstanding performance is the cause, standing is the effect ... not the other way around. If the players do their part, we WILL be standing most of the time ... without any prompting.
Personally, I enjoy standing at the beginning of each half until the other team scores. That's about as "contrived" and "artificial" as there is.
It was mentioned earlier about standing at "appropriate times". In my opinion, it is appropriate to stand when prompted by the public address announcer to "stand up until isu scores, or longer if you want". It should also be an appropriate time to stand when the courtside message boards are flashing "ON YOUR FEET!". Obviously, there are many people that don't agree. I'm not one of them!
???People say, ???Forget last year', but I want our guys to remember that one, because that will not happen again. We will be much better.??? Geno Ford, 9/22/12
Just because someone has had to much to drink does not give him or her the right to act poorly in public, a lot of people have too much to drink and still act like adults , if you can"t control yourself when you drink alcohol maybe you need to quit drinking it instead of using that as an excuse.
I think I was probably near the zone with the "bumped" cheerleader. The first time the ISU guys went down there the cheerleaders (one male, one female) seemed a little off-put. I didn't see any actual "bumping." Later in the game when the same happened the male cheerleader was shaking hands with the ISU having greeted each other and the female cheerleader was laughing about it too. That tells me whatever was going on was harmless enough.
Also-- it's been said in this thread, but I agree, cheering for your team is one thing and something I've rarely seen result in bad feeling between fans. Attacking the the fans, town, or home team is what gets you into trouble every time. It's part of being a good road-fan, cheer your team on... Interact with the crowd if you want, but make sure you keep it about the game and you'll be fine. Get into attacking the home team, the school, the fans, whatever, and you'll make it less fun for everybody. I've traveled a few times to away games with BU, and while I don't get any quieter on the road, I generally have a nice rapport with the home fans by the end of the game who recognize me as an interested fan of my team and not the enemy.
It's funny because the Prez came over to the student section at the beginning of the game and asked us to cheer loudly but stay classy with the cheers. After she left, one of the first things I heard was "Osiris your a f****** virus". In fact, aside from the 1 or 2 times the "B***S***" chant got started (which I'm not a fan of btw), everything did stay classy except for a couple people who felt the need to keep yelling profanities at the ISU bench and section behind the bench. If our generation is so much different, then how come everyone else didn't have a problem?
BU students are no different than any other college students...and many from the opposition will view them as classless and vulgar...it's college (not grade/high school)...a fellow in our office is a very classy young family man who went to OSU, and I have seen him at 2 informal office functions wearing his "Buck Fichigan" shirt