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PJStar Interview with Bradley AD, Dr. Michael Cross

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  • #16
    It's good that MC didn't say...
    "I envision consistent 4th or 5th place conference finishes with a chance to compete in the NIT in a couple years. I think our program is on the rise that we'll get there eventually."

    To me, he sounds knowledgeable about the b-ball program and has high aspirations and won't settle for mediocre.


    • #17
      Originally posted by LittleBrave View Post
      It's good that MC didn't say...
      "I envision consistent 4th or 5th place conference finishes with a chance to compete in the NIT in a couple years. I think our program is on the rise that we'll get there eventually."

      To me, he sounds knowledgeable about the b-ball program and has high aspirations and won't settle for mediocre.
      I agree. I am also in complete agreement with not doing anything assessment-wise or conversation-wise until season's end. It wouldn't be fair to anyone involved.
      Onward and Upward!


      • #18
        Thought the interview was a refreshing read...
        Sets clear expectations for the basketball program that we are failing to meet...Should set the stage for a "get it done or get out" type of conversation with the coaching staff in the offseason.


        • #19
          Originally posted by ER3 View Post
          Thought the interview was a refreshing read...
          Sets clear expectations for the basketball program that we are failing to meet...Should set the stage for a "get it done or get out" type of conversation with the coaching staff in the offseason.
          ER3...awesome new signature!
          Onward and Upward!


          • #20
            Originally posted by BradleyBrave View Post
            ER3...awesome new signature!
            Thanks...I figured you would like it.


            • #21
              Interesting comments on branding and success.

              I was visiting a construction site (no BU) on Wed, and overheard 2 workers talking basketball, one was at the Drake game and talking about nearly blowing the lead. The other guy said that both Bradley and the Illini need to fire their coaches.

              Not the first time I've heard that about either team, but it got me thinking why would a seemingly typical blue-collar guy think the Illini have not been sucessful.. I think we live in an area and have experienced several great basketball championship runs. Bulls 6 in 8 years, then Manual's 4-peat and Central's back-to-back. I think the average guy believes a dynasty=success and an occasional championship run really does not mean much.

              I think there is work to do on the local branding perspective, too...


              • #22
                Hopefully the new AD will walk the walk. Remember, another person close to the men's basketball program envisioned multiple MVC championships and the return of national prominence for BU with his hiring.

                Guess it isn't as easy as just saying it or hoping for it.

                KW is a "Columinst". His job is to create reader interest/reaction, bringing a independent eye to the program. He wants a reaction, positive or negative. DR is the "Beat Writer" who will put the BU Loyalist spin on his writing and appeal to many on this Forum. How long would KW have lots of readers or a job if all of his columns were the rose colored glasses/JL Kool Aid type? A classic good cop (DR)/bad cop (KW) set up. KW is doing the same job Theobald did at the PJS. Don't get so worked up over it! Its not reporting, its editorializing.

                Forum folks need thicker skins! Channel your anger for underachieving coaches who overpromised and underdelivered!
                BUilding for the Future


                • #23
                  Originally posted by bigdaddystuck View Post
                  I have no problem with the way Wessler asked that question. There is unrest in the fan base. I also like how Dr. Cross handled the answers.
                  There is always varying degrees of unrest in the fan base. If he is talking about the 5-10 squeaky wheels who dominate the two message boards, then I think it was inappropriate.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by BradleyBrave View Post
                    I'm a BU fan, first and foremost, and I hold us to a high standard of success. That standard is nowhere close to being met. If the current product is fine for you, great. It's not for me.
                    Well said.


                    • #25
                      Does anyone think BU hoops is up to Jim Les' standards right now? He's got as high of standard as anyone out there.
                      Compete. Defend. Rebound. Win.


                      • #26
                        [quote=AZ BU Fan;162955]
                        How long would KW have lots of readers or a job if all of his columns were the rose colored glasses/JL Kool Aid type?

                        Your asking for it

                        Channel your anger for underachieving coaches who overpromised and underdelivered! /quote]

                        Now you've done it


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Buesch N Chips View Post
                          There is always varying degrees of unrest in the fan base. If he is talking about the 5-10 squeaky wheels who dominate the two message boards, then I think it was inappropriate.
                          I'm sure you've got it figured out right here. . .

                          Certainly its not the 500, 1000+ extra fans not in attendance at games this year. Or the dozens more audible boobirds in attendance at the games.

                          It's important to realize that message boards are not representative of a fan base, positive or negative, or otherwise.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by AZ BU Fan View Post
                            Hopefully the new AD will walk the walk. Remember, another person close to the men's basketball program envisioned multiple MVC championships and the return of national prominence for BU with his hiring.

                            Guess it isn't as easy as just saying it or hoping for it.
                            It helps when you've been in the business prior to taking charge, too.

                            While you raise a good point that it's early with Cross, and it's "wait and see" he seems to have his priorities and order and indicated there were some issues that may have already thrown up red flags.

                            What we do know is he's been in the business for nearly 10 years and has followed a logical career path to this point which should indicate he knows the business and the score.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Buesch N Chips View Post
                              There is always varying degrees of unrest in the fan base. If he is talking about the 5-10 squeaky wheels who dominate the two message boards, then I think it was inappropriate.
                              Agree if he was only talking about 5-10 people. I feel that if the new AD wasn't coming in and taking a look at all of the athletic programs, he wouldn't be doing his job. So then, I don't have a problem with KW asking a question about how he is going to review, or critique the $$ making program! Especially if that program is not up to standards or generating said $$!
                              Some see a hopeless end, while others see an endless hope.


                              • #30
                                From the PJS article re: Management Style:

                                " I believe in giving people authority. When you??™re in a position like this, you have an obligation to set the standards, to have principles, to set the tones, to have the values, to set the culture. Then, letting people go out and have autonomy and authority to make decisions, within parameters, is very, very important. If all I do is dictate what we??™re going to do, that can get old very quickly."

                                Given our Presidents tendency to micromanage, I believe that this will be Dr Cross' toughest obstacle to overcome. I wish Dr Cross luck.
                                Bradley 72 - Illini 68 Final

                                ???It??™s awful hard,??™??™ said Illini freshman guard D.J. Richardson, the former Central High School guard who played prep school ball a few miles from here and fought back tears outside the locker room. ???It??™s a hometown thing. It??™s bragging rights.??™


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