He is being released Sunday from prison having completed the term he is required to serve.
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Pierre Pierce has paid his debt to society
I found this article in which Pierre Pierce is interviewed prior to his parole hearing. It has caused me to change my mind on Pierce.
He was set to be released on Sept. 24 anyway, so this hearing was but a mandated formality and ended up having NO BEARING on his release date anyway.
But in the interview, I honestly do get the strong sense that Mr. Pierce understands the nature and seriousness of his actions, that he does take full responsibility, and that he is truly remorseful and committed to not only changing his life but making amends.
I sense a real sincerity and thus feel the guy does deserve another chance. I know not all will agree.
He has served the time required and hope he makes a success of himself. I understand people will all form their own opinions of the guy, but you can't keep him in jail forever, and it seems in everyone's best interest that he succeed in becoming a productive citizen. Give the guy a chance.
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