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Bob Knight Trashes John Calipari

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  • #31
    Originally posted by tornado View Post
    I just wouldn't want to chance my son getting choked or having his esteem torn down...

    who are the Bob Knight disciples (assistants under him) who are still coaching..?
    I know of Pat Knight, and Mike Davis who's at UAB but was run out of IU..
    all the rest (Jim Crews, Royce Waltman, Dan Dakich, Bob Donewald, etc) are all come?
    Coach K has at least 6 ex-assistants still actively coaching...
    ARE YOU SERIOUS HERE? Coach K is a RMK disciple!!! Come on T. I hate night, but everything he said here is correct, and Calipari is far worse for the sport than Knight ever could be. And you're argument that Knight had 5 star players his last 15 years??? Your nut's! He never had anywhere near that at TT! T, you're argument here is just throwing out stuff thats blatantly wrong.


    • #32
      Originally posted by amckillip View Post
      you're argument that Knight had 5 star players his last 15 years??? Your nut's! He never had anywhere near that at TT! T, you're argument here is just throwing out stuff thats blatantly wrong.
      If those were 5 star players then they were the worst I've ever seen. I'd say they were 3 and 4 stars at best...... and they were over rated. Knight probably did more with average talent than any coach in history, IMO. The man could coach (at least back in the day when kids listened and respected authority and were happy just to be getting a free quality education at a first class institution).


      • #33
        I'd take BK at BU, as long as we bolt the chairs down on the sidelines!
        BUilding for the Future


        • #34
          I just happen to hold the lowest part of my admiration scale for bullies...especially people who bully children, teenagers, women....
          then throw in a little arrogance and stoopidity and all those 900 wins are about as meaningful in my assessment of his character, as those rushing yards in your assesment of OJ Simpson's character.

          When a reporter asked Bobby Knight for a comment about the incident where Knight was taped chocking Neil Reed...Knight said..
          "...he may have grabbed the player around the neck for "motivational reasons." Further explaining the incident, Coach Knight reminded the press ..."who's heard about Neil Reed in the past three years?"

          Much of the press has helped protect their darling Bobby, but a few have spoken out about the guy and his ".. record of punching a Puerto Rican police officer, kicking and head-butting players, and allegedly assaulting a stranger in a Bloomington restaurant parking lot"....and more.
          You can worship who you want, but where freedom of religion reigns, I choose not to worship a bully and a thug who has the manners and persona of Attila the Hun.


          • #35
            I don't think anyone is "worshipping" Knight. And I think everyone can agree he is a bully and a thug. I would even say he has no right to trash Calipari as he is equally easy to trash for his own numerous character flaws and "incidents".

            However, there is no denying his ability to mold a group of average players into a successful team (at least during the first 25-30 years of his coaching career). I would argue that he may be the best "one game" coach in history. If you had to pick a coach to win just one game he is definately in the top five all time.


            • #36
              when has he ever had a group of "average players"...certainly not at IU, but that's my point..
              once he went to Texas Tech and was no longer getting players everyone else wanted, then he wasn't exactly molding them into much of anything...
              some left, some underperformed, some still got slapped around...
              Knight even stooped to doing a silly, scripted, phony "reality show" adding to his baloon-boy/I-just-wanna-be-admired-and-worshipped persona...
              and in the end, Bobby burned out and quit mid-season when he realized he couldn't go anywhere with "average players".
              Sarah Palin and others get ripped for being quitters, but Knight stays just long enough to win 900, so he gets honored and rewarded with a TV gig.


              • #37
                Originally posted by tornado View Post
                Chair chucking choker chides cheater

                btw-- of all the high school All Americans and great players and great scorers that he recruited and who played at IU,
                name one who played more than a year or two under Knight, who had a nice NBA career and averaged more than 10 ppg?

                and what was the latest GSR (Graduation Success Rate) & Federal Graduation Rate at Texas Tech that covered Bob Knight's players?
                Could the 22% be right? I thought he always graduated his players?
                Right Message! Wrong Messenger!!


                • #38
                  Knight reinterated his belief today during the ESPN broadcast....that no matter what happens at any institution, the NCAA penalties should be laid on the coach and not on the school or the players.
                  I find this to be very weird...especially given what just happened to Indiana....that they knowingly hired a cheater, cheered wildly when he landed 5-star players and wins, and backed the guy 1000% even when the evidence was clear.....until they knew it was best to distance themselves from him.

                  Many, many other schools, like USC, UConn, etc..have shown a pattern of encouraging the coach to cheat, and help to hide facts when he does..

                  So I think Knight's opinions are really silly and would result in schools going hog wild with cheating, knowing that they won't be held accountable....all they have to do, like Kentucky did, would be to jettison one guy then hire another.

                  Knight also continued ad nauseum, his endless tendency to whine about refs and how little they know and how bad of a job they routinely do.
                  I'm sure Bobby could do a better job...


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by tornado View Post
                    Knight reinterated his belief today during the ESPN broadcast....that no matter what happens at any institution, the NCAA penalties should be laid on the coach and not on the school or the players.
                    I find this to be very weird...especially given what just happened to Indiana....that they knowingly hired a cheater, cheered wildly when he landed 5-star players and wins, and backed the guy 1000% even when the evidence was clear.....until they knew it was best to distance themselves from him.

                    Many, many other schools, like USC, UConn, etc..have shown a pattern of encouraging the coach to cheat, and help to hide facts when he does..

                    So I think Knight's opinions are really silly and would result in schools going hog wild with cheating, knowing that they won't be held accountable....all they have to do, like Kentucky did, would be to jettison one guy then hire another.

                    Knight also continued ad nauseum, his endless tendency to whine about refs and how little they know and how bad of a job they routinely do.
                    I'm sure Bobby could do a better job...
                    T? I hate Bobby Knight, and growing up in Indiana, thats a tough position to defend. But his opinions on NCAA basketball are both inflammatory, and reformatory, exactly what the NCAA needs to have on ESPN right now. You of all people should be hoping Knights opinions get more airplay, as they punish all the programs you continually bash here...


                    • #40
                      During todays Butler/Xavier game, Knight stated that he wouldn't put a man on the inbounder during a last second half court shot. He said he would put a man around the 3 point line as a free floater to attempt a pass deflection. Kind of gives Les a 2nd vote of confidence I guess LOL.



                      • #41
                        Originally posted by jasonpeoria911 View Post
                        During todays Butler/Xavier game, Knight stated that he wouldn't put a man on the inbounder during a last second half court shot. He said he would put a man around the 3 point line as a free floater to attempt a pass deflection. Kind of gives Les a 2nd vote of confidence I guess LOL.

                        Actually, Knight said that in regards to after a made basket, when a inbounder can run the line. I actually am OK with JL's decision, that last play was more due to TB's bad defense...


                        • #42
                          Knight isn't prefect. But from my experiences with Knight, the guy isn't a monster. People will always have strong opinions on one side or the other, but off the court, he can show remarkable compassion at times, just as he can display a incredible rage, and fierce desire to win on the court. The guy isn't perfect, but in all honesty, if I was looking at who I thought would teach a son of mine more about growing up, i'd take Knight over Calipari in a heartbeat. It is simply a matter of opinion though. But from what I know of Knight, even with the choking mistake, he actually comes out on top as far as overall character over Calipari for me.
                          Sungani umoyo womseko na wokonda waumbiri anznga.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by amckillip View Post
                            Actually, Knight said that in regards to after a made basket, when a inbounder can run the line. I actually am OK with JL's decision, that last play was more due to TB's bad defense...
                            I don't know. When they can't move with 2.5 it would have been nice to not make it easy to throw the ball in with AT or WE on the ball
                            the pass has to be high then and everyone knows where it will go...

                            and I agree it was bad D form TB....


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Braves4Life View Post
                              I don't think anyone is "worshipping" Knight. And I think everyone can agree he is a bully and a thug. I would even say he has no right to trash Calipari as he is equally easy to trash for his own numerous character flaws and "incidents".

                              However, there is no denying his ability to mold a group of average players into a successful team (at least during the first 25-30 years of his coaching career). I would argue that he may be the best "one game" coach in history. If you had to pick a coach to win just one game he is definately in the top five all time.
                              I don't agree that Knight is a bully or a thug. He is one of the best all-time college coaches. He didn't have a recruiting violation in all his years of coaching.

                              Demonizing Knight is so far off topic. I really hope that Calipari turns into Sampson soon.
                              JL are not respunsible foor the string of injunrys....


                              • #45
                                anyone watch Knight do the Kansas game?? many times does he say one thing,
                                like how bad the refs miss a call, or how an elbow to the jaw is not a violation, or how a player gets away with travelling...

                                then Knight watches the video replay and totally reverses himself...
                                time and time again, he lambasts a ref, a player, or makes a comment about a missed call, then the replay proves him wrong!
                                Thank God the guy isn't still coaching, he'd make a fool of himself every game...

                                I guess maybe if the guy was capable of learning a single lesson, it's that maybe he should admit that lots of calls are routinely missed and lots of times when he thinks the refs get the call wrong, the replay proves they got it right...
                                thus he should shut up about the refs and stop his incessant ripping of them.


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