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Wessler- Better days are not ahead

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  • #46
    I don't have a problem with JL being the players' friend, or a players' coach. But there needs to be a 'bad cop' to go with JL's 'good cop'. I think CB kind of played that role when he was on the bench, especially in practice. I'm not sure there's that 'bad cop' on the staff right now.
    Onward and Upward!


    • #47
      Excuses are for losing teams.

      Good teams win games, with or without players.
      When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
        Here is KW's entire paragraph where you say he acknowledges the injuries-
        Bradley is not the only Valley team with an injury or two, or a player suspension that cut down on the rotation.
        Injuries happen. So do suspensions. So you play with a shorter bench than you??™d like. And yes, over a 30-game regular season, even the best teams encounter nights when they don??™t shoot well, or their legs are dead, or they get outhorsed and overwhelmed by a hot or superior opponent.

        You may be the one who needs to re-read the article.
        The intent of this only mention of injuries is not to acknowledge that they played a part, but to dismiss them as any possible cause for this team's underachieving.
        IMO, things like injuries don't always even out as he suggests.
        What?? He is completely acknowledging that injuries will lead to a few lost games but the point is it should be no excuse when it leads to a lost season (if this season is going to be lost).

        I don't get you completely disagree with the article or something? Do you think the braves are playing well? Overall the article is stating the obvious....the braves are not playing well. Then it states his opinion that he does not think they will do very well in the future either, yet he acknowledges he could be wrong and there is a possibility to turn the corner. I don't see what there is to disagree about in this column...except maybe the opinion part but even then he stated he could be wrong and the braves could play well later on. What's the big deal?


        • #49
          Originally posted by Chico View Post
 biggest mistake is getting on this board during the off season and reading ....
          so your saying that reading what others say is your biggest mistake?
          Why..because you believed it?
          I think that's odd...I read tons of what others say, and if it turns out not to be true, I don't have a freakin' fact, much of the time, I actually predict is won't be true and then enjoy watching when it's not...


          • #50
            Bottom line....coaches are hired to win.

            BU is not winning.

            They are not winning home games.

            They are not winning conference titles.

            They are not winning tourney titles.

            They are not going to the NCAA.

            Isn't that what we want?
            When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
              This seems like a silly question. I support Bradley. Who do you support?
              Apparently, you are a supporter of:
              Bradley when they win.

              It may irk a few people, but the truth is that the administration supports Jim Les, so apparently you think they are irrational, too.
              And so do a lot of fans.
              I support BU.

              Sorry DC...Supporting BU is independent of supporting a coach whose recruiting and players are not getting it done. My Kool Aid hangover is killing me.

              As a "BU Fan", did you unequivocably support MO until after the BU administration removed him? Did you stand up to PJS Sports Editors' cruel stories about the BU teams and Coach Mo...If not, I smell hipocracy...

              Re the adminstrations support of JL. it must not care about wins/ losses/ titles. Revenues and the cost of eating the contract they gave JL must be the reason for support.

              You can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time. More seasons like this, and the last three, and the reasons the administration continues to support JL, attendance, donations, and sponsors, will disappear.

              Your attack responses to anyone who dares to utter anything negative about this coach/BU program's lack of progress are amusing.

              KW doesn't have an agenda, he is just reporting what he sees. I admire him for not being a HOMER, not being drunk on Kool Aid, not ignoring JL's empty promises, and not afraid to say the "Emperor" has no clothes.
              BUilding for the Future


              • #52
                I'd be curious as to what a contract buyout would be versus revenue lost from dwindling attendance and season ticket holders not renewing if JL came back. Of course the die-hards would still be there, but they were still there when Mo was canned too. I don't know the answers to these questions and don't have the numbers, but I am sure these are questions the administration will ask if things don't turn around this season.
                Onward and Upward!


                • #53
                  Originally posted by lefty View Post
                  As one who has defended the Journal writers and as well as been critical of the "kool-aid" drinkers on this board....I did think the article while truthful was a little harsh as well.
                  I mean it's not like I'll never read the paper again but I thought he stated the obvious. I'm guessing JL knows they need to change something to be successful...

                  And while KW has pretty much declared the season over I will reserve judgement until the season is over. I don't see it turning around the way we have played the last several games but we still have to play the games to know for sure....and I know it's KW's opinion so it is what it is
                  ..I almost wonder if KW wrote this article with JL's blessing, because JL has been unsuccessful thus far in motivating the players to play D.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by ph View Post
                    ..I almost wonder if KW wrote this article with JL's blessing, because JL has been unsuccessful thus far in motivating the players to play D.
                    There's no way JL would give the OK to someone to write an article that throws him under the bus like this article does.
                    Onward and Upward!


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by ph View Post
                      ..I almost wonder if KW wrote this article with JL's blessing, because JL has been unsuccessful thus far in motivating the players to play D.
                      You are joking, right.

                      Jim is only friends with Dave as far as media goes.
                      When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by BradleyJD View Post
                        You are joking, right.

                        Jim is only friends with Dave as far as media goes.
                        As in Snell right? He's called Reynolds at home before and yelled at him about stuff he's written. He's also bitten his head off at postgame pressers...after wins!
                        Onward and Upward!


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by BradleyBrave View Post
                          As in Snell right? He's called Reynolds at home before and yelled at him about stuff he's written. He's also bitten his head off at postgame pressers...after wins!
                          That is no surprise to me.
                          When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.


                          • #58
                            Your signature says it all about the love/hate relationship with JL:
                            "I envision Missouri Valley Championships".

                            We all loved JL for his story (former overachieving BU player coming back to save his university's basketball program), for his enthusiasm and confidence in himself to get BU championships under his reign.

                            The fact the program hasn't achieved the success we all hoped and prayed for, as espoused by this inexperienced coach, and the endless string of reasons it hasn't happened, has led some to suggest a change.

                            If only JL had claimed - "I envision Missouri Valley Championships in year 9 or 10, if injuries don't get in the way, if I have a new practice facility, if my players stay for four years, and if the NCAA will rule my recurits eligible" perhaps public opinion would be different..
                            BUilding for the Future


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by BradleyBrave View Post
                              As in Snell right? He's called Reynolds at home before and yelled at him about stuff he's written. He's also bitten his head off at postgame pressers...after wins!
                              Uhhh, is this something that has been verified in the press? I know people speak about what Les may have done behind the scenes, but I would never make a statement like this without proof that it actually happened. Show me where he supposedly called Reynolds at home and yelled at him. If you can't, starting a scandalous rumor like that could easily damage Les's reputation, no matter how much people may or may not like him as a coach!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Bravesfan View Post
                                Uhhh, is this something that has been verified in the press? I know people speak about what Les may have done behind the scenes, but I would never make a statement like this without proof that it actually happened. Show me where he supposedly called Reynolds at home and yelled at him. If you can't, starting a scandalous rumor like that could easily damage Les's reputation, no matter how much people may or may not like him as a coach!
                                Verified by the press? Give me a break. Do I have the reputation on here of just making things up? Regarding what I said -

                                1 - My friend works at the PJ Star and talks to DR on a daily basis, so I take his word for it. You can email or call him yourself and ask him. PM me for his contact info.

                                2 - I was at the presser and eyewitnessed JL berating Reynolds after the win over Wichita St at home 3 years ago (Turgeon's last year), so I am not sure what else I need to verify. There are other posters on this board that were in the presser with me who saw the exact same thing.

                                I don't dislike JL. I've said that many times. I just think his time has passed as our coach. He'll always be a BU legend to me, just like Joe Stowell remained a legend after his time as coach had passed.
                                Onward and Upward!


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