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I Support JL Thread

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  • I Support JL Thread

    With all the bashing he is taking, I want to start a thread specifically for those who support JL. Maybe there won't be a whole lot of supporters, but I know I still do. We have had a good 4 year run with what we have had and what has happened, and yes I include the last 2 years. This year has been a little disappointing, but it is not over yet and could still be good. I think the next 2-3 years after this will all be great. Remember JL was predicted to finish 6th this year, and still be a coach on the rise. That means that someone who is more objective than most people here thinks this year will be a little down, but that the next few years will be good. I see a bright future!!!

    Anybody else with me?

  • #2
    Originally posted by BUfan14 View Post
    With all the bashing he is taking, I want to start a thread specifically for those who support JL. Maybe there won't be a whole lot of supporters, but I know I still do. We have had a good 4 year run with what we have had and what has happened, and yes I include the last 2 years. This year has been a little disappointing, but it is not over yet and could still be good. I think the next 2-3 years after this will all be great. Remember JL was predicted to finish 6th this year, and still be a coach on the rise. That means that someone who is more objective than most people here thinks this year will be a little down, but that the next few years will be good. I see a bright future!!!

    Anybody else with me?

    I will support JL as long as he is at BU.....

    I also don't consider the majority of criticism
    "bashing" but everyone see's that differently.


    • #3
      I support JL! Always have and always will as long as he is here! Just because I am not happy with the results so far make me anti-JL! Noticing problems does not make me a hater!
      Some see a hopeless end, while others see an endless hope.


      • #4
        I bashing I am talking about is all those saying it is time for change and for JL to be fired. I am also disagreeing with those that see no success coming in the future.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bigdaddystuck View Post
          I support JL! Always have and always will as long as he is here! Just because I am not happy with the results so far make me anti-JL! Noticing problems does not make me a hater!
          Ditto. Everyone I know that is a BU fan desperately wants Jim Les to win...and win big.

          Doubting the direction of the program and worrying about it says nothing about not supporting Jim Les.

          I support Jim Les too. I also fear that this is going bad.
          When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.


          • #6
            I support Jim Les and would give him until the end of next year or else.......


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUfan14 View Post
              With all the bashing he is taking, I want to start a thread specifically for those who support JL. Maybe there won't be a whole lot of supporters, but I know I still do. We have had a good 4 year run with what we have had and what has happened, and yes I include the last 2 years. This year has been a little disappointing, but it is not over yet and could still be good. I think the next 2-3 years after this will all be great. Remember JL was predicted to finish 6th this year, and still be a coach on the rise. That means that someone who is more objective than most people here thinks this year will be a little down, but that the next few years will be good. I see a bright future!!!

              Anybody else with me?
              I definitely support Les, and I made note of the pundits who predicted BU to finish 6th this year as well in earlier threads. Most dismissed this as "who cares what they think, we should be better than 6th". But usually the experts are correct on these things. The fact that CU is underachieving big time and MSU is playing better than expected is not a flaw in the prediction so much as usually there are a few teams that perform far different than what was predicted. But most of the time the pundits are correct. They obviously saw that this team was either not nearly as talented as some predicted and that they would need time to learn the system so to speak. But they also see a lot of upside potential in this team (hence, the coach on the rise commentary), just maybe not this year so much.

              But I will continue to support Les in hopes that the best is yet to come with this team. Next year will be the one that potentially defines his run here.


              • #8
                I support him 100 percent.


                • #9
                  I support BU and whomever is in charge (Jim Les) , but he needs to start making adjustments big time defensively if he wants my continued support. I know of all the things positive he has done since coming to BU but the most important thing left is to start winning games as that is what good coaches are paid to do, next year should be his last unless he figures this out.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by dogsrus View Post
                    I will support JL as long as he is at BU.....

                    I also don't consider the majority of criticism
                    "bashing" but everyone see's that differently.
                    i feel the same. i would rather jl right the ship but the ship is off course. coaching changes sometimes are the made. this is big-time college basketball and it is a results oreintated business.


                    • #11
                      Thanks for starting the thread.
                      I support Coach Les, and will continue to support him for as long as he is the coach.


                      • #12
                        I support Jim 100% and always have. I'm a Bradley fan and he's our coach and has always been a credit to the University. I wasn't a big supporter of the coach before DV, but I never missed a game and cheered for the Braves just as much as I do now. I know most everyone on this board wishes the Braves were having a better season, but this is a board about Bradley basketball and IMO, there are too many on this board who seem to think if someone has an opinion different than theirs, they are BU haters. Not so. GO BRAVES. The season isn't over yet.
                        Last edited by Chico; 01-10-2010, 04:09 PM.
                        What part of illegal don't you understand?


                        • #13
                          I support JL and BU


                          • #14
                            I will always support the coach and the program. It doesn't mean either one is above criticism or questioning if they're not meeting the standards of excellence this program has established over the last 100+ years.
                            Onward and Upward!


                            • #15
                              I support JL too. If I didn't, I wouldn't bother to complain about his decisions in-game!


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